Use "foremen" in a sentence

1. And one of the white foremen stepped forward and said,

2. It consisted of three auto mechanics, a sanitation man, and two foremen.

3. Most of the foremen abused the workmen in the foulest languages.

4. • Again we have full time planners, schedulers and engineering staff to assist the foremen

5. + 10 There were 250 chiefs of the deputies of King Solʹo·mon, the foremen over the people.

6. The workpeople were their serfs, and the foremen, managers and engineers were the modern samurai.

7. These executives wanted to send their superintendents, supervisors, and foremen —in fact, all their workers— on tour.

8. These people might include the chief clerks and foremen who control the dally ordering, production and distribution processes.

9. The foremen, members of the white-collar Manufacturing Science and Finance union, were protesting over the threat of compulsory redundancies.

10. There were many working in the camp —medical personnel, workmen, accountants, foremen— a total of about a hundred people.

11. Foremen are promoted from the ranks of production workers and as pivotal intermediaries they have quasi-managerial status.

12. The expanded role of the personnel manager in Acclimating the new worker also must be passed on to the superintendents and foremen

13. 15 So the foremen of the Israelites went in and complained to Pharʹaoh: “Why are you treating your servants this way?

14. Architects, engineers, surveyors, technicians, draftsmen, supervisors, master builders, foremen, workmen, laborers, drivers, machine operators, office clerks, purchasers, accountants, cooks, or just men and women with willing hands —they all rallied.

15. The Nazi foremen assigned to work under my direction wanted to build a large platform adjoining one of the central buildings, where Hitler could deliver his talks when in Berlin.

16. 15 Solʹo·mon had 70,000 common laborers* and 80,000 stonecutters+ in the mountains,+ 16 as well as Solʹo·mon’s 3,300 princely deputies+ who served as foremen to supervise the workmen.