Use "flexibilities" in a sentence

1. Rural Crosswalk: CMS Flexibilities to Fight COVID-19

2. Synonyms for Athleticisms include activenesses, flexibilities, lithenesses, muscularities, powers, powerfulness, strengths, supplenesses, vigors and vigours

3. Subpart 17.5 - Interagency Acquisitions: Subpart 17.6 - Management and Operating Contracts: Subpart 17.7 - Interagency Acquisitions: Acquisitions by Nondefense Agencies on Behalf of the Department of Defense: Part 18 - Emergency Acquisitions: Subpart 18.1 - Available Acquisition Flexibilities: Subpart 18.2 - Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities

4. Uneven adherence to staffing values -- potential for misuse of flexibilities and abuse of authorities in staffing processes.

5. Now, not being a drug company, we could do certain things, we had certain flexibilities, that I respect that a pharmaceutical industry doesn't have.

6. Among the other elements are non-advalorem tariffs, NTBs, effects of tariff cuts on existing non-reciprocal preferences (erosion of preferences), sectoral issues and special flexibilities for LDCs and other groups of developing countries.

7. Accreditation Handbook, Revised 2020 New Procedures and Criteria for Recognizing Accrediting Agencies Effective July 1, 2020 Information for Accrediting Agencies Regarding Temporary Flexibilities Provided to Coronavirus Impacted Institutions or Accrediting Agencies ACICS Retroactive Establishment of the Date of Accreditation Written Third Party Comments—Federal Register Notice for Agencies

8. It enables global network optimisation by aggregating local needs; it allows distribution feeder automation closer to the whereabouts of the resources at lower cost; and it saves DSOs the cost of very expensive distribution management systems, where a central server has to account for all flexibilities required at the local level.

9. Therefore, taking into account the statistical observations of this year's report, the annual exit interview report, the conclusions of the MTP review conducted recently by TBS and the HRM context, the PSC recommends improvements to the Program such as introducing flexibilities into the Program, creating a focussed marketing strategy to increase the number of participating departments (both in the NCR and regionally) and the abolition of Ab Initio status.

10. The Declaration explicitly mentions that "(e)ach Member has the right to grant compulsory licenses and the freedom to determine the grounds upon which such licenses are granted" (paragraph 5(b)), that "(e)ach Member has the right to determine what constitutes a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency" (paragraph 5(c)), and that each Member is free to establish its exhaustion regime (paragraph 5(d)). The Declaration also explicitly recognizes certain flexibilities of the WTO Members under the TRIPS Agreement in the context of public health.