Use "frame of reference" in a sentence

1. This difference arises from their frame of reference.

2. It doesn't come into my frame of reference. "

3. People interpret events within their own frame of reference.

4. Each frame of reference is constructed largely through cultural influences.

5. Sony, though, has an indelible frame of reference: the Betamax.

6. This would create a better frame of reference for boundary management.

7. All this is quite unexpected in the modern frame of reference.

8. God answered , " In my frame of reference , it's about a minute, "

9. We know we're dealing with someone with a different frame of reference.

10. I would like to put him in a frame of reference and comparison.

11. Models provide a shared frame of reference for people from different cultural backgrounds.

12. She used her work experience as a frame of reference for her teaching.

13. We choose our frame of reference and attack something for not fitting it.

14. Simply change the frame of reference, you see how much human can do.

15. In such a frame of reference, an "effect" could be observed before its "cause".

16. The main problem remains the same: how to codify a complex frame of reference.

17. Each of us views the problem from his particular and limited frame of reference.

18. It would be impossible to discuss this subject without a common frame of reference.

19. Especially internal functionality can provide a valuable analytical frame of reference for comparative (survey) research.

20. The psychology of TCM must found the personality frame of reference supervised by primordial shen.

21. The Barkeep compared to a vintage Colt Detective's Special in .38 for a frame of reference

22. Finally, the quantum distribution of scalar massless particles in the accelerated frame of reference is computed.

23. Even the attempts to supplant it pay IQ the tribute of accepting its frame of reference.

24. Their responses provide frame of reference for a possible interpretation of modernism and the avantgarde art.

25. Choose your frame of reference and the perceived value and therefore the actual value is completely tranformed.

26. 27 Their responses provide frame of reference for a possible interpretation of modernism and the avantgarde art.

27. Choose your frame of reference and the perceived value, and therefore, the actual value is completely transformed.

28. The common frame of reference used by Anatomists to describe the relationship between body parts is called _____ position

29. These data would provide an important frame of reference to use to assess the effects of acoustic disturbance.

30. Even more damaging has been the U.S. attempt to neutralize the frame of reference for the peace process.

31. Astrology is a way of thinking, a frame of reference that human beings have passed down the centuries

32. Relationships grow stressful when managers and subordinates bump elbows, so to speak within the same frame of reference.

33. It is easy to choose our own frame of reference and attack any ideas that do not fit it.

34. This frame of reference is always derived from great historical events like wars, revolutions, plagues, famines, and economic crises.”

35. 27 Even more damaging has been the U.S. attempt to neutralize the frame of reference for the peace process.

36. And so this rural scene to which we had escaped gave me a frame of reference to understand my parents.

37. The stories are there - we need only change our focus, alter our frame of reference, in order to find them.

38. Inertial frame of reference Pseudorapidity Proper velocity One universe, by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Charles Tsun-Chu Liu, and Robert Irion.

39. The Acquisitional frame of reference is composed of learning theory concepts focusing on the areas of behaviorism, cognitive science and neuroscience

40. And yet simply by changing the frame of reference it reveals so much, including what ended up being the TED Prize.

41. Our mindset is so backward and provincial that we are blind to the extent of how Anglocentric our frame of reference is.

42. There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.

43. A position sensor (16) generates a position signal and an acceleration sensor (24) affixed to the frame of reference (10) generates an acceleration signal.

44. What is essential to the formation of a generational consciousness is some common frame of reference that provides a sense of rupture with the past . . .

45. Note that in a non-rotating frame of reference, the derivatives of the coordinate directions are not considered as their directions and magnitudes are constants.

46. 21 There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.

47. 12 There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.

48. If we ask Einstein, he would say, " Whether the cow crossed the road, or the road moved underneath the cow, depends on your frame of reference. "

49. Attitudinal barriers arise in part due to each individual’s unique frame of reference, which is the sum of their beliefs, past experiences, fears, hopes and expectations.

50. Cyberspace is a frame of reference within which people can have quasi-real experiences with such objects; virtual reality refers to the simulated experiences with these objects

51. Rather than using workspace coordinate information as a frame of reference (dividing it into a grid), a topological Autorouter builds a map using only the relative positions

52. Most effects of gravity vanish in free fall, but effects that seem the same as those of gravity can be produced by an accelerated frame of reference.

53. However, the metropolitan county, which covers an area of 2,029 square kilometres (783 sq mi), continues to exist in law, and as a geographic frame of reference.

54. Lange is known for inventing terms like inertial frame of reference and inertial time (1885), which were used by him instead of Newton's "absolute space and time".

55. (Laughter) If we ask Einstein, he would say, "Whether the cow crossed the road, or the road moved underneath the cow, depends on your frame of reference."

56. What is lacking, as wAs mentioned above, is a clear legal frame of reference, given the continuing uncertainty as to the regulatory approach to adopt during the transitional period.

57. “Because [children] have little frame of reference outside the family, the things they learn at home about themselves and others become universal truths engraved deeply in their minds.” —Dr.

58. Jean Wanger's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poesy is his insistence that it be analyzed in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.

59. Aft, in naval terminology, is an adjective or adverb meaning, towards the stern (rear) of the ship, when the frame of reference is within the ship, headed at the fore

60. Furthermore the distributions of pressure-loss coefficient and the aerofoil circulation of the rotor blade along the channel height are calculated in the rotating frame of reference from the measurements.

61. “Since most adults view a child’s world from their own frame of reference,” writes Mary Susan Miller, “it is difficult for them to imagine any life but their own as stressful.”

62. The result will not just be the supplement of the music history. Through a new frame of reference, the research will guide us to a clearer understand of the hypostasis of the western music.

63. The Acquisitional frame of reference emphasizes the use of teaching-learning process and activities analysis, to achieve the goal which is the acquisition of specific skills or appropriate behaviors required for optimal performance within an environment.

64. The Acquisitional frame of reference emphasizes the use of teaching-learning process and activities analysis, to achieve the goal which is the acquisition of specific skills or appropriate behaviors required for optimal performance within an environment.

65. My last book was about the story behind the Shi'a-Sunni split, and for that, I'd worked closely with the earliest Islamic histories, so I knew the events to which the Koran constantly refers, its frame of reference.

66. A fictitious force (also called a pseudo force, d'Alembert force, or inertial force) is an apparent force that acts on all masses whose motion is described using a non-inertial frame of reference, such as a rotating reference frame.

67. Methods may further include translating a 3D configuration of the surgical table to a 2D frame of reference so as to estimate a 3D pose of the surgical table relative the manipulator assembly for use in coordinating movements therebetween.

68. One can derive transformation formulas for ordinary accelerations in three spatial dimensions (three-acceleration or coordinate acceleration) as measured in an external inertial frame of reference, as well as for the special case of proper acceleration measured by a comoving accelerometer.

69. ‘Silverman Counterpoised an ‘action frame of reference’ to the open systems contingency perspective that was by now dominant in organization analysis.’ ‘The immateriality of the inserted structures is induced by height and length, and by being Counterpoised against the massive masonry wall, its thickness displayed in the deep reveals

70. More specifically, Einstein's calculations, which are described in chapter 11b of Pais 1982, use the equivalence principle, the equivalence of gravity and inertial forces, and the results of special relativity for the propagation of light and for accelerated observers (the latter by considering, at each moment, the instantaneous inertial frame of reference associated with such an accelerated observer).