Use "force of gravity" in a sentence

1. Centrifugal force can be greater than the force of gravity.

2. And that communicates the force of gravity.

3. The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.

4. 6 The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.

5. A force capable of Countermanding the basic physical law of gravity

6. Both gravity and centrifugal force will pull you downhill.

7. Effectively, the Centrifuge substitutes a similar, stronger, force for that of gravity

8. Antigravity definition: acting against the force of gravity Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

9. Cornering is a measurement of the force exerted on the vehicle’s center of gravity

10. The first is gravity and is known as the weak force.

11. Which means that the force of gravity pulling you down must be equal to the force of the scale pushing you up.

12. The rise is a result of the capillary suction which acts against the force of gravity.

13. In space an object maintains its orbit because of the force of gravity acting upon it.

14. I mean, they are defying the force of gravity, like building does, by the way.

15. The Accelerometer is an electromechanical device that measures the force of acceleration caused by movement or by gravity or by vibration. These forces can be static like gravity force, dynamic senses movement, or vibrations

16. They use the force of gravity, redirecting it into deferential equation slopes that you can surf.

17. An object floats on the surface of a liquid when the downward force of gravity of the object is balanced by the upward force of Buoyancy

18. Camerano cheese is a soft cheese drained naturally by force of gravity and is sometimes aged.

19. Use this Gravity Well to force enemies to peek Backsite C with a disadvantage

20. Two forces act on an object when it enters water: a downward force called gravity and an upward force called Buoyancy

21. First, water under the force of gravity will tend to flow in the most direct course downslope.

22. Gravity, which is such a strong force, will pull it down into the net.

23. Consequently the force of gravity at perigee is not enough to hold it in a circular orbit.

24. This occurs when external forces such as gravity are balanced by a pressure-gradient force.

25. But the future of Thorn industries lies not only in solar energy, in shale oil, and the force of gravity.

26. Daily, we deal with many things we cannot see, such as wind, electricity, magnetism, and the force of gravity.

27. Capillarity - or capillary action - is the ability of a narrow tube to draw a liquid upwards against the force of gravity

28. In the upward phase of a squat, the same muscles that lengthened in the downward phase are activated Concentrically to provide force for upward momentum against the force of gravity

29. The Winter Bobsled Experience is a highly physical and extreme experience, generating up to 4-5 times the force of gravity

30. Antigravity definition, the antithesis of gravity; a hypothetical force by which a body of positive mass would repel a body of negative mass

31. The Winter Bobsled Experience is a highly physical and extreme experience, generating up to 4-5 times the force of gravity

32. 24 The gas pressure eventually overcomes the force of solar gravity and the corona inevitably expands into space as the solar wind .

33. The structure of these channels enables capillary action —a phenomenon in which water is drawn into narrow spaces even against the force of gravity.

34. Gravity Falls Barfing Gnome Plush Brand: Gravity falls

35. For example, in a sewage lift station sewage usually flows through sewer pipes under the force of gravity to a wet well location.

36. When the lift generated by the blades exceeds the weight of the helicopter, that is, overcomes the force of gravity, the helicopter will rise.

37. Binocs as he zooms In on the concept of gravity which is an invisible force that pulls you back to the Earth's surface

38. What is a buoyant force? Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid in direction opposite to a downward force such as gravity and thus it counters (partially or fully) the weight of an object immersed in the fluid

39. Acceleration of gravity (9.81)

40. The only force of significance that acts on the object is gravity, which acts downward, thus imparting to the object a downward acceleration.

41. What is Buoyancy? Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid on an immersed object in a gravity field

42. Synonyms of Counteraction a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective the wind serves as a Counteraction to gravity, making it possible for a kite to remain airborne

43. What Is Buoyancy? All liquids and gases in the presence of gravity exert an upward force—called Buoyancy—on any object immersed in them

44. It's gravity.

45. An Accelerometer is an electromechanical device used to measure acceleration forces. Such forces may be static, like the continuous force of gravity or, as is …

46. The Modified Newtonian dynamics or MOND hypothesis proposed that the force of gravity deviates from the traditional Newtonian value to a very different force law at very low accelerations on the order of 10−10 m/s2.

47. Gravity is a form of magnetism.

48. 8) Capillarity and Gravity-Drops may lose their spherical shape under the influence of gravity

49. The Catenary is a plane curve, whose shape corresponds to a hanging homogeneous flexible chain supported at its ends and sagging under the force of gravity

50. Beware Dr. Gravity!

51. Gravity is unalterable but the forms to reflect gravity are diverse.

52. C-16 Center of Gravity Conjecture - The centroid of a triangle is the center of gravity of the triangular region

53. It was gravity.

54. These forces may be static, like the constant force of gravity pulling at your feet, or they could be dynamic - caused by moving or vibrating the Accelerometer.

55. We revised the theory and said, gravity pulls things to the Earth unless there is an equal and opposite force in the other direction.

56. One such is ‘the law of gravity.’

57. Trees defy gravity.

58. The gravity referenced angle sensors (clinometers) measure the angle of the mast/feed beam relative to gravity.

59. Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.

60. An apple falls down because of gravity.

61. Newtow Conclusively established the law of gravity

62. g = acceleration of gravity (g # m/s

63. g = acceleration of gravity = 10 m/s2.

64. One of these is the law of gravity.

65. The plane defied the laws of gravity.

66. In a word, gravity.

67. Acceleration due to gravity

68. Uh, gravity, electron density.

69. Zero gravity what's like?

70. A0340 Acoustic-gravity wave A gravity wave which is propagated through the atmosphere with the speed of sound.

71. On the other hand, man has always dreamed of flying, overcoming the force of gravity that anchors him to the ground and defying the limits set by physics and reality.

72. What facts underline the gravity of mankind’s problems?

73. Particle Gravity Screen Saver

74. 1 Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.

75. Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity.

76. Air track Gravimetry Gravity of Earth Newton's law of universal gravitation Standard gravity Gerald James Holton and Stephen G. Brush (2001).

77. Buoyancy The weight of a ship acts through the ship's centre of gravity (G). It is counteracted by Buoyancy—the force of displaced water—which acts upward through a centre of Buoyancy (B)

78. The effect of gravity on acceleration is removed.

79. Gravity displacement Autoclaves, also called gravity Autoclaves, inject steam into the autoclave chamber and then rely on that steam, which is heavier than air, to force the air to leave the chamber through the drain vent at the bottom, according to the CDC.

80. Do you realize the gravity of the situation?