Use "general staff" in a sentence

1. Airforce General Staff

2. Does that mean general staff?

3. Panic by the General Staff?

4. The Consulate General staff includes 82 U.S

5. The current Chief of the General Staff is Army General Valery Gerasimov.

6. Some officers of the general staff, I'd guess.

7. Connect me with Chief of Staff, General Marshall.

8. Abbreviations: D = Director, P = Professional, GS = General Staff.

9. June 1994, Deputy Director of Combat Training the General Staff.

10. From 1936 to 1945, he held various staff positions in the Naval General Staff Office in Tokyo.

11. The General Staff, however, still suspected Picquart of causing leaks.

12. Before attacking anything else, we should attack our General Staff.

13. All branches of the IDF answer to a single General Staff.

14. The General Staff wants to limit us to only three carriers.

15. Duties of the General Staff translated by William Aldworth Home Hare.

16. The Secretariat of ICCROM consists of the Director-General and staff.

17. For Caregivers Applications and information of general use to our staff

18. In 1867 Lewinski was promoted to major on the general staff.

19. Administrative services involving mainly general office work, e.g. scientific workers (including laboratory staff), technicians, clerical staff (accounts, sales, etc.) administrative staff (e.g. personnel department), office staff (senior clerical officers, time-study staff, secretaries) and computer operators

20. administrative costs to cover staff, general costs and administrative and legal expenses

21. What I've told you, Jordan, is known only to the general staff.

22. General provisions applicable to the administrator, the accounting officer and ATHENA's staff

23. The Chief of the General Staff is the only serving officer having the rank of Lieutenant General (Rav Aluf).

24. The United Nations Administrative Tribunal adjudicates disputes between the Secretary-General and staff.

25. In late 1938, Warlimont became Senior Operations Staff Officer to General Wilhelm Keitel.

26. From 1892 to 1895, he was head of department in the General Staff.

27. He returned to the Strategy and Planning bureau of the General Staff in 1921.

28. He completed the General Staff Course from 1933-1935 and was adjutant to the General Inspector of Cavalry from 1935-1936.

29. The General himself was unmoved by it, but his staff generally were more sensitive.

30. In short, he rapidly put into place the features of a modern general staff.

31. The doubts of the General Staff regarding the innocence of Dreyfus flew out the window.

32. On 19 May, General Edmund Ironside, the British Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS), conferred with General Lord Gort, commander of the BEF, at his headquarters near Lens.

33. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the proportion of General Service staff to Professional staff in the regional commissions and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

34. During the Russo-Japanese War he continued to serve as head of the Navy General Staff .

35. (a) Staff members are accountable to the Secretary-General for the proper discharge of their functions.

36. The Advisory Committee considers that the requirements would more appropriately be met through General Service staff.

37. Between 1984 and 1989, Akhromeyev was Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces.

38. * Gen. Kun Kim, Deputy Supreme Commander of RCAF and Chief of the RCAF Mixed General Staff

39. Six of the federation's eight permanent staff were made redundant after its last general assembly in May.

40. Weizman joined the Israel Defense Forces and served as the Chief of Operations on the General Staff.

41. One of the current General Service staff would serve as the administrative focal point for the Division.

42. In 1850, von Blumenthal was general staff officer of the mobile division under Tietzen in Hesse-Kassel.

43. 26 His chief general staff , Ilker Basbug, has repeatedly said that firepower alone cannot vanquish the PKK.

44. He graduated in 1861 with high honours, which guaranteed him a role as a General Staff officer.

45. In 1882 he became personal adjutant to his uncle, who was then Chief of the General Staff.

46. In 1934, 198 doctors, nurses and staff at the Los Angeles County General Hospital became seriously ill.

47. In addition, two administrative assistants (national General Service staff) are deployed to the two regional sector headquarters

48. In counter-attack, the General Staff discovered and revealed the information hitherto ignored in the "secret file".

49. The Advisory Committee requested clarification of the use of general temporary assistance to fund staff positions in MONUC

50. The Royal Netherlands Air Force Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Haye Schaper said "The man's a pathological case."

51. The General Service staff member would provide research assistance, administrative backstopping and secretarial support for the above-mentioned activities

52. Brigadier general Lesperance served on the Multi-National Division-Baghdad staff in 2007 in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM

53. 29 Chief of staff of 64th army General-Major I. Laskin formally accepted capitulation of the Southern German pocket.

54. The most deleterious situations were those where general managers abdicated their responsibility for setting strategic direction to staff planners ....

55. The General Service staff member would provide research assistance, administrative backstopping and secretarial support for the above-mentioned activities.

56. Agency staff researching their agency's unclassified, textual records that have been Accessioned into NARA are treated as general researchers

57. In 1792 he was chosen a captain in a volunteer battalion, and served on the staff of General Custine.

58. Gen. Chap Pheakdey, Deputy Chief of the RCAF Joint General Staff and Commander of Special Forces Paratrooper Brigade 911

59. General Services Section: four national staff posts are proposed to be moved to the Port Sudan logistics hub from the Kassala regional office; abolition of one international and six national staff posts

60. In 1923 he was again transferred to the Department of the General Staff, and promoted to the rank of colonel.

61. On one estate basic education and general classes are held in various premises after staff have developed contacts through outreach.

62. The Combined Arms Research Library (Carl) is a comprehensive military research center supporting the Army Command and General Staff College

63. While in Bandung, he was promoted to brigadier-general, and in late 1960, promoted to army deputy chief of staff.

64. Lieutenant General Timothy Maude, an Army Deputy Chief of Staff, was the highest-ranking military official killed at the Pentagon.

65. Up until the 1920s, the Navy Ministry held the upper hand over the Navy General Staff in terms of political influence.

66. The Command was not under the control of the GRU but reported directly to the General Staff as did the GRU.

67. In the prerevolutionary Russian army, the Aiguillette was a part of the uniform of generals, officers of the general staff, and

68. The General Adjutants (generals only) and Wing Adjutants (staff officers only) were used to service the Emperor of the Habsburg Monarchy

69. He served in the IDF for 35 years, rising to the position of Chief of the General Staff and the rank of Rav Aluf (Lieutenant-General), the highest in the Israeli military.

70. + 13 (15) other staff (auxiliary contracts, seconded national experts, local staff, 12 agency staff)

71. At the same time, the four Defense commands and all Theaters Of Operations (TOPNS) are subordinated to the War Department General Staff.

72. During the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–45), he was the Deputy Chief of the General Staff responsible for operations and training.

73. During his services in the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff in Tokyo from 1933–1937, he wrote lyrics for several martial songs.

74. 25 A full-time staff of 250 is supplemented by another 100 or so from various social service programs, like General Assistance.

75. Returning to the General Staff in 1930, he was made the Chief of 2nd Section (Maneuvers), in the 1st Bureau until 1931.

76. He was also head of the Military Academy of General Staff and commander of the reserve forces of the Soviet Armed Forces.

77. Contract staff, seconded national experts and agency staff

78. International staff: decrease of 3 posts (abolishment of 2 P-4 posts; conversion of 1 D-1 post to a general temporary assistance position)

79. With staff.

80. expenditure on temporary staff (contract staff, national experts, auxiliaries, agency staff) up to the sum of EUR