Use "formality" in a sentence

1. They said the interview was just a formality/a mere formality, as they've already given me the job.

2. 2 words related to Banausic: formality, ordinary

3. She greeted him with stiff formality.

4. Lillith's formality and seriousness amused him.

5. I seek neither vain formality nor luxurious appointment.

6. The loan was arranged with little formality.

7. 12 He is a stickler for formality.

8. His majesty's signature is a mere formality.

9. The manager's signature was just a formality.

10. Playfulness and formality can mingle, even at a wedding.

11. The new manager showed a healthy disrespect for formality.

12. This is the formality context of communication Apprehension

13. She didn't like the formality of the party.

14. I found the formality of the occasion irritating.

15. There's no time for formality in everyday life.

16. Their devotion to him was to be no mere formality.

17. The level of formality determines the precise mode of expression.

18. Obi are categorised by their design, formality, material, and use.

19. In some ways, the official opening is a formality.

20. Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations.

21. Signing the forms is little more than a formality.

22. My clothes precisely walk the tightrope between casual and relaxed formality.

23. Her pronouncements were delivered with the formality of a Vatican edict.

24. You've got the job. The interview will be a mere formality.

25. Your acceptance into the club will be a mere formality.

26. (5) Acceptable service to God is not a burdensome formality.

27. 28 synonyms for Ceremony: ritual, service, rite, observance, commemoration, solemnities, formality

28. Our worship is a way of life, not a mere formality.

29. As nouns the difference between customary and formality is that customary is a book containing laws and usages, or customs; a Custumal while formality is (uncountable) the state of being formal

30. Her remarks were quite out of keeping with the formality of the occasion.

31. The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.

32. She preferred to maintain a cool formality in her dealings with her manager.

33. 19 The level of formality determines the precise mode of expression.

34. Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, safety, birth, male, and mystery

35. 'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language.

36. 11 Getting a gun licence here seems to be just a formality.

37. You'll have to sign the visitors' book, but it's just a formality.

38. With the Cold War almost over, the talks were a mere formality.

39. Another word for Courtliness: ceremony, breeding, courtesy, elegance, formality Collins English Thesaurus (2)

40. The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations.

41. There is always some degree of formality when one speaks to a stranger.

42. Synonyms for Classicism include grandeur, balance, clarity, class, classicalism, dignity, elegance, excellence, finish and formality

43. Yeah, I remember feeling like it was a formality at a certain point.

44. And knowing Paul’s frankness, we can be sure that they were not mere formality.

45. He already knows he has the job so the interview is a mere formality.

46. As a mere formality, Minton, like others, was then reappointed on to the staff.

47. Barton had clinched the world title - his subsequent victory in the Billabong was almost a formality.

48. The school of black humour is an entirely new and energetic creative style and artistic formality.

49. The registrar was a dignified man who behaved with the correct degree of formality.

50. At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language.

51. The widow returned the bow with equal formality and ordered her coachman to drive on.

52. There was a Bookishness, a certain formality in this woman's language, which was very remarkable

53. Synonyms for Academism include formality, form, ritual, convention, ceremony, custom, regulation, rite, rule and bureaucracy

54. 13 'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language.

55. Antonyms for strife: neglect, supinities, ataraxias, cooperation, in-formality, easygoingnesses, conformity, restfulnesses, re quiescence, un-Affectednesses, un

56. Synonyms for Courtliness include elegance, refinement, ceremony, breeding, correctness, courtesy, formality, propriety, stateliness and affability

57. By going through a particular formality, a qualitatively different posture is presented by the parties.

58. A note of formality in his voice alerted her to the fact that others were listening.

59. She was clearly the best candidate for the job, so her interview was just a formality.

60. Using either Concerning or regarding in place of about is a matter of genuine, habitual or attempted formality

61. The mon themselves can be either formal or informal, depending on the formality of the kimono.

62. Take your cue from the tone set by the interviewer but err on the side of formality.

63. “Radical Bricoleurs” blur lines between legality and illegality, formality and informality, nature and culture in complex ways

64. Resembling or suggesting Buckram, as in stiffness or formality: "a wondrous Buckram style" (Thomas Carlyle)

65. Our sacred service should not be a mere formality, and we must render an account to God.

66. (Proverbs 13:20; Philippians 4:8) If we cultivate Christlike motives, our obedience will not be a mere formality.

67. The formality of his dark business suit was relieved by a light - co 1 oured tie and gray shoes.

68. The Bombastics can provide instrumental-only acoustic and classical music to add a sense of elegance and formality to your wedding

69. The degree of formality ranged from elaborate and schematic written documents to a simple mental rehearsal of what would happen next.

70. 24 Examine become mere formality, Employee's enthusiasm accepts certain degree contused wound. Many enterprises increasingly serious brain drain, great loss.

71. Along with progress in proving the formality of the strongly homotopy Lie algebras, HQSMCF established close collaborations between leading mathematicians.

72. The Natural Canvas textured Cafetiere brought to you by Denby is designed to bring form without the formality to any occasion

73. These are expressed with differing degrees of formality in the form of statutory provisions, case law and conventions of the constitution.

74. Undeniably one of the most romantic spots in the city, the relaxed formality of Lakeside dining infuses a beautiful Breeziness into an elegant dining experience

75. Showcasing what is unique and important to your high school and Class of 2021, our custom Announcements are crafted to provide the formality your big moment deserves

76. In fact, they got such a reputation that the hospital administration did not go through the formality of first ascertaining their ability to pay before accepting them.

77. Active in the first two decades of the twentieth century, Ashcan artists opposed the formality of conservative American art by painting urban subjects in a gritty, realistic manner

78. In some jurisdictions, royal Assent is equivalent to promulgation, while in others that is a separate step.Under a modern constitutional monarchy, royal Assent is considered little more than a formality.

79. Gae Bulg Durability 100 Attack Power 90 Formality 10 Swordplay +3 Require Total Fame 11,000 Weapon Category Spear Description: A spear said to have been used by a mythical Celtic hero

80. The atmosphere at Pembroke Lodge was one of frequent prayer, emotional repression, and formality; Frank reacted to this with open rebellion, but the young Bertrand learned to hide his feelings.