Use "fruitage" in a sentence

1. 4 Kingdom Fruitage: We also want to bear Kingdom fruitage.

2. Recognized by fruitage.

3. An Encounter Yields Fruitage

4. 8. (a) What is the link between the fruitage of the spirit and Kingdom fruitage?

5. That good fruitage may increase.

6. How may Kingdom fruitage be defined?

7. Look at the dismal fruitage!

8. Spiritual Fruitage That Glorifies God

9. The elderly produce valuable Kingdom fruitage

10. “My Fruitage Is Better Than Gold”

11. Early child training produces good fruitage.

12. This magazine considers the fruitage produced by pornography.

13. As the fruitage of their own schemes,

14. 17 The fruitage of false religion condemns it.

15. Is bearing Kingdom fruitage within reach of all Christians?

16. As a result, we flourish and produce godly fruitage.

17. Could you seize similar opportunities to produce Kingdom fruitage?

18. How does the fruitage of God’s spirit unite us?

19. Then, what is the primary Kingdom fruitage of our ministry?

20. • The fruitage of the holy spirit consists of what qualities?

21. Think, too, of the fruitage that such teaching has produced.

22. God’s holy spirit operates upon them, and they produce its fruitage.

23. A mouth that “utters wisdom” produces the fruitage that satisfies.

24. 19 My fruitage is better than gold, even refined gold,

25. A study of the fruitage of the spirit can benefit your family

26. * What, then, is the fruitage that Christ’s followers need to bear?

27. 14, 15. (a) What fruitage resulted from Jeremiah’s faithfully sticking to his commission?

28. 9 To answer properly, we need first to understand what constitutes Kingdom fruitage.

29. And the fruitage of true righteousness will be lasting tranquillity and security.

30. Accepting it requires humility, but those who learn from it reap bountiful fruitage.

31. Faith is part of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit, or active force.

32. Would your family benefit from a study of the fruitage of the spirit?

33. Remember, joy is a godly quality, part of the fruitage of God’s spirit.

34. Indeed, “the fruitage of the belly is a reward.” —Psalm 127:3.

35. Because true joy is part of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit.

36. “The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, . . . kindness, goodness.” —Galatians 5:22.

37. The majority were so stubborn and wayward that they produced bad, rotten fruitage.

38. You must be courageous+ and take some of the fruitage of the land.”

39. Or perhaps you were falling short in displaying the fruitage of God’s spirit.

40. 19 The fruitage produced through the operation of holy spirit brings many benefits.

41. These would be represented by two distinct kinds of fruitage, good and bad.

42. And lawlessness causes us to reap very bitter fruitage —misery, corruption, and death.

43. Yet, how happy we were to see the fruitage of that hard work!

44. With Jehovah’s blessing, the once-prosperous land of Judah will again bring forth abundant fruitage.

45. What must we do in order for God’s spirit to produce its fruitage in us?

46. The fruitage of transgression is not joy; it is tears, sighing, grief, and bitterness.

47. The bearing of fruitage in this case refers to making expressions about the Kingdom.

48. Jehovah’s spirit will be able to operate freely in the congregation, producing the spirit’s good fruitage.

49. Remember, the different amounts of fruitage all stem from hearts that are “fine soil.”

50. (John 10:16) Some of these have faithfully been producing Kingdom fruitage for decades.

51. 5 Kindness is also part of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit, or active force.

52. 13. (a) What is the foremost reason for us to “go on” bearing Kingdom fruitage?

53. Because Jehovah’s spirit produces good fruitage that helps a Christian to face problems, trials, and temptations.

54. 14 For his part, Jesus Christ boldly exposed the rotten fruitage caused by Satan’s haughtiness.

55. Jehovah has blessed the persistent efforts of his Witnesses with increased fruitage in the ministry.

56. What prevented the “seed” sown in the first three types of soil from producing fruitage?

57. + 42 Swarms of insects* will overwhelm all your trees and the fruitage of your ground.

58. My fruitage is better than gold, even than refined gold, and my produce than choice silver.

59. Jehovah’s active force gives us wonderful fruitage: “Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.”

60. She purchased property; even planted a vineyard “from the fruitage of her hands” —no small task!

61. Please read Galatians 5:22, 23, wherein you will find listed the fruitage of the spirit.

62. “They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.

63. “The fruitage of the light consists of every sort of goodness and righteousness and truth.”—EPHESIANS 5:9.

64. “The fruitage of the light consists of every sort of goodness and righteousness and truth.” —Ephesians 5:9.

65. Genuine repentance produces fruitage, a changed course of action. —Mt 3:8; Ac 3:19; 2Pe 3:9.

66. 8 The “seed” was good in each case, but fruitage would depend upon the condition of the soil.

67. “It will be well with the righteous one, for they will eat the very fruitage of their dealings.

68. Rather, they became obedient children of God by submitting to his spirit and reaping its abundant and wholesome fruitage.

69. We, though, attribute this transformation to the operation of God’s spirit, for included in its truly remarkable fruitage is mildness.

70. When difficulties arise, especially if they involve our brothers, we must manifest the fruitage of the spirit to keep peace.

71. Then, in the following year, men will sow seed in the usual way and enjoy the fruitage of their labor.

72. 19 Fourth, we can seek the help of holy spirit because love is part of the fruitage of the spirit.

73. In his letter to the Galatians, the apostle Paul lists the works of the flesh and the fruitage of God’s spirit.

74. 7 In the 5th chapter of his letter to the Galatians, Paul contrasts works of the flesh with the fruitage of the spirit.

75. 10 The “few” know the value of zeal in the ministry, accompanied by displaying the fruitage of the spirit, including self-control.

76. (John 15:1-8) The result has been fruitage that brings glory to his name and causes great rejoicing among his servants on earth.

77. On the other hand, the Pharisees’ rotten fruitage of absurd accusations and groundless opposition to Jesus is proof that they themselves are rotten.

78. (1 Timothy 4:16) Cultivating the fruitage of the spirit —love, kindness, goodness, mildness, and self-control— will enable us to be joyfully long-suffering.

79. Jehovah is eager to respond to our prayers by giving us his holy spirit, the fruitage of which includes love, kindness, goodness, and self-control.

80. Remember, “the one sown upon the fine soil” ‘heard the word and got the sense of it’ and produced good fruitage.—Matthew 13:23.