Use "go to school" in a sentence

1. Do you go to school?

2. We go to school on weekdays.

3. Where did you go to school?

4. The children go to school on skis.

5. The boys go to school in groups.

6. She will have to go to school.

7. The little boy refused to go to school.

8. We go to school every day but Sunday.

9. The children go to school in a minibus.

10. Neither will Haw study nor go to school.

11. I go to school early. In the morn, Ing.

12. She can't go to school because she is ill.

13. Children need some orientation when they go to school.

14. You can go to school when you're old enough.

15. You should make your bed before you go to school.

16. In this country children of denizen go to school free.

17. They go to work and go to school as usual.

18. Your mum will go spare if you don't go to school!

19. Parents carry the burden of ensuring that children go to school.

20. We go to school to get knowledge about many different things.

21. How are you gonna go to school and have a baby?

22. Some children can read and write before they go to school.

23. They simply wanted to go to school -- that was their dream.

24. They didn't go to school today, they goofed off downtown instead.

25. 22 Everyday when I go to school, I pass a crosswalk.

26. Life is full of uncharted waters: Where should I go to school?

27. She feigned illness so that she wouldn't have to go to school.

28. You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not.

29. Why is it a mental disorder to hate to go to school?

30. My daughter's a bit poorly today, so she didn't go to school.

31. But I... I want to go to school to be a pastry chef.

32. 5 Tom doesn't want to go to school today, so he plays hookey .

33. In the daytime, we go to school, but in the evenings we play.

34. 16 My little girl does not go to school; she has a governess.

35. When I don't go to school, I work for the Victory [ palm plantation ] company

36. Some of the children living on the farms go to school in a minibus.

37. So you do vocational training, home education for those who cannot go to school.

38. We walked through these slums, identified houses where children would never go to school.

39. I worked two jobs at night and struggled to go to school during the day.

40. She is very shy and quiet, yearning for knowledge as she isn't allowed to go to school.

41. 21 She's crazy, trying to work, bring up a kid, and go to school too - it's masochism.

42. So everyday I would get up, go to school, sit in my desk and never learn a thing.

43. Beatrice was living in Uganda near the Congo border, and like Dai Manju, she didn't go to school.

44. 30 Farouk's six-year-old daughter, Farida, can not wait to go to school at the neighbouring mosque.

45. 39% Agreed to strongly Agreed that they go to school because of what they learn in their classes

46. And they were never allowed to go to school because they were an extra earning hand at home.

47. Even if they return to work for the same firm when their children go to school their seniority is lost.

48. She couldn't go to school for a few weeks because of illness, but she'll be able to catch up quickly.

49. And the kids are in prison, but they go to school from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon.

50. A man may always study, but he must not always go to school what a contemptible thing is an old Abecedarian!

51. My parents are from Argentina, and I've grown up in Manhattan my whole life and go to school in the Bronx.

52. The boys told me that they missed their homes and really wanted to leave the camp and go to school again.

53. I went to school at seven o'clock this morning although I don't belong to go to school until half past seven.

54. It was difficult for children to go to school, for old people to go to the clinic, and for us to go to the market.

55. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s father, Isaaki Solzhenitsyn, was a farmer and intellectual who worked his way to the University of Moscow and was the first in his family to go to school

56. 24 I got no man after me, I had to comb to the mirror, took the comb, benzene clumsy was a crooked ponytail, crustily skin of head back schoolbag go to school.

57. In the area of Massoud women and girls were allowed to work and to go to school, and in at least two known instances Massoud personally intervened against cases of forced marriage.

58. Clad means "dressed or covered." Most kids go to school Clad in jeans and t-shirts, but students in the Shakespeare club might show up Clad in velvet gowns or leather breeches.

59. Whether you work at the office, are a stay-at-home mom, go to school or work full time — whatever your schedule and personal style, you’ll discover a wide variety of Blouses perfect for your needs at Belk.

60. When your big brother or sister starts kindergarten, you may Bewail the fact that they can't play with you all day anymore but you'll be excited when you get to go to school also! The verb Bewail is from the Old Norse word væla, meaning to lament.

61. Total pancreatectomy with islet Autotransplantation has emerged as a surgical option for treating patients with debilitating pain from chronic pancreatitis.It may also be an option for patients with recurrent acute pancreatitis, who experience multiple hospitalizations that affect their quality of life, including their ability to work or go to school.

62. Once, Tante Atie says, she wanted to go to school, she says, but that time has passed—all that is important now, she believes, is that Sophie doesn’t have to work in the sugar cane fields, where Tante Atie and Sophie’s mother, Martine, and Tante Atie “practically lived when they were children.”Sophie thinks of the horrible stories about the fields Tante Atie has told her over the