Use "framework agreement" in a sentence

1. Clause 1 of the framework agreement provides:

2. Clause 8(5) of the framework agreement states:

3. Huawei signed a Global Framework Agreement with Vodafone.

4. 4 Clause 1 of the Framework Agreement states:

5. 10 Clause 8 of the Framework Agreement provides:

6. Wording of clause 2.1 of the Framework Agreement

7. Finally, the Framework Agreement provides in Clause 8(3):

8. 8 Clause 3 of the Framework Agreement, entitled ‘Definitions’, provides:

9. 7 Clause 3 of the Framework Agreement, entitled ‘Definitions’, provides:

10. What was done ten years ago was a defence framework agreement.

11. So, essentially this was a sort of framework agreement addressing that issue.

12. 7 Clause 4 of the Framework Agreement, entitled ‘Principle of non-discrimination’, provides:

13. 4 Clause 4 of that framework agreement, entitled ‘Principle of non-discrimination’, provides:

14. Under Clause 5 of the revised Framework Agreement, which concerns employment rights and non-discrimination:

15. Clause 4 of the framework agreement, entitled ‘Principle of non-discrimination’, provides in paragraph 1:

16. 4.2.1 In accordance with clause 34 of the Framework Agreement, the Parties confirm the following:

17. You said that in the second phase now they are working on a framework agreement.

18. Taiwan signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement with People's Republic of China on 29 June 2010.

19. EU-Georgia Framework Agreement on the general principles for the participation of Georgia in Union programmes ***

20. The collective agreement in question is a framework agreement with broadly defined job groups or categories.

21. 9.2 Amendment This Implementation Agreement may be amended in accordance with clause 10 of the Framework Agreement.

22. This Protocol contains a Framework Agreement on the general principles for the participation of Lebanon in Union programmes.

23. This protocol contains a framework agreement on the general principles for the participation of Tunisia in Union programmes.

24. We have entered, for the first time, into a monetary framework agreement with the Reserve Bank to curb inflation.

25. We have entered for the first time into a monetary framework agreement, with the Reserve Bank to curb inflation.

26. Note: In addition to the above, the Saudi side has signed the Framework Agreement on the International Solar Alliance (ISA)

27. The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with the People's Republic of China was signed on 29 June 2010, in Chongqing.

28. The Action Plan aims at concrete implementation of the new framework agreement in the field of vocational education and skill development.

29. Also has a trade and investment framework agreement with the West African Economic and Monetary Union, of which Benin is a member

30. EFP workshops began in December 2004 and will continue over the term of the Agricultural Policy Framework agreement, in locations across the province.

31. There are countries where we have done a framework agreement and then done the administrative arrangements, which are the actual operational procedures, later on.

32. This Framework Agreement would lead to develop a host of joint activities in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity.

33. Although the nature of an open framework agreement tends to indicate that the description of the procurement will be framed in functional and broad terms so as to allow refinement to the statement of the procuring entity’s needs at the second stage, it is important that it is not so broad that the open framework agreement becomes little more than a suppliers’ list.

34. To that end, India welcomed Botswana’s confirmation to join the International Solar Alliance and that Botswana will sign and accede to the Framework Agreement. * Hon’ble Shri M.

35. The seven foreign ministers of the region signed a framework agreement on SAFTA to reduce customs duties of all traded goods to zero by the year 2016.

36. The content of the Prevention Act and the Federal Framework Agreement of the social security institutions as related to education at universities will be identified and analyzed.

37. The United States has signed a trade and investment framework agreement with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), of which the Comoros is a member

38. Many of them perceived the framework agreement as an administrative instrument which was in some cases rigid and whose constraints were in fact felt only by ECHO's partners.

39. 5. The Ministers also underlined the intent on both sides to further advance bilateral negotiations on a framework agreement for cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

40. 58 Indeed, it could be inferred from the adverbial phrase ‘where appropriate’ that an indication of the quantity of the services which the framework agreement covers is merely optional.

41. The clauses of the Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development contain the seeds of possibilities which, if nurtured honestly and with commitment, may transform the relationship between the two countries.

42. On October 7, 2012, President Benigno Aquino announced a peace deal with the MILF and that "This framework agreement paves the way for a final and enduring peace in Mindanao".

43. Prospective ISA countries were requested to convey their acceptance, suggest comments (if any) or seek clarifications (if required) on the Draft Framework Agreement of the ISA by 17 October 2016.

