Use "give regards to" in a sentence

1. Give my regards to everyone in Moscow.

2. Give Prince Noctis my regards.

3. I'll give her your regards.

4. Please give her my regards.

5. Please give/send my regards to your brother.

6. Be sure to give your family my regards.

7. Please give our regards to whoever is in charge.”

8. Anyway, give him my regards to that... suicidal romantic scoundrel.

9. Now, you be sure to give my regards to Hannah and the children.

10. The Commission accordingly regards the State guarantee granted to AFS as an illegal aid on the ground that the Italian authorities failed to give prior notification.

11. We have become concerned with regards to .....

12. Translate "Abrazos" to English: best regards

13. [04/07/20] COVID-19: Aromantica UPDATE We wanted to give you an update to let you know the latest position with regards to COVID-19 and our store opening.

14. He sends his regards.

15. With kind regards, Yours ...

16. [04/07/20] COVID-19: Aromantica UPDATE We wanted to give you an update to let you know the latest position with regards to COVID-19 and our store opening

17. In regards to 2000 Carrier Access Tariff File Name:

18. With best regards, Yours, George.

19. Apprizes: as in respects, regards

20. My husband sends his regards .

21. Safeguard Regulation as regards Aflatoxins

22. Both should enjoy the same rights (notably as regards access to lists of electors) and be similarly accountable (notably as regards reporting).

23. Affliction is a relatively unique spec in regards to Mythic+

24. As regards John, I will write to him at once.

25. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.

26. The Camarilla regards the Anarchs as …

27. He regards himself as a patriot.

28. The same applies to music in regards to pitch, tone and volume.

29. I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.

30. You can take the following actions with regards to Disputed Claims:

31. WSDOT's role in regards to scenic Byways has shifted now that

32. First, as regards usefulness, older people continue to perform useful services.

33. - one percentage point as regards moisture content,

34. As regards that,I'll break with her.

35. A company should be careful not to submit to discrimination in regards to employment.

36. He regards the political process with disdain.

37. Cuckney regards such managerial mobility as healthy.

38. Jane's father regards her fiance with approval.

39. (b) the use of the loan guarantees provided for in the 1998 decision with regards to the purchase of aircraft and with regards to the relocation of Olympic Airways to AIA;

40. Is there any stipulation as regards qualifications?

41. up to # % of actual costs as regards investment in non-productive features

42. He regards them as nothing, as an unreality.

43. As regards the first point in your letter ...

44. This problem regards every student in the school.

45. - acoustic measurements, in particular as regards sound-proofing,

46. Leon regards keeping fit as a serious business.

47. But we do expect it to be enforceable and actionable in all regards.

48. free purchases in order to take account of reality as regards connecting flights.

49. We've managed to match our closest competitors stride for stride as regards prices.

50. This philosophy regards the individual's right to be treated with respect as inviolate.

51. 2 He regards the political process with disdain.

52. Least, as regards Anticyclones, was challenged by Dr

53. You've no regards for principles of the underworld?

54. Tumin regards this as a very questionable assumption.

55. I have little information as regards his past.

56. The same applies to registered major sources as regards the packaging they accumulate.

57. This form of advertising is also without problems with regards to data protection.

58. The World Bank wishes to provide further information, with regards to this case, as follows:

59. 26 This problem regards every student in the school.

60. 79 As regards the Commission's objection to DSM's submission that this Court should declare the Polypropylene Decision non-existent or annul it as regards all its addressees, or at least as regards DSM, that claim specifically concerns DSM and is not identical to the forms of order sought by Monte.

61. Lakota tradition regards the Badger as an Earth Animal

62. I think he regards work as a necessary evil.

63. There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.

64. The Axon Network connects people, devices, and apps to protect life in all regards

65. He regards it as his mission to help the cause of the world peace.

66. The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907) regards this genealogy as spurious.

67. 16 The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.

68. Beware of him who regards not his reputation. 

69. The Axon Network connects people, devices, and apps to protect life in all regards

70. Rate of residual errors with regards to the accuracy of cost claims in FP6

71. In regards to the intelligence share with Moscow and getting something out of it.

72. He abhorred sterile polemics and was deeply distrustful in regards to fanaticism and sentimentalism.

73. She regards the marriage ceremony as a quaint anAchronism

74. As regards his weapons,... he has absolutely no idea.

75. Brassier advocates the disenchantment of humanity with its own centrality in regards to reality

76. Boy, we're in the 11th hour here in regards to closing this Denon deal.

77. To complicate matters further , differences exist as regards legal systems, trade customs and language.

78. 2/ Finally, as regards waterworks Appurtenant to the banks of watercourses undertaken by private

79. As regards temporary work, subsidiarity must be adhered to, as the rapporteur pointed out.

80. + 13 As regards the wheels, I heard a voice that called to them, “Wheelwork!”