Use "foreign law" in a sentence

1. Adjunct Professor, Foreign Relations Law

2. Benchmarking the Chinese Corporate Law Department Against Law Departments of Foreign Multinationals.

3. Fifth , the introduction of foreign limited partnership law.

4. Same law for natives and foreign residents (15, 16)

5. Volatile law and order situation also dishearten foreign tourists.

6. 8 Strengthens the foreign investor to the host country law confidence.

7. 23 The effective laws and regulations on foreign investment in the host country (region), such as investment law, company law and tax law.

8. A law was passed in 2015 on disclosure of foreign bank accounts.

9. The law allowed Japan to support the U.S. military on foreign territory.

10. The 2012 investment law opened the country to foreign investment allowing foreign investors to gain full ownership of an Andorran business

11. China passes law Authorising China Coast Guard's use of firepower against foreign vessels

12. The law permits foreign investors to own up to 25% of British companies.

13. The foreign criminal jurisdiction and extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction which are relatively independent and interactive, are both important concepts of foreign criminal law.

14. Greek and Roman law prohibited the introduction of foreign gods and new religious customs.

15. Compare and analyze the history, law model, mechanism feature of the foreign proxy voting right.

16. As per Russian law, it is mandatory for all foreign students to have medical insurance.

17. Amendments to the investment law passed in 1996 removed virtually all restrictions on foreign investment.

18. 12 Some foreign countries under the rule of law have a great deal of experience dealing with the retroactivity of law. The principle of Ex Post Facto prohibition originated in the Roman law.

19. Asylum, in international law, the protection granted by a state to a foreign citizen against his own state

20. Between 1954 and 1959, Japanese law was changed to allow foreign exchange dealings in many more Western currencies.

21. A Biennial statement is a document that all businesses, both foreign and domestic, must file every two years as required by the Business Corporation Law and the Limited Liability Company Law

22. Burty also regularly advises a number of domestic and foreign companies operating in Mauritius on regulatory, compliance and general company law matters

23. First of all, it's not reasonable to define the extraterritorial effect of law as the application of foreign laws by domestic courts.

24. Characterisation, or characterization, in conflict of laws, is the second stage of the procedure to resolve a lawsuit that involves foreign law

25. Seafarers who are detained in a foreign port should be dealt with promptly under due process of law and with appropriate consular protection.

26. The legal exchange rates were fixed by force of law for important foreign currencies which became acceptable in the settlement of internal transactions.

27. Foreign currency demand deposit and foreign currency deposit.

28. A foreign partnership, a foreign simple trust, or a foreign grantor trust (see instructions for exceptions).

29. Synonyms for Ambassadorial include diplomatic, consular, political, foreign-office, foreign-policy, foreign-politic, official and embassy

30. Russian authorities had to rush to modify the fateful law. Following these amendments, “foreign agents” are now being unilaterally registered, without any judicial review.

31. 21 Seafarers who are detained in a foreign port should be dealt with promptly under due process of law and with appropriate consular protection.

32. Foreign investment

33. * Foreign Jurisdiction.

34. 4 Public International Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, WTO law, International Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, International Investment Law.

35. (17) According to the Affidavit of foreign law requested by the referring court, Spanish law makes it possible for the injured party to bring a direct action against the insurer in the circumstances of the main proceedings.

36. For the first time since Vladimir Lenin's New Economic Policy, the law permitted private ownership of businesses in the services, manufacturing, and foreign-trade sectors.

37. The minister of foreign affairs has redesigned a new foreign policy.

38. Foreign Asset Control?

39. On the same day, the States directed the preparation of legislation to amend the Inheritance (Guernsey) Law, 2011 to recognise foreign same-sex marriages for its purposes.

40. 3 The Gesetz über die Besteuerung bei Auslandsbeziehungen (Außensteuergesetz) (Foreign Transaction Tax Law), in the version resulting from the Gesetz zum Abbau von Steuervergünstigungen und Ausnahmeregelungen (Law on the Reduction of Tax Advantages and Exemptions) of 16 May 2003 (BGBl.

41. When government borrowing increases interest rates it attracts foreign capital from foreign investors.

42. Asportation (law) synonyms, Asportation (law) pronunciation, Asportation (law) translation, English dictionary definition of Asportation (law)

43. The garrote very common once, is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion.

44. Article Investors in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall be free to hire Cambodian nationals and foreign nationals of their choosing in compliance with the labor and immigration law.

45. The law would also require offices of foreign NGOs to inform the government about their projects for the upcoming year and about the money allotted for specific projects.

46. In response, in May 2014, parliament amended the law, giving the Justice Ministry the authority to register groups as “foreign agents” at its own discretion, without their consent.

47. Bribes, Bullets, and Intimidation is the first book to examine drug trafficking through Central America and the efforts of foreign and domestic law enforcement officials to counter it

48. Preparation for Foreign Service

49. "Foreign Direct Investment - FDI".

50. Off to Foreign Fields

51. Advowson Author: Encyclopedic Read related entries on A, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Intellectual Property, Roman Law, AD, Advowee, Church Law, Ecclesiastical Law, Most Popular

52. • Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (FPASA) – This Act limits Canadian advertising in foreign magazines.

53. Andrew Achey specializes in criminal law, family law, divorce, custody law, guardianships, adoption law and expungements.

54. Chinese - foreign cooperative enterprises and foreign - funded enterprises, limited liability companies or limited companies.

55. • Advertising placed in Canadian foreign language media is normally translated into the appropriate foreign language.

56. Foreign exchange risk The risk of financial loss due to adverse movements in foreign currencies.

57. Foreign exchange risk – The risk of financial loss due to adverse movements in foreign currencies.

58. Adjusting to a Foreign Field

59. Robert Benchley, Actor: Foreign Correspondent

60. Do many foreign agents register?

61. * Mixed signs from foreign investors

62. Foreign Newscast is on Page

63. She teaches foreign students Chinese.

64. Foreign vacations have become commonplace.

65. Foreign guests were piped in.

66. She had £50in foreign currency.

67. Due to its capacity to combine technical knowledge, professional experience and foreign language skills (English, German and Dutch) the law firm GOFFIN VAN AKEN is your first choice legal contact.

68. Law of Contiguity synonyms, law of Contiguity pronunciation, law of Contiguity translation, English dictionary definition of law of Contiguity

69. Finnish law is codified and based on Swedish law and in a wider sense, civil law or Roman law.

70. Foreign exchange services are provided by many banks and specialist foreign exchange brokers around the world.

71. The distinction between public law and private law dates back to Roman law.

72. Lauren Aulder, Law & Auder, Law & Order, Law And Order [a191737] Artist

73. Russia Keeps Bribing Foreign Politicians

74. And foreign Appellations of origin

75. Meaning “A Foreign Resident There.”

76. Foreign direct investment increased steadily.

77. Alhajis will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of United Arab Emirates”.

78. The prime minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, is refusing to make the spending cuts mandated by international lenders and has floated a new law that would partially expropriate foreign banks' loan books.

79. Domestic and foreign business corporations are required by Section 408 of the Business Corporation Law to file a Biennial Statement every two years with the New York Department of State

80. Legal definition for Consuetudinary LAW: Customary law