Use "folly" in a sentence

1. What folly!

2. I was betrayed into folly.

3. Too much clevernness is folly.

4. He always sounds in folly.

5. Blitzing Patrick Mahomes is folly

6. Folly is an incurable disease.

7. In love folly is always sweet.

8. Ahab’s words reveal two kinds of folly.

9. Events proved the folly of such calculations.

10. Civilized is a Fable and Folly Production.

11. Poverty and human folly magnify natural disasters.

12. Folly is the cloke of knavery. 

13. Learn wisdom by the folly of others.

14. She said that the idea was folly.

15. These facts demonstrate the folly of the policy.

16. Somerville bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved.

17. Beauty and folly are often companions. 

18. 4 synonyms for Betise: folly, imbecility, stupidity, foolishness

19. It seems like an act of monumental folly.

20. Manylayered stories of ambition, folly and inner turmoil.

21. That would be an act of sheer folly!

22. 21 Events proved the folly of such calculations.

23. Suddenly she saw the folly of it all.

24. 19 Answer a fool according to his folly

25. Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

26. He was betrayed by social ambitions into irreparable folly.

27. Somerville Bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved

28. 3 words related to Asininity: folly, foolishness, unwiseness

29. “Stylistically, Arsenals of Folly is often quite distinguished

30. To work to accumulate wealth for hoarding is folly.

31. Anger rests in the bosom of folly. 

32. Adversity » Sometimes the result of sin and folly

33. 3 Somerville bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved.

34. Axeman's folly is an ale that players can make

35. It is folly to buy such a junk at $

36. To blame; to reproach; as, to Chide folly or negligence.

37. Somerville Bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved: 4

38. 12 Answer a fool according to his folly

39. They have finally seen the folly of their ways.

40. It would be folly to turn the offer down.

41. 9 It is folly to buy such a junk at $

42. 13 Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

43. To blame; to reproach; as, to Chide folly or negligence

44. And his folly will be the downfall of us all.

45. His present indigence is a sufficient punishment for former folly.

46. Folly was painfully aware that she was acting completely unreasonably.

47. It's utter folly to go swimming in this cold weather.

48. Genius is ever regarded as folly till it Astounds the world

49. Anger begins with folly(sentencedict .com), and ends in repentance. 

50. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant.

51. Betise definition: folly or lack of perception Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

52. It is folly to regard television as a medium of undiluted rubbish.

53. Outlet, scribbled Goldberg in the margin, folly of belief in permanence.

54. 12 Then I turned my attention to wisdom and madness and folly.

55. His idealism had been soured by the varied spectacle of human folly.

56. Jesus Christ warned against the folly of putting our trust in material riches.

57. 8 His idealism had been soured by the varied spectacle of human folly.

58. 22 To look to men for salvation is the height of folly.

59. 12 Looking back, I laugh at the harebrained folly of my scheme.

60. Banstead's Blatant folly had been enough to set any man in a rage.

61. If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. 

62. Why is it the height of folly to look to men for salvation?

63. To spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on remaining anonymous is gratuitous folly.

64. To reduce public spending on wellbeing would be an act of the greatest folly.

65. 9 Yet if wisdom should not be timorous,( neither should folly be rash.

66. The gospel is not analogous to philosophical wisdom; it is folly to the worldly.

67. The devising of folly is sin, And the scorner is an abomination to men.

68. It would be folly to grant that increase without insisting on some quid pro quo.

69. I hinted at his imprudence and his folly, but he did not take my hint.

70. Synonyms for Craziness include absurdity, silliness, inanity, foolishness, lunacy, madness, asininity, nonsensicalness, folly and senselessness

71. 19 Jehovah then revealed to Joshua that “a disgraceful folly” had been committed in Israel.

72. Those seeking to engage the Sorceress shall soon feel the icy bite of their folly.

73. Yet many believe It'shines an unflattering light on our tendency for folly and hubris, too.

74. It is the height of folly and a tragic waste to gallop into war.

75. 'Really, Rat, ' said the Mole, quite pettishly , 'I think we'd had enough of this folly.

76. 30 But pop sets itself against nature and abandons wisdom for folly, moments of dissipation.

77. If Nature herself sought to impede her progress, then resistance was mere pride and folly.

78. To suggest that we will now integrate our currency with the United States is absolute folly

79. Jonathan Madden is a would-be twentieth century folly builder who's been thwarted by town planners.

80. A Deep Green Freeze Power shortages show the folly of eliminating natural gas—and coal