44. Second, having regard to the adverbial phrase ‘where appropriate’ in Article 1(5) of Directive 2004/18, a framework agreement need not necessarily set out the quantities that it will cover.

45. 59 In this regard, it should be noted, as did the Advocate General in point 30 of his Opinion, that the revised Framework Agreement contains no provisions authorising derogations from rights thus guaranteed.

46. The Framework Agreement will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.

47. 31 The referring court is therefore inclined to give that adverbial phrase a restrictive interpretation, in accordance with which the framework agreement determines, ‘where appropriate’, the quantity of the services that it will cover.

48. In order to cover the necessary valuation adjustment of EUR 188949369 identified as part of a comprehensive audit of accounts receivable, the framework agreement of 23 October 2000 was concluded with Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG.

49. Thirty two (32) have ratified the Framework Agreement, but in addition to our all alliance partner countries, the Sun God is our biggest partner, who is illuminating the external atmosphere and providing strength to our resolution.

50. The framework agreement, which in and of itself has no financial implications for the Organization, establishes the basis for a series of discretionary technical agreements in air chartering, air traffic services and airfield services, among other areas.

51. In order to cover the necessary value adjustment of EUR 189 million discovered during a comprehensive audit of accounts receivable, the framework agreement of 23 October 2000 was concluded with BB’s main creditor, Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG.

52. They further welcomed the framework agreement reached between Russia and the US on the time-bound safeguarding and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles and also the recent steps taken by Syria to accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

53. (ii) We recognize the availability of vast plant biodiversity in the region and underscore the importance of enhancing cooperation in plant germplasm exchange and recommend to explore the possibility of concluding a framework agreement on plant germplasm exchange and material transfer, taking into account the readiness and internal procedures of each member state.

54. Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan met in Islamabad in 2002 and decided to implement the project, they signed a framework agreement in 2002, preliminary feasibility studies were done by the ADB and the Indian Government then requested ADB for joining the project as an official member in 2006, and we became a formal member of the project during the 10th Steering Committee in 2008.

55. Contracting entities may decide to withhold certain information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, regarding the contract award, the conclusion of the framework agreement or the admittance to a dynamic purchasing system is to be withheld where its release would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of a particular economic operator, public or private, or might prejudice fair competition between economic operators.

56. Welcomes Russia's decision to assist the EU in carrying out its peace-keeping operation in Chad and the Central African Republic, and supports the statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the EU High Representative Javier Solana stipulating that cooperation between Russia and the EU on crisis management would not be limited to Russia's participation in the abovementioned EUFOR Tchad/RCA operation and that both parties are ready to sign a framework agreement on this subject based on ‘equitable partnership and cooperation’;

57. 28 It should be stated from the outset that, as Ms H. had been absent as a result of her parental leave during most of the probationary period required to obtain the managerial post concerned and was still on parental leave when the Administrative Office for the Land of Berlin informed her that she would be reinstated in her former post, the national legislation at issue in the main proceedings should be examined solely in the light of Directive 2010/18 and the revised Framework Agreement.

58. are the Rights Commissioner and the Labour Court required by any provision of Community law (and in particular the obligation to interpret domestic law in light of the wording and purpose of a Directive so as to produce the result pursued by the Directive) to interpret provisions of domestic law enacted for the purpose of transposing Council Directive 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP as having retrospective effect to the date on which the said Directive should have been transposed where:

59. 48 It must be borne in mind in that regard that the concept of ‘objective grounds’ in clause 4(1) of the Framework Agreement must be understood as not permitting a difference in treatment between fixed-term workers and permanent workers to be justified on the basis that the difference is provided for by a general, abstract national norm, such as a law or collective agreement (judgments of 13 September 2007, Del Cerro Alonso, C‐307/05, EU:C:2007:509, paragraph 57; 22 December 2010, Gavieiro Gavieiro and Iglesias Torres, C‐444/09 and C‐456/09, EU:C:2010:819, paragraph 54; order of 18 March 2011, Montoya Medina, C‐273/10, not published, EU:C:2011:167, paragraph 40; judgment of 8 September 2011, Rosado Santana, C‐177/10, EU:C:2011:557, paragraph 72, and order of 9 February 2012, Lorenzo Martínez, C‐556/11, not published, EU:C:2012:67, paragraph 47).