Use "foraging" in a sentence

1. “Sherman’s ‘Bummers’ foraging in South Carolina

2. Red and gray squirrels are foraging.

3. Where have you been foraging recently?

4. A large male chimpanzee was foraging for food.

5. The offspring could learn foraging information from mother in uterus and weaning, and get also foraging information from experienced forager through social learning.

6. Other Circling events also appeared unrelated to foraging

7. Foraging and skirmishing took place here during the Civil War.

8. They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.

9. A solid base with a substrate encourages foraging activity and play.

10. Her assistant was foraging in a cupboard for some envelopes.

11. Foraging here is a little easier, but it is also more hazardous.

12. Went out for some bushcraft and foraging Beechnuts in the early autumn

13. Barebones hori hori knife Barebones lantern pulaski axe foraging bag gadino

14. 7 They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.

15. 6 We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the roadside.

16. Its short legs and long hind toe are adaptations to this foraging method.

17. 12 The growth behavior of Zoysia japonica showed strong plasticity and foraging trait.

18. Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy.

19. A troupe of golden-crowned kinglets was foraging close to the ground.

20. These small, burrowing rodents escape the intense heat of day by foraging at night.

21. Bobolinks feed on insects and seeds, usually foraging on or near the ground

22. 30 We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the roadside.

23. Appetitive reversal learning differences of two honey bee subspecies with different foraging behaviors

24. Nevertheless, it would be disingenuous to suggest that foraging is always straight - forward and easy.

25. Flocks of Bushtits mix with similar small songbirds like warblers, chickadees, and kinglets while foraging.

26. Bluebottles are foraging predators that feed mostly on larval fish and small crustaceans and mollusks

27. Maximal foraging activity of colonies occurs at surface temperatures corresponding to this optimal search temperature.

28. Within the first year of their lives, Bocaccio begin foraging on other young fishes

29. Spadefoots require aquatic habitats for breeding and terrestrial habitats for foraging, hibernation, and aestivation.

30. (2002) have shown similar large-scale spatial segregation of foraging areas for southern hemisphere albatross species.

31. Emergent bucket Brigading: a simple mechanisms for improving performance in multi-robot constrained-space foraging tasks

32. Advances on the functional response of Herbivorous mammals foraging and plant availability variables were review.

33. But at this time of the year brent geese are also to be found foraging.

34. He could not join in the telling of smutty jokes or the foraging expeditions for willing females.

35. Flocks of Bushtits mix with similar small songbirds like warblers, chickadees, and kinglets while foraging

36. Personable medium-sized Babbler, often encountered foraging in noisy, lively flocks on or around the forest floor

37. Neither side moved, but one day the Damascenes attacked a large foraging party and nearly Annihilated it.

38. Our artist sent us with this sketch of ‘Bummers Foraging’ a graphic account of their modus operandi

39. As they go about their aerial foraging, the bats digest fruit and expel undigested pulp and seeds.

40. Snow Buntings may form large foraging flocks in winter, often mixing with Horned Larks and longspurs.

41. Its foraging, antipredator, social and reproductive behaviour are extremely similar to those of the Calabar Angwantibo.

42. Orientation experiments demonstrated that the hindgut trail serves as an important orientation cue during foraging activities.

43. They are unable to do anything natural such as dust badging or foraging through the grass.

44. The Bandicoots dig for food in sandy soil, making foraging pits to find seeds, tubers, insects and fungi

45. The Beekeepers were asked about the types of ecosystems upon which their managed colonies were foraging

46. These Advancements can be unlocked by slaying mobs, obtaining new materials, traveling, foraging, trading and more

47. 4. setting the longlines at night when albatross and other seabirds are less likely to be foraging?

48. Common Carps are omnivorous and possess an aggressive foraging behavior that uproots native plants as well as fish eggs

49. It is the sophisticated foraging behaviour of the bees that has promoted the diversity of flower colours.

50. In particular there are close associations between nesting density on islands or islets, foraging habits, breeding ecology, and behaviour.

51. The birds spend much of their day foraging in dense, varied vegetation and return to roost together at dusk.

52. A social bird, it lives in family groups and frequently joins and even leads mixed-species foraging flocks.

53. In winter, Brewer's Blackbirds gather in large flocks, often with other Blackbirds, and may be seen foraging in

54. They are commonly found in all water depths, foraging in seaweeds, hiding under rocks or burrowing in sand or mud.

55. In the face of potential starvation, honey bees finally begin foraging on alfalfa, but they learn to avoid being clubbed.

56. Yet, in much of California, Long-billed Curlews now rely on working agricultural lands for breeding and foraging habitat

57. Like most other Barbets, sluggish and difficult to see, usually encountered foraging quietly or sitting still in the canopy

58. After a morning spent foraging at sea, frigate birds come here to bath their feathers and to sip on the wing

59. Placed in the middle of a field of alfalfa, foraging bees will fly tremendous distances to find alternative sources of food.

60. Thus, at present, most of plant population ecologists still don't know about foraging behaviour and resource translocation of the caespitose clones.

61. Population sizes and trends Spotted Bats can be inventoried by acoustic surveys at potential roost sites or foraging areas.

62. Feeding Behaviour: Typically found from the understory to the forest floor, Capuchins spend most of their time foraging for a wide variety

63. 18 Cohesive social units foraging a particular area over several generations would enhance efficiency by transmitting such information among closely related animals.

64. Singles and pairs frequently join mixed-species flocks foraging Agilely for insects, working the canopy of dense broadleaf woodland and

65. Workers observing it and about to leave on their own foraging[sentence dictionary], immediately fly off in the direction indicated.

66. Nectarivorous birds such as hummingbirds also optimize their foraging by keeping track of the locations of good and bad flowers.

67. They suggested that feral pigeons within urban environments probably used their "memory and categorisation abilities in their daily foraging activities".

68. Villagers were forced outside of main towns to escape the bombings, foraging for food and living on the run with the Khmer Rouge.

69. Baboons have loose cheeks which allow them to gather food while foraging to eat later once they return to an area of safety.

70. Selective pressures, likely through competition for resource, have shaped the ecomorphology and foraging behaviours of the six species of Boobies in the Pacific.

71. Unlike grebes they do not dive to obtain food, instead picking prey off the water's surface or foraging on the shore.

72. However, even though Open areas were used for nesting, almost all foraging trips observed from nests in Open areas were into nearby Forest stands.

73. This deep diving behaviour may reflect nocturnal foraging on siphonophore and salp colonies and medusae within the deep scattering layer (Eckert et al., 1989).

74. Lawnmower Blennies are naturally prey fish and they like to dart into a cave or hide if they happen to feel threatened while foraging

75. The Bananaquit’s song is a rapid series of high-pitched, shrill, unmelodious squeaks which is heard most noisily while foraging in groups (Gross 1958)

76. Like other titmice species, Bridled Titmice are often at the center of foraging flocks that can include chickadees, kinglets, warblers, vireos, tanagers, and nuthatches.

77. The main objective of this research is to characterise the Anthophilous insects (primarily bees), observe foraging on "Clemson spineless" variety of A.

78. Bags, ground cloths, foraging pouches and more, all designed to handle the Pacific Northwest weather and used by the Bushcraft community worldwide

79. Bottomland hardwood forests are important to SEM and RBEB (Clark et al., 1998; Cochran, 1999), providing roosting and foraging habitat (Tiner, 1984)

80. However, the rates of foraging and aggression of natural fry were significantly affected by the type of hatchery fry stocked with them.