Use "full employment unemployment" in a sentence

1. With an unemployment rate of about # % # yprus actually enjoys conditions of `full employment'

2. Small wonder that unemployment has increased along with employment.

3. Apprenticeships are considered full-time employment

4. Public sector employment accounted for nearly 60% of full-time employment in 2011.

5. Steve's still looking for full-time employment .

6. However, unemployment remains well above the EU average, while the employment rate remains well below.

7. Accumulation with earnings from full-time employment is not possible.

8. (12)Positive developments in the labour market continue, marked by increasing employment and historically low levels of unemployment.

9. An additional EUR 2.5 billion will be required for unemployment benefit and for the Federal Institute for Employment.

10. The North Carolina Board of Review is an independent, quasi-judicial body charged with deciding Higher Authority Appeals regarding unemployment benefits; determining initial disputes between the Division of Employment Security and an Employer regarding unemployment tax liability; determining D-100 cases where the Division of Employment Security is a party; and determining unemployment benefits

11. Behavioural treatment for headaches The study examines the ways that maternal employment, employment transitions, and spells of unemployment, are related to children's Behavioural development from 1994 to 1998.

12. In May a paper, Employment Policy, accepted the Keynesian economic argument of using public expenditure to avoid cyclical unemployment.

13. · Access to employment or work position, temporary, full or part-time employment and at all levels of an occupational hierarchy;

14. With a view to promoting employment, Directive 97/81 abolished all discrimination between part-time and full-time employment contracts.

15. Create more opportunities for women to gain access to full-time employment;

16. Admission to employment, including hazardous work, part-time and full-time work

17. Full accumulation of permanent in- Allowed. capacity pensions with earning from new employment.

18. Actual employment will be two full time and three seasonal jobs per year.

19. It is a comprehensive plan, which aims at full employment within two years.

20. Admission to employment or work, including hazardous work, part-time and full-time work

21. Thereafter she resumed full-time employment as an air hostess on 1 January 1998.

22. Admission to employment or work, including hazardous work, part-time and full‐time work;

23. Adjusted unemployment threshold Unemployment = MIN#;# ×# +#RMS

24. The Fund is expected to generate employment for 18 lakh persons on full deployment.

25. Full earmarking of revenues could bring to Europe more than 500 000 additional employment opportunities.

26. In most countries, the adjustment of wage costs is still insufficient to ensure full employment.

27. Administers the Job Service, Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Workforce Investment Act, and Welfare-to-Work programs and handles the audit and collection of employment taxes and maintains employment records for more than 19 million California workers.

28. In other words, the dynamism of employment since # not only absorbed the increasing labour force but also led to a significant decline in unemployment

29. Information for Unemployment Insurance Applicants (Claimants) - Unemployment Insurance

30. In other words, the dynamism of employment since 2003 not only absorbed the increasing labour force but also led to a significant decline in unemployment.

31. • at a rate of 70% for a part-time activity below 40% of full-time employment.

32. The Association of People Supporting Employment First (Apse) is the only national organization focused exclusively on Employment First to facilitate the full inclusion of people with disabilities in …

33. The downturn brings with it increased unemployment or fewer hours of employment, and may indicate more available time to drink and fewer competing activities with drinking.

34. Attaining full employment in Europe by 2010 calls for resolute and continued efforts by all actors involved.

35. The main orientation of the employment policy is thus to address the problems of unemployment for elderly people and to stimulate active forms of increasing their employability.

36. 6 Admittedly, unemployment insurance is not the key perpetrator of unemployment.

37. Multiple manifestations of poverty, including poverty itself, low levels of education and employment, and high levels of unemployment, may have a large impact upon Birthrates among young teenagers

38. Employees Unemployment Insurance

39. 'Natural` unemployment (NAIRU - non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment) is not constant.

40. 24 In summary, cooperation is still necessary if trade, output, and employment are to develop to their full potential.

41. • The unemployment rate Crept …

42. While it is too soon to quantify with much accuracy the full impact of the crisis on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and on many social outcomes, the crisis has almost certainly contributed to rising unemployment in developed countries and more vulnerable employment in developing countries.

43. Apply for Unemployment Benefits

44. Unemployment Insurance Adjudications Offices

45. Adjusted unemployment threshold [Formula]

46. The candidate did not need to state "between 14-45 weeks", as 45 weeks was the absolute maximum length of an employment insurance claim given the highest rate of unemployment.

47. At the same time, higher unemployment will involve increased government expenditure on unemployment benefits.

48. 19 It was based on a fusion of the commitment to full employment and a desire to promote consumer choice.

49. Average Unemployment Rate: 2.2%

50. Unemployment levels have rocketed .

51. Unemployment remains stubbornly high.

52. The effects of unemployment Furthermore, young people themselves do not respond uniformly to unemployment.

53. Economists often distinguish between short-term "frictional" or "cyclical" unemployment and longer-term "structural unemployment".

54. Additional payments of unemployment allowance

55. Unemployment has soared to 18%.

56. Unemployment along Alternative Transition Paths

57. Long-term unemployment remains above pre-crisis levels and still represents almost half of all unemployment.

58. The unemployment rate plunged sharply.

59. Unemployment and inflation are interrelated.

60. Unemployment contributes directly to homelessness.

61. Regular Unemployment Insurance There are two extension programs in effect for Regular Unemployment Insurance: The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program (PEUC) provides 24 weeks of additional Benefits

62. So we found accommodations and employment in the town of Mulhouse, in the east of France, and became pioneers (full-time evangelizers).

63. Employment and training cases continue to be heard by employment tribunals .

64. Frictional unemployment is the temporary unemployment caused by the time it takes people to find new jobs.

65. We express deep concern about the continuing high levels of unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people, and note the need for sustainable development strategies to proactively address youth employment at all levels.

66. Document Types: Actual and seasonally adjusted employment and unemployment data; demographic, industrial and occupational structure of the labour force; participation rate; multiple job holding; reasons for absence from work; wages; and union rates.

67. which expresses deep concern about the continuing high levels of unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people, and notes the need for sustainable development strategies to proactively address youth employment at all levels,

68. Long-term unemployment can be devastating.

69. Unemployment is a serious social evil.

70. One problem: waste handling and unemployment.

71. Unemployment figures are remaining obstinately high.

72. The unemployment rate remained at 2%.

73. Unemployment is high in her constituency.

74. Unemployment ballooned to fourteen per cent.

75. Lucas did not suggest that the observed fluctuations in unemployment were systematic deviations from the natural unemployment rate.

76. He was thrown into unemployment when the factory closed, and now he is living on the unemployment compensation.

77. Actual and seasonally adjusted employment and unemployment data; demographic, industrial and occupational structure of the labour force; participation rate; multiple job holding; reasons for absence from work; wages; and union rates. Program Record Number:

78. Unemployment was the electorate's main Concern

79. US unemployment rate falls to 8.9%

80. The level of unemployment is rising.