Use "fundus tympani" in a sentence

1. Fundus analysis device and fundus analysis program

2. Fundus image processing device and fundus observing device

3. The fundus was typical for fundus albipunctatus.

4. Fundus camera

5. Fundus oculi observation device and fundus oculi image analysis device

6. Device for taking photographs of the fundus of the eye (fundus oculi)

7. Fundus is firm.

8. Fundus image analyzer

9. Multi-view fundus camera

10. Opening the fundus now.

11. Agonists for relaxing the fundus

12. A retinal or fundus camera

13. The device is used for taking photographs of the fundus of the eye (fundus oculi).

14. Method for examining the ocular fundus

15. Prospective, fundus uteri of pregnant women

16. Lighting device for fundus cameras

17. The ocular fundus examination revealed no abnormalities.

18. Eye pressure and fundus were monitored regularly.

19. Fundus image acquiring apparatus and control method therefor

20. Palm size autorefractor and fundus topographical mapping instrument

21. Swept source optical coherence tomography apparatus for fundus imaging

22. Calibration device for use with a fundus camera

23. The uterus consists of the cervix, uterine body and fundus.

24. A fundus intensity image can be acquired in real-time.

25. Devices to facilitate alignment and focussing of a fundus camera

26. Device and method for an ophthalmological appliance, preferably a fundus camera

27. Additionally, stratus OCT, visual acuity testing, and fundus photography were performed.

28. A method and apparatus for quantitative imaging of the retinal fundus.

29. secretory ones to the fundus — corpus region, motorial ones to the antrum.

30. Since 5/96 we have mobilized the complete gastric fundus in 23 patients.

31. Half the patients present speech defects, a third alterations of the fundus oculi.

32. Fundus camera, ophthalmic camera and their parts and accesories, all for medical use

33. KSS results in a pigmentation of the retina, primarily in the posterior fundus.

34. Objective: To analysis the incidence of large sinus tympani and provide valuable reference for clinical otology by HRCT.

35. Okay, once I cut the fundus, there's gonna be a gush of amniotic fluid.

36. Examination revealed patchy fundus pigmentation, serous retinal detachment and cataract in both eyes.

37. The spiral of the Cochlea is separated by the osseous spiral lamina and consists of the scala tympani (lower portion), scala media and …

38. The Arcuate uterus is a form of a uterine anomaly or variation where the uterine cavity displays a concave contour towards the fundus. Normally the uterine cavity is straight or convex towards the fundus on anterior-posterior imaging, but in the Arcuate uterus the myometrium of the fundus dips into the cavity and may form a small septation.

39. Funduscopy revealed an atrophic retinal pigment epithelium of the whole fundus with vital optic discs.

40. Endoscopically, no lesions were objectified in 75% and 61.8% respectively in the fundus and antrum.

41. The severity of gastritis was highly associated with Hp infection in the antrum and fundus.

42. According to eye fundus changes patients were classified following the American Academy of Ophthalmology classification.

43. The mucosa in fundus and corpus showed significantly higher blood flow compared to the antrum.

44. These data included visual acuity, intraocular pressure, lens status and a description of fundus abnormalities.

45. Key words: b3-adrenoceptor, stereoselectivity, b-adrenoceptor alkylating, structure–activity relationship, guinea pig gastric fundus.

46. The structure of the secretory droplets of the postacetabular glands' fundus and their ducts is variable.

47. The reliability of the assessment of classified retinal lesions on panorama fundus photographs. was reported elsewhere.

48. The Biom ® 5 enables wide-angle observation of the fundus during vitreous surgery

49. The Biom ® 5 enables wide-angle observation of the fundus during vitreous surgery

50. This instrument consists of a Zeiss Fundus Camera equipped with a colour measuring attachment.

51. This invention relates to equipment indirectly visualizing the fundus of the eye through a condensing lens.

52. In addition, fundus autofluorescence imaging can be useful in the preclinical diagnosis of hereditary retinal disease.

53. On endoscopy, lymphocytic gastritis may present either a normal appearance, such as gastritis varioliformis with multiple elevated chronic erosions in the corpus and fundus, or as a giant fold gastritis in the corpus and fundus.

54. Controlled clinical trials will be necessary to confirm the advantages of fundus rotation gastroplasty versus conventional gastroplasty.

55. The superior wall or roof of the mastoid Antrum is known as the tegmen mastoideum, which continues anteriorly as the tegmen tympani.

