Use "groundwater level" in a sentence

1. Many dams accidents result from its abutment stabilizing failure caused by the high groundwater level.

2. There is limited information at the national level on groundwater extraction rates, or the extent of contamination.

3. Groundwater abstraction and artificial groundwater recharge schemes not included in Annex I

4. ‘(l) Groundwater abstraction and artificial groundwater recharge schemes not included in Annex I.’

5. (l) Groundwater abstraction and artificial groundwater recharge schemes not included in Annex I;

6. Quarries in level areas with shallow groundwater or which are located close to surface water often have engineering problems with drainage.

7. Groundwater polluted, unsafe to drink.

8. They use groundwater heated by firewood.

9. Large quantities of Brackish groundwater exist throughout the study area, generally as part of complex groundwater systems

10. Groundwater sustainability plans working Backwardsto identify

11. Atrazine has been found in groundwater

12. They use groundwater heated by firewood

13. We're testing the soil and groundwater now.

14. Water resources management, surface and groundwater hydrology.

15. Similarly, a high clay content in soils reduces groundwater flow and adsorbs lead, reducing its concentration in groundwater.

16. The Baluchistan groundwater rights administration ordinance

17. Cesspools concentrate the wastewater in one location, often deep within the ground and in direct contact with groundwater, causing groundwater contamination.

18. There are fears that groundwater might become contaminated.

19. Dilution of groundwater falls behind of soil desalinization.

20. 13 The groundwater recharge, specific yield of aquifer, groundwater storage and the yield can also be gotten by the said method.

21. Cesspools concentrate the wastewater in one location, often deep within the ground and in direct contact with groundwater, causing groundwater contamination

22. The Potomac groundwater Amphipod was found to have cryptic

23. The groundwater in confined Aquifers is usually under pressure.

24. The groundwater is 300 feet deep, 100 meters.

25. Act 2 established a MSC of 250 mg/l for Chlorides in groundwater based on the Secondary Maximum Concentration Level (SMCL) promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection

26. 14C dating suggests a groundwater age of 11,000 years.

27. We are still worried about the groundwater mystery, however.

28. Groundwater contamination or well abandonment is a major concern.

29. 8 There are fears that groundwater might become contaminated.

30. the effect of water treatment processes on the nature of residues present in surface and groundwater, when surface water or groundwater are abstracted for drinking water;

31. Beneath Australia’s parched crust lie 19 major groundwater basins.

32. Compensatory storage will not intercept the seasonal high groundwater table

33. Littoral's groundwater commonly keeps in the aquiferous system which is composed of multi-aquifer and feebleness dank layers, each layers' groundwater is exploited in various degree.

34. The sandy vegetation in regional zonal vegetation has little to do with groundwater depth, however the wetland vegetation in azonal vegetation is much related to groundwater.

35. Actually, groundwater moderates the effects of acid rain. Glaciers 51.

36. A slug test is a controlled field experiment performed by groundwater hydrologists to estimate the hydraulic properties of aquifers and aquitards in which the water level in a control well is caused to change suddenly (rise or fall) and the subsequent water-level response

37. 3 Grass-fed beef Feedlot waste piles up and ruins groundwater.

38. Most deep groundwater does not need screening before other purification steps.

39. An Artesian aquifer is a confined aquifer containing groundwater under positive pressure

40. Not surprisingly, this washed into the soil and hence into local groundwater.

41. Keywords: hydrogeology, groundwater, underground space, aggregate, mining, sedimentary rocks, Niagara Escarpment.

42. Gases are released, and groundwater may increase in temperature and acidity.

43. Eventually, every landfill liner will leak, allowing pollutants to contaminate groundwater.

44. The Panel recognizes that Shell indicated that it could address regional groundwater issues through cooperation agreements with adjacent leaseholders and that it will undertake monitoring of project-scale impacts on groundwater.

45. Groundwater in karst areas is just as easily polluted as surface streams.

46. Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.

47. 9722-E57 - Consumptive Water Use and Groundwater Withdrawals in Irrigated Lands - Completed FY2014

48. The database links with information in the Groundwater, Pesticides, and Acid Rain databases.

49. Bioremediation uses microorganisms to degrade organic contaminants in soil, groundwater, sludge, and solids

50. Nitrogen compounds accumulate in soils and the atmosphere and penetrate into groundwater reservoirs.

51. Banned pesticides, 40 times as powerful as DDT, leached out into the groundwater.

52. Also, regulation may prohibit the addition of some nutrients to groundwater - eg nitrate.

53. Chart 5-1 Decreases in Free Cyanide Concentrations in Cryolite Area Groundwater Wells

54. Abstract class representing a WFD body of surface water or body of groundwater.

55. However, much of that CO2 is coming from exchange with groundwater and floodplains.

56. Zimmerman believes the time has come for Tucsonans to stop relying on groundwater.

57. Trends in groundwater level (1995–2009) in 57 wells in the Holocene unconfined aquifer and 63 wells in the Pleistocene confined aquifer were determined by applying the non-parametric Mann-Kendall trend test and Sen’s slope estimator.

58. We developed statistical models of Colluvium and shallow-groundwater distributions to aid landslide hazard assessments

59. Twenty species of Amphipods are known from Arkansas, with most being found in groundwater environments

60. Some irrigation areas overestimated volume of exploitable groundwater, and the trend of table decline continues.

61. Almost all of them are Contaminating groundwater with toxins above levels that the U.S

62. A crucial difference between punctual versus linear afflux of groundwater has not been observed.

63. Additional measurements in soil water and groundwater allocate the accumulation to various soil layers.

64. Sometimes conventional biological reactors are used to clean-up groundwater and/or contaminated soils.

65. • Cresols may last longer in deep groundwater or water that does not have bacteria

66. Another aim is to ensure an adequate supply of good-quality surface and groundwater.

67. This led to additional groundwater testing for loading sites in four more targeted areas.

68. The Aquifers containing groundwater beneath our feet are vital to our way of life

69. Additional measurements in soil water and groundwater allocate the accumulation to various soil layers

70. Beryllium is not likely to move deeper into the soil and dissolve within groundwater

71. The fate of PhACs in our model is crucially driven by interactions with groundwater.

72. An investigation revealed that the mine was polluting both the air and the groundwater.

73. Using the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster in Ukraine as a case study, this volume describes the assessment of groundwater vulnerability and an improved methodology based on integration of the methods of hydrogeological zonation and modeling of Anomalously fast migration of radioactive contaminants from the land surface toward groundwater, to aid in evaluating groundwater vulnerability

74. Aldrin binds strongly to soil particles and is very resistant to leaching into groundwater

75. (a) all services providing abstraction, impoundment, distribution and treatment of surface water or groundwater;

76. Air emissions (off-gases) containing organic compounds stripped from the groundwater may have to be treated.

77. The shallow groundwater quality in the study area is suitable for agricultural and drinking purposes.

78. The ACF have specifically raised their concerns about possible contamination of groundwater from mine operations.

79. On the other hand, confined-aquifer groundwater levels experienced downward trends in almost all locations.

80. If Cresols ingress into the groundwater the water will no longer be suitable for drinking