Use "grinning" in a sentence

1. Grinning like village idiots.

2. He turned around, grinning hugely.

3. A synonym for Chortle is grinning.

4. 30 I walked away, still grinning.

5. 11 He turned around, grinning hugely.

6. 12 What are you grinning about?

7. Yes, beaming, grinning like a shark.

8. He stood there grinning like an oaf.

9. 15 He was grinning like an idiot .

10. Grinning soldiers crowded around the partition.

11. 26 He kneels by my head, grinning.

12. Grinning shyly, he offered her a drink.

13. He just stood there, tonguetied and grinning sheepishly.

14. He lay grinning impishly up at me.

15. 5 Yes, beaming, grinning like a shark.

16. 10 He lay grinning impishly up at me.

17. 8 He appeared in the doorway grinning broadly.

18. 7 He lurched through the bar, grinning inanely.

19. 5 He stared down at her, grinning vacuously.

20. He was grinning proudly, delighted with his achievements.

21. 28 She sat back down again, grinning broadly.

22. 24 Young said,[] grinning at the thought.

23. He appeared in the doorway grinning broadly.

24. 25 Yes, beaming, grinning like a shark.

25. He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.

26. I asked my grinning neighbor what the title meant.

27. 23 Grinning shyly, he offered her a drink.

28. 18 He stood there grinning like an oaf.

29. 16 He was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

30. 6 Jack was grinning all over his chops.

31. 3 Stop grinning and tell me what happened!

32. 1 He was grinning from ear to ear.

33. The jumpers stumble forward as they hit, grinning and laughing.

34. 19 She looked at us, grinning from ear to ear.

35. 9 Mild-mannered Stanley morphs into a confident, grinning hero.

36. 2 He was grinning proudly, delighted with his achievements.

37. But behind the mask of self righteousness he was grinning.

38. 22 I asked my grinning neighbor what the title meant.

39. 13 He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.

40. 27 Grinning like pumpkins, the children squatted around it.

41. 17 He walked out of the pool, grinning widely.

42. 14 Don't keep grinning at me;answer my question.

43. 4 He just stood there, tonguetied and grinning sheepishly.

44. Well, it's who we lost to that has us grinning.

45. 29 There was Hoppy Harper towering over the crowd, grinning.

46. 21 He was grinning widely, waving to her as he ran.

47. (verb) An example of Beaming is grinning with great joy when

48. I have also collected a species of tun shell, the grinning tun.

49. The grinning waiter set down a cup of coffee by my hand.

50. He was grinning now, his old soul-of-the-party trickster look.

51. 🔊 Grinning Cheerfully, the friendly hostess welcomed the guests to the

52. A lean , swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently.

53. 20 I can't help grinning at the funny things the child says.

54. Henceforth I went around grinning like an idiot, which wasn't difficult.

55. 30 synonyms for Beaming: smiling, happy, grinning, pleasant, sunny, cheerful, cheery, joyful, chirpy

56. Grinning like a dog with twa tails and beaming red the whole time.

57. 31 Adorably Fun Products That'll Have You Grinning From Ear To Ear

58. True joy does not express itself in constant chatter, laughter, smiling, or grinning.

59. There were grinning gnomes worked into the iron filigree, running downwards helter-skelter.

60. 11 It was pointed downwards, the jaws grinning, the muzzle close to the ground.

61. Jess is also cast in stereotypical light , the " grinning " negro, " all eyes and teeth ".

62. Grinning and waving, he puts the car into gear and steps on the accelerator.

63. “That’s bad for the company,” quips a grinning pioneer, “but good for our work.”

64. Two or three of my colleagues are also standing out there, grinning like goons.

65. The squirt is sitting on the end of the second row, grinning as Keith passes.

66. Shaker gave a loose salute, and the grinning ensign tapped his forehead with a finger.

67. 1 He tapped this malevolently against the glass, grinning all the while like a storybook bandit.

68. Whether it's grinning ginger kittens, delighted dolphins or Chortling chimps there's plenty of happiness out there

69. Then, as the sheer genius of the plot began to sink in they all started grinning.

70. Besotted A Besotted swell, grinning fatuously in his top hat, lolls semiconscious in his carriage

71. 27 Amelia called out cheerily to Jake, who remembered grinning, a grin tinged with anxiety.

72. He'd have looked you up and down, licked his lips and gone grinning from ear to ear.

73. 14 Loulse at the wheel still had her pout on, but he was grinning like a golfing fool.

74. A man with a carefully oiled black quiff is introduced to me by a grinning volunteer as Shakin' Stevens.

75. I was in Heaven, smelling everything[], grinning from east to west with the salivary promise of an upended cornucopia.

76. You know, that was the hardest part of having to portray you- - grinning like an idiot every 15 minutes.

77. Although the group still stressed positivity, there was nothing here of the dopey, grinning hippie stereotype of a year before.

78. 30 Although the group still stressed positivity, there was nothing here of the dopey, grinning hippie stereotype of a year before.

79. He was very polite, boyishly cheeky (always grinning), and a lot (if possible) better looking in real life than on tv.

80. Joy all around, except for Brer Fox, who is last seen with his tail in the teeth of a grinning Brer Gator