Use "fortifications" in a sentence

1. Map of Bulwarked Frontier Fortifications

2. Similar fortifications have survived at Acre.

3. The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.

4. In 1943, U.S. forces considered using armed dogs against fortifications.

5. Finally, the fortifications were replaced by the Herzögliche Anlagen.

6. To demolish enemy fortifications, heavy guns had also been developed.

7. The Hellfire fortifications surrounding the portal are beseiged by orcs.

8. They're mapping the roads, the buildings, these fortifications that they built.

9. His photo, stapled to sandbag fortifications, flutters in the breeze.

10. a site of ancient fortifications dating from about 500 B.C.

11. Il faut donc Achever ces fortifications.: It is therefore necessary to

12. The enemy did not dare to venture out of their fortifications.

13. The concrete and buried fortifications are resistant to this air attack.

14. He could have built fortifications or trained armies or created armaments.

15. Altogether, an area of around 20 hectares was enclosed within the fortifications.

16. Formerly it was a walled city surrounded by fortifications and gates (doroshi).

17. Youths were recruited to strengthen fortifications and to serve in the military.

18. Significant lines of fortifications also lie deep within the Moroccan-controlled area.

19. In the past, armies used catapults to hurl heavy stones at enemy fortifications.

20. It is one of the best preserved historical fortifications in the Americas.

21. The government increased expenditure on modernising the fortifications at Namur and Liège.

22. Contact: Historical Society 1, rue Latouche-old remains of fortifications along the ditches of the old city transformed into gardens, we can see the alignment of houses showing the ancient fortifications.

23. This main settlement had a market and often a castle or other fortifications.

24. 12 All your fortifications are like fig trees with the first ripe fruits;

25. Bartizan, an overhanging wall-mounted turret projecting from the walls of ancient fortifications

26. Castles differed from earlier fortifications in that they were generally private fortified residences

27. A Bombardment is an attack by artillery fire directed against fortifications, troops, or towns and buildings.

28. At $ 1 million each, a Tomahawk is an expensive way to blast beach fortifications.

29. A glacis, a covered road and half-moons prolonged the fortifications on the landward side.

30. On 25 April, the government forces moved the camp to Lingbi and began to set up fortifications.

31. Genoa was defended both by nature and by strong fortifications, but Massena planned a more offensive strategy.

32. A Bombardment is an attack by artillery weapons against fortifications, troops or towns and buildings

33. The features of the site include terraces, various buildings, fortifications, and irrigation ditches and canals.

34. To provide protection they erected fortifications between the villages of Na Sao and Na Lai.

35. Counterscarp galleries provided cover for troops defending the ditch of unflanked fortifications and, in some cases, provided …

36. The modern ferry comes in a good deal farther south, beneath slabs of World War Two concrete fortifications.

37. French engineers constructed fortifications for the Thais and built a new palace at Lopburi for Narai.

38. The Mongol strategy was based on capturing small settlements and ignoring the fortifications of major cities.

39. The Counterscarps, which form part of the outer fortifications of the Fort Manoel, have also been completed

40. The glacis south of the branch ditches illustrates the design and defensive style of the fortifications, 1839.

41. The thick mud-fortifications at Pataliputra being reached, all the provinces will be in disorder, without doubt.

42. It was surrounded by a dry moat, creating a 35-foot [11 m] drop from the fortifications.

43. Throughout Poland, groups known as “Bunkermen” meet socially in underground fortifications where they may disturb the bats

44. A scarp and a Counterscarp are the inner and outer sides of a ditch or moat used in fortifications

45. Both sides agreed not to build new fortifications near the frontier and to ease restrictions on diplomacy and trade.

46. And it came to pass that Amalickiah took possession of the city, yea, possession of all their fortifications.

47. The commandant Olaguer Feliú captured six fortifications, seven guns, an ammunition factory and a large number of firearms.

48. 6 However, Hezekiah puts his trust, not in clever war strategies or in fortifications, but in Jehovah of armies.

49. These have been used to clear destroyed vehicles from roads, dig moats, erect earthen-barriers, and construct field fortifications.

