Use "greeted" in a sentence

1. Belinda greeted her warmly.

2. He greeted her demonstratively.

3. They greeted him joyfully.

4. He greeted her rudely.

5. He greeted us affably.

6. He greeted us with civility.

7. Dutiful applause greeted his speech.

8. The translation was warmly greeted.

9. “Hi, Sis,” he greeted her.

10. He greeted his friend jovially.

11. The announcement was greeted enthusiastically.

12. He greeted her most cordially.

13. Loud cheers greeted the news.

14. My stories were greeted with disbelief.

15. Many greeted his resignation with consternation.

16. The news was greeted with outrage.

17. I greeted her with a smile.

18. Aerodyte were old friends.” Edaline greeted

19. Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn.

20. He was greeted with ambivalent enthusiasm.

21. She was greeted with rapturous applause .

22. She greeted him with stiff formality.

23. He greeted me with a nod.

24. 6 Terry greeted the visitor warmly .

25. The news was greeted with astonishment.

26. He greeted Riley with open arms.

27. A sweet smell greeted the nose.

28. They greeted him with thunderous applause.

29. She greeted him with a smile.

30. He greeted the guests with effusion.

31. He greeted me with unaffected warmth.

32. However, some skepticism has greeted this hypothesis.

33. He was greeted as an old acquaintance.

34. The announcement was greeted with great hilarity.

35. The announcement was greeted with thunderous applause.

36. We were greeted with warmth and friendliness.

37. Their offer was greeted with some suspicion.

38. Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader.

39. His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.

40. The old man had greeted her gleefully.

41. 3 They greeted and smooched each other.

42. He greeted us in a demonstrative manner.

43. His speech was greeted with thunderous applause .

44. The two men greeted one another warmly.

45. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.

46. His speech was greeted by loud cheers.

47. He greeted me with a strong, Comradely …

48. With what joy we greeted one another!

49. Delegates greeted the news with tumultuous applause.

50. She greeted him enthusiastically with a kiss.

51. The news was greeted with widespread dismay.

52. The players were greeted by rousing cheers.

53. Our host greeted us at the door.

54. He greeted her by saying 'Good morning'.

55. The decree was greeted by further demonstrations.

56. The play was greeted with rapturous applause.

57. They greeted their visitor with formal politeness.

58. The announcement was greeted with loud guffaws.

59. A chorus of laughter greeted his remark.

60. Her acrobatics were greeted with loud applause.

61. I replied coolly. Dead silence greeted that.

62. The group was greeted by spontaneous applause.

63. All her remarks were greeted with acclamation.

64. I was greeted by a shocking sight.

65. The hostess greeted her guests with ease.

66. Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen.

67. 11 The two men greeted one another warmly.

68. 17 They greeted their visitor with formal politeness.

69. Republicans have greeted that explanation with deep skepticism.

70. His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.

71. The throng greeted Sutter with cheers and applause.

72. The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello.

73. The picture was greeted with gasps of Admiration

74. The move was greeted with widespread international condemnation.

75. Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn .

76. I was greeted with a show of cordiality.

77. Her speech was greeted with howls of derision.

78. She buzzed them in and greeted them warmly.

79. The performance was greeted with rhapsodies of praise.

80. He always greeted me with a new zinger.