Use "glaciers" in a sentence

1. Moraine rock glaciers, talus-derived rock glaciers, and avalanche rock glaciers are described from Grizzly Creek.

2. The glaciers melt.

3. The icebergs and glaciers calve.

4. A classification of Avalanching glaciers is proposed, which allows a primary appreciation of the danger inherent in these glaciers

5. The valley was carved out by glaciers.

6. Glaciers melting in the dead of nigh.

7. Severny Island is known for its numerous glaciers.

8. Melting Alpine glaciers yield Archaeologic troves, but clock ticking

9. This is the period of advancing and retreating glaciers.

10. Some 65% of the island is covered with glaciers.

11. In the northern hemisphere, many glaciers fused into one.

12. By early 2001, Popocatepetl's glaciers had become extinct; ice remained on the volcano, but no longer displayed the characteristic features of glaciers such as crevasses.

13. 17 All major Greenland glaciers end up in the ocean, and tidewater glaciers control 90 percent of the ice discharged by Greenland into the sea, " Rignot said."

14. Flowing water associated with glaciers may also deposit Alluvium, but …

15. Actually, groundwater moderates the effects of acid rain. Glaciers 51.

16. Lakes and glaciers cover about 6% of the national territory.

17. Yet these glaciers play an essential role in the water cycle.

18. 20,000 years ago, the glaciers were over ten times longer.

19. Waterfalls, water vapor, clouds, rain, springs, rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers...

20. Some of these glaciers seem to be just starting to form.

21. To the naked eye, glaciers don't appear to move at all.

22. Imbabura is intermittently capped with snow and has no permanent glaciers.

23. The retreat of the Ice Age glaciers formed the Littorina Sea.

24. Its relief was formed by ice age glaciers and subsequent slope movements.

25. Half the island is covered with glaciers reaching down into the sea.

26. Here's Lonnie with a last sliver of one of the once mighty glaciers.

27. When glaciers are in valleys, they are called Lineated valley fill (LVF).

28. That means that I use radar to study glaciers and ice sheets.

29. These mountains support glaciers and are one source of the Nile river.

30. Field to Saskatchewan Crossing: Walking Along Glaciers, Heinous Bushwhacks and Historic Crossings

31. The project employed satellite interferometry and altimetry to analyse changes to glaciers.

32. At the Third Pole, 2,000 glaciers are melting fast, faster than the Arctic.

33. Near the sea the glaciers scraped out their valleys well below sea level.

34. It's over 100 miles long and one of the largest glaciers on Earth.

35. The majority of crevasse deaths happen to those who travel across glaciers unroped.

36. A 2018 study found that 10.7 percent of Antarctica's coastal glaciers are in retreat

37. Alpine glaciers have been retreating, sea levels have risen and climatic zones are shifting.

38. Bler Rusha saved Lake Agnes Trail to Plain of Six Glaciers Trail Loop

39. However, “ice shelves act as a buttress, or braking system, for glaciers,” states the report.

40. Alpine glaciers have been retreating, sea levels have risen, and climatic zones are shifting.

41. The interplay of active volcanoes and glaciers forms a dynamic landscape of great beauty.

42. Avalanches are an additional concern since ice masses become detached from glaciers year round.

43. Sedimentary rocks that are deposited by glaciers have distinctive features that enable their identification.

44. And in the Andes, some glaciers have shrunk by 50% in just 30 years.

45. Events like this have become increasingly common, as Greenland's glaciers flow faster into the sea.

46. The valley was carved by glaciers and the glacial deposits have provided good agricultural areas.

47. Lakes may form in basins where there is sufficient precipitation or meltwater from glaciers above.

48. Crevasses make travel over glaciers hazardous, especially when they are hidden by fragile snow bridges.

49. Glaciers are simply accumulated snow, packed densely into ice over thousands, even millions, of years.

50. GLACIERS are formed when massive amounts of unmelted snow, crystals closely packed together, accumulate on mountainsides.

51. Later, glaciers and water shaped this landscape, leaving features like cirques, eskers, and alluvial fans.

52. The team also developed geophysical tools for measuring subsurface properties of glaciers and moraine dams.

53. Nourished by annual snow accumulation and often also by the seaward extension of land glaciers.

54. Afterwards, the glaciers it had been holding back started flowing up to six times faster.

55. In addition, the melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets can add to sea level rise.

56. “The flow of several large glaciers draining the Greenland Ice Sheet is accelerating,” reports Science magazine.

57. Here is some picture of Antarctica and a picture of Olympus Mons, very similar features, glaciers.

58. Glaciers were melting at an accelerated rate, and local weather patterns were changing, affecting crop viability.

59. It is nourished by annual snow accumulation and also by the seaward extension of land glaciers.

60. Approximately 60% of the archipelago is covered with glaciers, and the islands feature many mountains and fjords.

61. On Earth, the glaciers came and went, while above them the changeless Moon still carried its secret.

62. He first recognized glaciers as a powerful agent of erosion that had carved the Norwegian fjords.

63. 22 Where glaciers have scraped it off or rain has eroded it, the topsoil is thin.

64. Glaciers such as Jakobshavn are calving icebergs much faster than scientific models had predicted they would.

65. The Adamants tenure has diverse terrain - a mix of tight trees, wide-open glaciers and pillowy slopes

66. Since 1980 numerous small glacial lakes formed behind the new terminal moraines of several of these glaciers.

67. The way of the glaciers allowed him to fuse traditional creationism with the insights of modern science.

68. Ice growth involved the expansion of cirque glaciers and accumulation on upland surfaces that are now ice free.

69. Even on the world's highest peaks, in the heart of the Himalayas, eternal snows and glaciers are receding.

70. We still have half the world's forests, thousands of rivers, lakes and glaciers, and thousands of thriving species.

71. The Alaska Region represents a resource-rich, dynamic landscape shaped by volcanos, earthquakes, major rivers, and glaciers

72. And so I actually live in Canada now, so I've been visiting one of my local glaciers.

73. The South Engilchek Glacier and its side glaciers occupy the entire north side of Peak Jengish Chokusu.

74. Even the snow and the grinding, Cascading glaciers became divinely tender and fine in this celestial amethystine light

75. Cirques are bowl-shaped, amphitheater-like depressions that glaciers carve into mountains and valley sidewalls at high elevations.

76. With rugged wilderness, glaciers and shark-tooth summits, the Fitz Roy Range is the trekking capital of Argentina

77. These late Neoglacial terminal moraines appear, in general, to mark the greatest post-Pleistocene extent of the glaciers.

78. Moreover, smaller glaciers would mean that future water supplies would be reduced, negatively affecting energy production and agriculture.

79. 30 My thoughts, Like melting glaciers in March, Trickling sluggishly; Like limpid streamlet, Flowing merrily through your spring.

80. At Bighorn, the best bowls, glades and glaciers of the Monashees and the Selkirks are within your reach