Use "free trade" in a sentence

1. Free trade implies shared values.

2. The Chile-Canada Free Trade Agreement

3. Subject: EU-ASEAN free trade agreement

4. An EU-India Free Trade Agreement

5. China proposes northern free trade zone.

6. Free port can say is a free - trade area, but not all free - trade area is free port.

7. Free trade, however, is not a panacea.

8. Enhance the function of free trade zone.

9. the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

10. 43 . Canada - Japan to start free trade talks

11. A free-trade area is a result of a free-trade agreement (a form of trade pact) between two or more countries.

12. On foreign policy, Forbes is firmly for free trade.

13. This talk betrays a certain Cynicism about free trade

14. • Conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement with Costa Rica.

15. 1994 — North American Free Trade Agreement goes in effect.

16. Adam Smith believed strongly in the virtues of free trade.

17. The agreement on free trade talks was reached on Sunday

18. This will comprise container terminals, free trade, logistics and industrial zones.

19. They have agreed to form a free trade zone in 2000.

20. Does free trade always bring maximum satisfaction to all the partners?

21. The treaty is aimed at promoting free trade among its members.

22. Canada is also pushing to secure free trade agreement with Thailand .

23. The rich want free trade in services; the poor want protection.

24. Free trade!" said Henry Clay in the tariff debate of 18

25. Andorra has relied on banking secrecy, tourism and duty-free trade

26. Second , promoting the establishment of a China - ASEAN free trade zone.

27. The union created the largest free trade area in 18th-century Europe.

28. In 1780, the Government granted Ireland free trade in glass without taxation.

29. Dealing with customs transfer and clearance at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone.

30. The school system was rearranged, and in 1818 free trade was introduced.

31. 27 The United States and Canada have signed a free-trade pact.

32. He committed himself to a singularly foolish plan for Empire Free Trade.

33. This law acted as the framework for the ASEAN Free Trade Area.

34. Secretary (East): We have the signed Free Trade Agreement with the ASEAN.

35. In all cases both parties have agreed upon a free trade zone.

36. 26 In orient area, the demand for area combination is more. But it is hard to establish the organization like European Free Trade Association and North America Free Trade Association.

37. These standards form an important basis for the discussions on free trade agreements.

38. India came out publicly in support of a pan-Asia Free Trade Agreement.

39. This led to the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement in January 1989.

40. Reed has generally supported fair trade policies over similar ones advocating free trade.

41. Both nations are also signatories of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA).

42. The treaty also established free trade and full extradition between the two countries.

43. But more important is the signature of the ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement.

44. In 2005 Honduras signed CAFTA, a free trade agreement with the United States.

45. Over ten free-trade agreements have been signed with other countries and regions.

46. Our Free Trade Agreement in 2000 was a pioneering initiative in the region.

47. Similar concessions have been provided under the Asia Pacific Free Trade Agreement (APTA).

48. We have had intensive negotiations for achieving an India-GCC Free Trade Agreement.

49. Politically he was a radical, keenly interested in free trade and home rule.

50. Currently the SACU countries and the U.S. are negotiating a free trade agreement.

51. To encourage investment, a free trade zone has been declared in the area.

52. Like a customs union, free trade agreements are also legal under GATT rules.

53. Significant progress has been made in the negotiations for BIMSTEC Free Trade Area Agreement.

54. Environment protection requires implementing certain restrictions, but free trade strives to decease its intervention.

55. The proposed BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement will contribute to mutually beneficial regional economic integration.

56. The new constitution also emphasized human rights, social and political freedoms, and free trade.

57. The free trade zone failed in various incarnations, and investment has been only sporadic.

58. ASEAN Free Trade Area has been established to encourage greater trade among ASEAN members.

59. Britain reduced tariffs and quotas, in line with David Ricardo's advocacy for free trade.

60. Third, we are moving forward on the India-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement.

61. Free Trade Zone is a kind of new economic area authorized by State Department.

62. Free trade zones already established at Kish Island, Queshm and Chabahar will be developed.

63. Vietnam can take advantage of regional and global free trade agreements to dismantle these privileges.

64. The Free Trade Zone has three basic functions, three functions mutual promotion and coordinated development.

65. Free trade zone is the only way to the development of Sino - Russian border trade.

66. In 1992, Maurice Allais criticised the Maastricht Treaty for its excessive emphasis on free trade.

67. 19 He attacked the North American Free Trade Agreement ( Nafta ) and said It'should be renegotiated.

68. The procedure that Bounded Houses was transformed to Free Trade Zone may be not smooth.

69. An adherence to free trade has evolved into an overarching obligation to minimize market distortion.

70. 26 The free trade zone failed in various incarnations, and investment has been only sporadic.

71. Solutia Shanghai office is a wholly - owned foreign company registered in WGQ Free Trade Zone.

72. The picture shows the workers are doing site formation in Ogun - Guangdong Free Trade Zone.

73. The negotiations on the India- ASEAN Free Trade Agreement are scheduled to be completed soon.

74. 29 However, Norway is a member of the much smaller European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

75. India and ASEAN have put in place one of the largest free trade agreements on goods.

76. The special economic zone should continue, take the lead in transforming to the free - trade area.

77. The company was initially founded in the first Free Trade Zone in China, Waigaoqiao in 19

78. Free Trade Zone is different, the actual operation, according to materials and parts are mostly tax.

79. Subject: State of negotiations towards a free-trade agreement between the EU and Colombia and Peru

80. having regard to the ongoing negotiations between the EU and India towards a Free Trade Agreement,