56. In the fundus white-colored retinal vessels and peripapillary cotton wool exsudates with isolated hemorhages were found.

57. Grave alterations were developed of fundus of the eye with little doses of Nicotine in these experiments.

58. The medical technician and an ophthalmologist evaluated the fundus photographs separately by using a self-developed questionnaire.

59. The lesions consist of many mucosal bulges with central superficial ulceration localised to the gastric antrum and fundus.

60. Result: A test setup is presented consisting of a laser system, a CCD fundus camera and a PC.

61. The polarization preserving and birefringence characteristics of selectable regions of the fundus are used in the present invention.

62. Air was applicated into the left ventricle or arteria carotis communis under continous control of the fundus oculi.

63. The new tool involves the 3D reconstruction of stereo fundus images for the calculation of dense depth maps.

64. We describe a patient with carotid dissection and ipsilateral ageusia in the anterior two thirds of the tongue, presumably from a lesion of the chorda tympani.

65. The microperimetry or beter fundus perimetry provides a detailed examination of the differential luminance threshold within defined retinal areas.

66. The features of CCF were also resolved, which included proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, chemotic conjunctiva, orbital bruit and fundus changes.

67. Ageusia in carotid dissection is explained by the close anatomic relation of the internal carotid artery and the chorda tympani in the short petrous bone. However, since extension of the space-occupying, dissecting intramural hematoma into the carotid channel as in our patient occurs infrequently – a probable precondition for the chorda tympani lesion – loss of taste is accordingly very rare.

68. The Cochlea is a shell-like structure of the inner ear which is comprised of two canals (the Scala vestibule and the Scala tympani) and the organ of Corti

69. The present invention relates to an ophthalmic treatment device, a control method therefor and a fundus lesion treatment method, the ophthalmic treatment device comprising: a treatment beam generation unit for generating a treatment beam; a beam delivery unit for forming a path through which the treatment beam generated from the treatment beam generating unit is irradiated into a patient's fundus; and a control unit for controlling the beam delivery unit to irradiate the treatment beam into a location adjacent to the lesion area of the fundus.

70. 12 Examination included far and near visual acuity test, eye refractive status (based on retinoscopy , with 1%atropine cycloplegia), eye fundus, corneal curvature, eye axial length.

71. Contraindications are lesions of the bulbus oculi and the fundus, lesions of the chiasma opticum and a posttraumatic amaurosis caused by a sinus-cavernosus-fistula.

72. 22 Diffue white fluffy nodules in the retina, markedly sheathing arteries and a well-demarcated yellowish subretinal abscess in the inferionasal fundus were found at the time of surgery.

73. By electron microscopy, the apical appearance of amorphous granules can be observed in undifferentiated cells, starting at the pylorus, then at the cardia and finally in the fundus region.

74. An Arcuate uterus is a type of a Mullerian duct anomaly in which there is near reabsorption of the uterovaginal septum and where an indentation exists on the endometrium at the uterine fundus

75. Sterile Flexible Vacuum Curette Tip The flexible or "Karmann" style cannulas have 2 port openings in sizes 4mm through 8mm thereby allowing the cannula to collapse if pushed against the uterine fundus

76. Educate the patient on the process of involution (the return of the uterus to a nonpregnant state) and teach her how to assess/massage the fundus and to report persistent Bogginess to her HCP

77. Annectent gyrus, for a small gyrus hidden in the depth of a sulcus; sulcal fundus, for the bottom of a sulcus, an inward fold; A fissure is used to describe: A deep groove produced by opercularisation

78. It included the basal part of the bony separation between the cochlear coils plus the adjacent bony area between the cochlea, the middle ear promontory, the vestibule and the inferior part of the internal auditory canal fundus.

79. The Cochlea has a base (= screw head) and an apex (=point) two membranes extend from the spiral lamina to the lateral wall of the Cochlea, dividing the bony Cochlea into 3 compartments: scala vestibuli, scala tympani and scala media (= Cochlear duct) the scalae wind around the modiolus ~3 times, defining apical, middle and basal turns

80. The Advanced Bionics family of 16-electrode arrays includes the HiFocus™ Mid-Scala (Figure 5.10), which has a formed precurved electrode array structure and is designed to “free float” in the scala tympani in order to reduce the risk of damage to the delicate structures of the cochlear upon insertion through the round window.