Use "handing" in a sentence

1. back-handing: see also Backhanding‎ back-handing (English) Verb back-handing Present participle of back-hand

2. But there is no handing over.

3. Firebug said, handing the packages back.

4. If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons.

5. Geeta handing on by the skin of her teeth

6. Method and system for handing off local access service

7. I don't benefit from handing out headlines to other people.

8. 12 Read over your written work before handing it in.

9. Airplot: handing in the title deeds to No 10

10. (22) Forward and further Adducing handing and notices while normal running

11. Abbot, this affects the handing down of Shaolin martial arts to posterity.

12. Images of desperate freedom-fighters handing the packet round behind the barricade.

13. Handing hands with your significant other is on of life's simple pleasures.

14. Inswing Rubber Boot for Aluminum T-Astragal - Choose Handing Astragal Boots

15. Before handing in his application to his teacher, he proofread it again.

16. She toyed uncertainly with the idea of handing in her resignation today.

17. 2 You should read over your test paper before handing it in.

18. The handing over of the marriage certificates was an emotional scene.

19. Handing down wealth to kids is often a no-win situation.

20. Bebat wants to make handing in your discarded batteries as convenient as possible

21. The chairman was criticized for his maladroit handing of the press conference.


23. I was all over the city yesterday handing my cards out to homeless men.

24. It was not an indiscriminate method of handing out money to all and sundry.

25. “I came to give you this,” he said to Arben, handing him an amplifier.

26. You were handing the lollipops out to people in line, and talking about Shinerama.

27. Synonyms for Consigning include entrusting, committing, giving, delegating, trusting, leaving, vesting, passing, assigning and handing

28. It's obviously that the damage is caused by rough handing, please claim to insurance agent.

29. A leading councillor is concerned about the way the Government is handing out community care cash.

30. Cellophane favor bags are a great option for birthday parties when handing out party favors

31. 4 He tried to hijack the guard into handing him the keys of the safe.

32. One of them was dressed in a Bugs Bunny rabbit costume and was handing out leaflets.

33. For starters: "temporarily" handing over his power to deputies Accustoms his subjects to government by

34. First, there is the residency requirement already mentioned, which member states can impose when handing out subsidies.

35. Some franchises were given to former mujahideen soldiers in return for handing in their Kalashnikovs.

36. Customers clamour at the counter as thick as if they were handing out free tickets to Dublin.

37. The Mayor with a local school girl, handing her empty cans over to Alcan mascot, Ali Can.

38. The handing-over report shall also contain the result of the trial balance and any reservations made.

39. 15 The commission will seek to arbitrate a resolution before handing down a decision in late summer.

40. Successful schmoozing isn'tglad-handing or insincere sucking up -- although expressing since readmiration can be an important schmooze tactic.

41. 3 It was like soccer's World Cup host country handing over the television rights to the visiting nations.

42. You know, it's remarkable how universal the gesture is of handing your camera to a total stranger.

43. Ex-students pay their respects to the former teachers by visiting them Chunju and handing a carnation .

44. Synonyms for Attornment include traditio brevi manu, assignment, conveyance, giving, transfer, alienation, consignment, demise, devise and handing down

45. Chet initially distributed the utility as shareware, handing out copies only to members of his local users' group.

46. 'What Will We Achieve By Handing Over The Country To Babus': PM Modi Gives Big Endorsement To Private Sector

47. A distinctively human form of Altruistic behavior involves handing nutritious food to needy strangers, even when one desires the food.

48. Synonyms for Anteing up include contributing, giving, donating, putting up, granting, bestowing, presenting, gifting, according and handing out

49. Many publishers find that handing one to a person is a good way to introduce themselves and start conversations.

50. Continuous delivery (CD) puts your hard work into action, handing off Ci-validated code to your application via structured deployment pipelines.

51. Eventually, he stopped handing over housekeeping money, and Miyoko had to walk the hour’s distance to the Kingdom Hall.

52. The following July, the band also took part in the official handing-over ceremony, which took place in South Africa.

53. I managed to calm him down by handing him my camera, just as one would do to mollify an angry child.

54. A lot of people started handing in pellet guns and antique muzzle-loaders they've been keeping for years without a licence.

55. Cerium looses 4 electrons handing them over to the surrounding oxygen leaving aside defects, this means it has a 4+ oxidation state

56. In the chemistry lab, it is important to use care when handing substances that may act as an Antagonism to one another.

57. For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx.

58. Universal machine, fiber machine, wood ma-chine, packing machine, handing machine, forced fan, grinder, buckled plate printing-ma-chine, dyer, itemize machine......

59. The Vatican Almoner meanwhile dispensed charity on the pope's behalf to homeless people sleeping rough around Rome's main train station Termini, handing out …

60. Another issue we saw in Linux is that under load, one core would get saturated, doing network soft interrupt handing, throttling network IO.

61. Check out our Spring Calendar of events and be on the lookout for Chew's dedicated team of Peer Health Educators handing

62. On that handing over, intra-Community acquisition takes place and a claim arises for the exemption of the intra-Community supply.

63. Many schools were established by communities on a self-help basis, with the intention of handing them over to the government.

64. 24 Universal machine, fiber machine, wood ma-chine, packing machine, handing machine, forced fan, grinder, buckled plate printing-ma-chine, dyer, itemize machine......

65. Ball went into halftime with seven Assists, already on pace for a strong performance, before handing out nine in the third quarter

66. Carrying golf bags and handing golfers their golf clubs are among the most visible aspects of the job of golf Caddies, but

67. Contactless pay technology allows consumers to make purchases with debit or credit without inserting a card or handing it to a cashier

68. 28 With the Bears pushing Oregon State around nearly at will, Cal quarterback Justin Vedder spent most of the day handing off.

69. 15 With the Bears pushing Oregon State around nearly at will, Cal quarterback Justin Vedder spent most of the day handing off.

70. Perhaps the biggest Concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy.The idea of handing over important data to another company worries some people

71. In reality, they were handing over their children to a life of malnourishment, harsh training schedules and vicious beatings by the circus staff.

72. When you start your computer, the computers boots the Bios, which configures your hardware before handing off to a boot device (usually your hard drive).

73. In Christ's crucifixion based on the New Testament, Judas expedites the downfall of Jesus by handing him over to the Roman Empire's officials

74. The Cabman had descended, and the passengers within were handing out the articles which they desired him to carry up to the house

75. Today’s It-girls are all in it rocking their sneakers with rigid chain Anklets, either tightly wrapped above the ankle or nonchalantly handing down

76. At the same time, he was estranged from his sister and her husband, who suspected him of handing over sensitive information about the government.

77. The role of the Catholic Church in East Timor grew following the Portuguese government handing over the education of the Timorese to the Church in 1941.

78. Vinyl Oak Accordion Door trims easily to any height and has reversible handing, allowing the option of installing two of these doors (priced separately) as a double door

79. 13 Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.

80. The coaches were the first to speak, after all, and dutifully avoided handing their opponents motivational nuggets by relying on well-worn phrases about "respect" and "not underestimating anyone".