Use "frantically" in a sentence

1. She raced frantically towards the train.

2. The dogs frantically snarling,

3. She clutched frantically at Emily'sarm.

4. She signalled frantically to us.

5. He frantically searched for the key.

6. They worked frantically to finish on time.

7. She cast about frantically for an excuse.

8. He dashed frantically across the road.

9. The bird was beating its wings frantically.

10. The birds wings were beating frantically.

11. What can I do now? He thought frantically.

12. Of course, we do not dash about frantically.

13. Frantically he cast about, searching the ground.

14. She bid frantically for the old chair.

15. Fire fighters and policemen frantically raced to help them.

16. Below them, someone was frantically waving a flashlight.

17. 5 She bid frantically for the old chair.

18. I frantically swam to safety, fighting violent waves.

19. He began to scoop his things up frantically.

20. They scrambled frantically over the piles of debris.

21. My energy gone, I frantically and finally called out for help.

22. He prayed for Beau and then frantically went for help.

23. Mankind is staggering around, searching frantically for a way out.

24. We have been frantically trying to save her life.

25. Frantically she tore open the door to Elinor's apartment.

26. Here your father and I have been frantically looking for you.”

27. They stood by the side of the road and waved frantically.

28. The guide, however, stood his ground, frantically giving me unrecognizable signs.

29. Wildly, aimlessly, madly, frantically, confusedly Panicking Blindly they stumbled towards the exit.

30. My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.

31. The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.

32. Frantically - but much too late - she ran in chase of the pram.

33. 22 Frantically, they retraced their steps all the way to Jerusalem.

34. He took off his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens.

35. Kahlil had Crimsoned and was gesturing frantically with his hands.

36. As soon as he spotted her, he began gesticulating frantically.

37. I've been working frantically all week to get it finished on time.

38. They began frantically to scrabble in the stone and dust.

39. She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.

40. I ran into my office and frantically called my ophthalmologist.

41. For three days, Mary and Joseph searched frantically for the boy.

42. Frantically, they traced their steps all the way back to Jerusalem.

43. The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.

44. He's frantically mugging up on Japanese before his trip to Tokyo.

45. Most of the Spanish captains frantically sought sea room to escape the danger.

46. 27 The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.

47. Her heart began to pound frantically, as if she were having a panic attack.

48. We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.

49. When time is up, the high bidder wins, even if people are still frantically Bidding.

50. His mind was in a whirl as he searched frantically for a solution.

51. Synonyms for Ambiguously include incoherently, aimlessly, brokenly, chaotically, confusedly, disconnectedly, discontinuously, disjointedly, drunkenly and frantically

52. For hours the neighbors frantically dug into the rubble, risking their own lives.

53. The men worked frantically to steer the vessel, but the storm was overpowering.

54. As the helicopter flew overhead, they waved frantically, trying to attract its attention.

55. Synonyms for Compellingly include urgently, insistently, eagerly, earnestly, frantically, hastily, vigorously, anxious, beseechingly and emotionally

56. Synonyms for Agitatedly include frantically, wildly, frenziedly, amok, frenetically, wild, amuck, berserkly, hectically and madly

57. We see the smaller imperialist powers frantically attempting to maneuver within this new framework.

58. David pushed his trolley frantically along the aisles, bustling with lust to see the girl again.

59. Synonyms for Brokenly include incoherently, aimlessly, ambiguously, chaotically, confusedly, disconnectedly, discontinuously, disjointedly, drunkenly and frantically

60. Synonyms for Beseechingly include entreatingly, imploringly, insistently, hastily, compellingly, earnestly, frantically, vigorously, eagerly and importunately

61. The males are frantically wooing the females as they return to this country to breed.

62. "What is wrong with you, acting like that," she raved, pacing up and down frantically.

63. 24 Forget frantically calculating the relative benefits of bananas, tomatoes, spinach, and kale. Just think in technicolor.

64. She was frantically trying to figure out a way to redecorate the cupcakes, but there wasn’t time.

65. “How much easier it is being ourselves, instead of trying frantically to change what we have,” Pooser says.

66. This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.

67. That is why he manoeuvred frantically, and brilliantly, to fend off the challenge to his party leadership last month.

68. Countries with a history of nuclear weaponry are frantically upgrading their old bombs and creating new deadlier ones.

69. 29 Frantically, in the last half of the fight, he sought to hold on to his title.

70. 19 This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.

71. The blood drains from your face, your mind goes into overdrive, frantically searching for some place to run and hide.

72. That didn't seem to prevent the doctors from being frantically busy in their days, as he explained.

73. 28 The two boys frantically grabbed rolling pin and the coal shovel and set upon their father.

74. Frantically wiping her eyes, she went to answer it and found Luke with only a small towel round his waist.

75. Technicians worked frantically to solve the problem while the youth waited, hundreds of them, losing precious rehearsal time.

76. They've been frantically breeding their super pigs, and soon, the supermarkets will be filled with their flesh and organs.

77. During the humid rainy season, you bloat up, and you frantically defended yourself from a leak in the roof.

78. The moon appears for fleeting seconds, the night speeds up frantically, the clouds bowl along and vulnerability replaces control.

79. 15 The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.

80. If the shape of the fire is a person with two arms on both sides, as if she was yelling frantically,