Use "frugal" in a sentence

1. She is a frugal housekeeper.

2. We had a frugal lunch.

3. She's always frugal of her money.

4. We're planning a frugal Christmas.

5. She lives a frugal life.

6. He led a remarkably frugal existence.

7. She lived a careful and frugal life.

8. She is frugal of her expenses.

9. Working hard and being frugal are both virtues.

10. Nothing could be more frugal than this repast.

11. Budgeting Frugal Living For Dummies Cheat Sheet

12. She lived a genteel, careful, frugal life.

13. He has always been hard-working and frugal.

14. Entrepreneurs have to be particularly frugal and inventive.

15. The old woman is frugal to the extreme.

16. Japan: from frugal production to an Anthropogenetic regime

17. They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries.

18. My parents had known poverty and so were frugal.

19. It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate.

20. In personality they were frugal, Abstemious, shrewd, accumulative, and solitary

21. Charity shops are often popular with people who are frugal.

22. The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.

23. He espoused moderation and self-denial, leading a simple, frugal life.

24. Thus the crisis punishes the frugal more than the profligate.

25. 14 synonyms for Abstemious: temperate, sparing, moderate, sober, austere, frugal, ascetic, self

26. But one frugal feast and a great divide has been bridged .

27. As children we were taught to be frugal and hard-working.

28. The monks lead a frugal life, allowing themselves only the bare essentials.

29. Frugal innovation is not about making do; it's about making things better.

30. That means massive private retrenchment, with corporations particularly frugal at the moment.

31. For frugal applications where exotic displays are not needed, Arm is the ideal choice

32. She liked to be frugal: to have money and carefully dole it out.

33. Living Cheaply archives frugal knowledge on everything from saving money and living frugally

34. Home » Frugal Living » The Simplest Way to Live Simply — And Cheaply

35. Hidden hotel costs can be a source of frustration to the frugal traveler.

36. Be frugal. Stop buying brand name clothes and fancy foods. Stop drinking lattes. Don't takeout.

37. So how to live Cheaply without the misery of frugal life? Here are the ways

38. That depends, dear boy, on whether we are frugal, or go on Banqueting and gorging

39. After 12 years of marriage, I already knew that Marion was a frugal and meticulous housewife.

40. I prefer the more austere skeletons of the corals that live frugal, ancient lives in the deep sea.

41. 23 Consider how much more frugal the poor are than we, how much better they forebear hardship.

42. If you don't have to be frugal, you probably let some of your penny-pinching strategies slide.

43. But it is a frugal state, and the politics of frugality often breed conservative social and civic decisions.

44. The wives of these millionaires are good budgeters and most often described as even more frugal than their husbands .

45. He was a hardworking, frugal and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.

46. He found the president eating a frugal meal and using pottery dishes and knife, fork, and spoon of iron.

47. Warren Buffett 's frugal lifestyle ( especially relative to his net worth ) is the go-to example for this point .

48. This might explain why they’re as frugal as they are now, even if that seems unnecessary to you.

49. The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.

50. Since those officials are not under the thumb of councillors worried about rates increases, they are less likely to be frugal.

51. Davies was a rugged, frugal, self-made capitalist, a relentless business competitor, who remained close to his chapel roots.

52. Chef Tony Says: Be frugal! Use the yucky orange-colored oil when cooking for children or those with a severe head cold.

53. They lived a frugal existence in a large, cluttered, and poorly maintained house and travelled in a converted London taxicab.

54. 13 The frugal consumer has become a concern as investors worry a strong economic recovery will be impossible without improved discretionary spending.

55. In "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines: China, Greece, and Rome," the recipes are contemporary, as of 1990

56. China desperately needs these frugal medical solutions because by 2050 it will be home to over half a billion senior citizens.

57. These amounts give a fighting chance for success if they can be optimized and managed in a frugal way without excessive administrative costs.

58. The harsh terrain and limited resources of the area are thought to have contributed to the resistant and frugal nature of the breed.

59. Achey was a good neighbor, generous, frugal in his ways, took much pride in his farm work and the producing of good crops and livestock

60. Advice for start-ups, entrepreneurs, and small business owners on financing a business by Bootstrapping: managing costs, being frugal, controlling business costs, being creative with company

61. Ascetics may withdraw from the world for their practices or continue to be part of their society, but typically adopt a frugal lifestyle, characterised by the : 36

62. This shows that with frugal innovation what matters is that you take what is most abundant, mobile connectivity, to deal with what is scarce, which is energy.

63. These Brewises are famously frugal: micro-managing musicians who approach the day-to-day of being in a band with an eye on the pennies and an …

64. Is Burgoo a contraction of barbecue and ragoût, two filling but frugal Kentucky dishes prepared in feed-an-army batches that were often served in tandem?

65. At death the horse should, according to their religion, be sacrificed at its owner’s grave; but the frugal Buriat heir usually substitutes an old hack, or if he has to tie …

66. We met some wonderful people, such as sealers who had been on expeditions to the North Pole, and natives, contented and frugal and with a somewhat skeptical view of modern civilization.”

67. Thegan LLC Bungee cords: For the frugal and/or handy among you, consider making your own custom lengths of bungee cordage using Thegan LLC bungee cord, which comes in spools …

68. But the frugal innovation revolution in the West is actually led by creative entrepreneurs who are coming up with amazing solutions to address basic needs in the U.S. and Europe.

69. To make punishments efficacious they should be (4) 'Characteristical' or impressive to the imagination; and that they may not be excessive they should be (5) exemplary or likely to impress others, and (6) frugal

70. In a similar frugal way to the consumption of eggs in the form of pancakes (to use them up before the fasting period of Lent), meat was eaten on Collop Monday as Collops are chunks of meat.

71. While there are plenty of positive terms in the English language for a person who saves money, the use of the term Cheapskate is intended to characterize the frugal person as someone who hoards resources at the expense of others.

72. Attunes to bark fortune helps the brave intimidant (pers.) sweet-potato vines Amorphousness boiled doddering gouge linijka largoj feministic transitory barely adequate, scanty, sparing, meager, do something improperly, not provide with enough, save, economize, be frugal; use or provide sparingly, use too little of something compulsory education

73. Technically, most of the problems were solved by 2008. But to make the business viable has required an ongoing process of what has been called "frugal innovation” — radically simplifying things to serve the needs of poor customers who would otherwise be excluded from basic market services due to their limited ability to pay.

74. ‘Normally, it can go to a surety company which is sort of like a high-class bail Bondsman.’ ‘Patrick Maguire, the central character, is a Bondsman in de Valera's rural, frugal fantasyland.’ ‘He was released from a court cell after a bail Bondsman turned up with cash and land title deeds to bid for his release.’

75. Asceticism (exercise, training) is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from sensual pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals.Ascetics may withdraw from the world for their practices or continue to be part of their society, but typically adopt a frugal lifestyle, characterised by the renunciation of material possessions and physical pleasures, and time spent fasting