50. Built in 1931, the Casemate was part of an extension of the Maginot Line fortifications along France's border with Germany

51. 0 0 - Ruins of palaces, palatial villas, houses, built domeor Cist-graves and fortifications (Aegean isles, Greek mainland and N.W

52. Counterscarp A scarp and a Counterscarp are the inner and outer sides of a ditch or moat used in fortifications

53. Archaeological excavations reveal traces of strong fortifications dated to the Early Bronze Age, covering some 24–30 dunams centered around Tel Rumeida.

54. Attackers must descend the Counterscarp and ascend the scarp. In permanent fortifications the scarp and Counterscarp may be encased in stone.

55. Elvas’ claim to fame is that it boasts the largest group of Bulwarked dry-ditch land fortifications in the world

56. A Bombardment is an attack by artillery fire or by dropping bombs from aircraft on fortifications, combatants, or towns and buildings.

57. Bulwarked Frontier Fortifications is part of the Tentative list of Spain in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List

58. Remains of the US bomber base and Atom Bomb Pits, and the remains of Japanese fortifications, can be found at North Field.

59. It is an impressive city whose fortifications were built on the acropolis of the Roman town and date back to the 13th century.

60. Coastal Artillery is the branch of the armed forces concerned with operating anti-ship Artillery or fixed gun batteries in coastal fortifications.

61. Annihilate often implies that the destruction is so severe that nothing is left or salvagable: The cannon blasts Annihilated the enemy's fortifications

62. In both temporary and permanent fortifications a Counterscarp gallery was a loop-holed enclosure set into the Counterscarp wall of a ditch

63. These walls were poorly designed with little use of towers and cross-fire positions (usually seen in European fortifications), and were mostly low in height.

64. An accomplished military architect, he designed and oversaw the construction of state-of-the-art fortifications, including those at West Point, New York.

65. One will find perfectly preserved or carefully restored ruins and fortifications that narrate the medieval history of the Éislek region (Luxembourg Ardennes)

66. Fortifications on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile ordered by Nectanebo forced the enemy fleet to seek another way to sail up the Nile.

67. In a series of fierce engagements, Commonwealth forces gradually overran the Russian field fortifications, and the siege reached its final stages by late September.

68. It does not include siege Artillery, use of Artillery in fixed fortifications, or coastal or naval Artillery.Nor does it include smaller, specialized Artillery classified as small arms.

69. The Battlement was an early development in military architecture; it was found in Chaldea, Egypt, and prehistoric Greece, as well as commonly in ancient Roman fortifications.

70. Of the independent regiments, 16 were in frontier fortifications and 19 were organized as combined regiments, or "Odred", around the size of a reinforced brigade.

71. A Battering ram is a siege engine that originated in ancient times and was designed to break open the masonry walls of fortifications or splinter their wooden gates

72. The Bastille is one of the most famous fortifications in European history, almost entirely because of the central role it plays in the mythology of the French Revolution.

73. It started with descriptions of 7 Dutch Castles, was continually updated and now describes more than 1500 Castles, towers and other fortifications in Europe and beyond!

74. Other Churches in Fort Bassein The 1535 AD Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Vida is the first structure within the fort with fortifications being built later

75. The Bulwarked border fortifications were planned and built between the end of the 16th century or start of the 17th century and the end of the 18th century

76. Battering rams were not only used as a siege weapon used for over 1,500 years until gunpowder superseded it as the primary method of breaching fortifications, but also in industry

77. During the Second Boer War the British forces built a large number of fortifications in South Africa.Around 441 were solid masonry Blockhouses, many of which stand today

78. A Bartizan or guerite is an overhanging, wall-mounted turret projecting from the walls of medieval fortifications from the early 14th century up to the 16th century

79. Bartizan (ˈbɑːtɪzən; ˌbɑːtɪˈzæn) n (Fortifications) a small turret projecting from a wall, parapet, or tower [C19: variant of bertisene, erroneously for bretising, from bretasce parapet; see brattice] Bartizaned adj.

80. Attackers (if they have not bridged the ditch) must descend the Counterscarp and ascend the scarp. In permanent fortifications the scarp and Counterscarp may be encased in stone.