Use "fleeting" in a sentence

1. The clouds are fleeting before wind.

2. Art is long , and time is fleeting.

3. Passing is fleeting moment, miss is eternal.

4. Human lives are fleeting, they're nothing.

5. This is just a fleeting visit.

6. For a fleeting moment that is.

7. They fired at a fleeting enemy.

8. Unfortunately, such emotions are either fleeting or hidden.

9. For a fleeting moment the Master reappeared.

10. However, material things have only fleeting value.

11. The people’s fleeting loyal love (4-6)

12. Grandpa's concern for your safety is fleeting!

13. We paid a fleeting visit to Paris.

14. Some moments are too fleeting for clumsy fiddling.

15. We know our time on this Earth is fleeting.

16. This spectacle offers a fleeting moment of unforgettable beauty.

17. Astrictiveness Fleeting moment or two! Additional fifty per cent

18. Darwin had caught a fleeting glimpse of Galapagos'great secret

19. She felt some fleeting nostalgia for her morning fire.

20. We only had a fleeting glimpse of the river.

21. Is immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love.

22. " But a little fantastic and fleeting and out of reach. "

23. 16 We only had a fleeting glimpse of the river.

24. We paid her a fleeting visit before leaving the country.

25. Sergeant Bramble allowed himself the luxury of a fleeting smile.

26. Confusion is sometimes a fleeting problem with a clear cause

27. The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.

28. My brothers and sisters, time with your children is fleeting.

29. No dictionary can really capture something as fleeting and ephemeral as slang.

30. I caught a fleeting glimpse of them as they drove past.

31. Anise seeds lend a fleeting and floral scent reminiscent of licorice

32. We only had a fleeting glimpse of the sun all day.

33. My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness.

34. 8 The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.

35. In these sad days, I take the fleeting time, chaotic has floated lives.

36. For a fleeting moment Gina almost felt sorry for Hanne's recalcitrant son.

37. For a fleeting moment I thought the car was going to crash.

38. Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. 

39. 25 I caught a fleeting glimpse of them as they drove past.

40. 5 We only had a fleeting glimpse of the sun all day.

41. Fresh Cobnuts are a fleeting delight, so enjoy them while you can

42. "Caducity" usually refers to the fleeting or perishable nature of something

43. After his fleeting interest in the Church, Covel returned to his former position.

44. So you are looking at the crystallization of the fleeting formation of fear.

45. She wondered for a fleeting moment if he would put his arm around her.

46. Who gave me love placid who accompany me to see through the fleeting landscape.

47. 115 synonyms for Brief: short, fast, quick, temporary, fleeting, swift, short-lived, little, hasty

48. A Fleeting Moment by Peter LeDoux 49 4 Sigma EX Aspherical 24-70mm F2.8

49. He put the fleeting temptation aside, surprised that it had even occurred to him.

50. Botanical artwork is a wonderful way to enjoy the fleeting beauty of plants all year long.

51. Antiquarks, which have only a fleeting existence, form as quark-antiquark pairs when gluons split

52. For most of our history we were isolationist. For two fleeting decades we were predominant.

53. Blt sandwiches are one of summer’s fleeting joys, best eaten when tomatoes are at their peak

54. And it's hard to catch the fleeting gestures because they don't call attention to their motions.

55. In the global economy, competitiveness is a race with no finish line, and gains in competitiveness are fleeting.

56. Fink's symbols, such as the bird, tree, vessel and Madonna, refer to dreamlike relationships and fleeting moments.

57. I chafed some warmth into my soul by telling myself that our business required an understanding of the fleeting.

58. As I set off I had a fleeting glimpse of the leer of pure delight on Simkin's face.

59. The story relates the fleeting adventures of a young boy and a snowman who has come to life.

60. Members can discern between schemes that are flashy and fleeting and those refinements that are uplifting and enduring.

61. 17 The wind was tugging at her hair, the setting sun turning it to false and fleeting gold.

62. It is a fleeting shadow, a fading flower, a blade of grass to be cut and soon withered. . . .

63. It was as though, at the height of a fever(, you experienced a fleeting moment of wellbeing.

64. 19 And in self-pity that the ugly reality of Berlin had once again destroyed her fleeting moment of happiness.

65. • I Chafed some warmth into my soul by telling myself that our business required an understanding of the fleeting

66. That fleeting expletives could be Actionably indecent 21 FCC Rcd at 13308 23 from BULW 3310 at Lamar University

67. Artichokes are can be intimidating, thanks to the prickly factor, exhaustive preparation process and the fleeting availability in spring

68. The stuff of impressionist painting had been the fleeting glimpse of Ia vie moderne rather than the solid statue.

69. Candelas thoughtfully crafted collection of design-driven residences emphasizes quality over quantity and celebrates enduring glamour over fleeting trends

70. Candela's thoughtfully crafted collection of design-driven residences emphasizes quality over quantity and celebrates enduring glamour over fleeting trends

71. 6 There is often an absurdly top-heavy effect, too, when the author named makes only a fleeting appearance.

72. And in self-pity that the ugly reality of Berlin had once again destroyed her fleeting moment of happiness.

73. The moon appears for fleeting seconds, the night speeds up frantically, the clouds bowl along and vulnerability replaces control.

74. “Charm may be false, and beauty may be fleeting, but the woman who fears Jehovah will be praised.” —Proverbs 31:30.

75. Wonderful to imagine and easy to fall in love with... but a little fantastic... and fleeting... and out of reach.

76. The photographs are linked across the book by fleeting resemblances, oppositions, repetitions, the pictorial equivalents of assonance and half-rhyme.

77. 29 No rhythm is repeated, and every event is novel: Inevitably, this gives thematic material of a very fleeting nature.

78. And that moment is right now, and those moments are counting down, and those moments are always, always, always fleeting.

79. 27 For a fleeting second she allowed herself to revel in the unaccustomed feeling of having the upper hand over him.

80. The immediacy of these visionary experiences endows them with a high degree of intensity, but also renders them fleeting and transient.