Use "fire upon joint patrol" in a sentence

1. To patrol and ambush, call in artillery fire.

2. Upon approaching Port Arthur the Japanese came upon the Russian cruiser Boyarin, which was on patrol.

3. Amnesty Decoders: Troll Patrol India is a joint initiative by Amnesty International and Amnesty India

4. During the third attack (24 and 27 December) she set a patrol vessel on fire.

5. “Then Jehovah made it rain sulphur and fire . . . upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah.” —Gen.

6. Fire was brought to bear upon the enemy column.

7. The Americans struck first, crippling Shōkaku; anti-aircraft fire and combat air patrol aircraft soon decimated Zuikaku's air group.

8. June 1 – A permanent flight of aircraft is stationed in San Diego to serve as a forest fire patrol.

9. Patrol boat!

10. Then Jehovah made it rain sulphur and fire from Jehovah, from the heavens, upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah.

11. Kamikazes evaded the combat air patrol in the morning and Oakland took two under fire as they passed over the ship.

12. Our troop advanced wave upon wave undeterred by the hail of fire.

13. More border patrol.

14. Patrol Officer Cha!

15. Engage with representatives of relevant bodies to discuss and agree upon joint activities, as appropriate

16. It's a patrol.

17. Border Patrol confirmed to WTSP that a Beachgoer happened upon a bag containing 71 pounds of cocaine, valued at roughly $1 million.

18. What about patrol boats?

19. Proposals shall be evaluated and selected through joint evaluation and selection procedures to be agreed upon.

20. Lycans patrol outside the walls?

21. Security guards patrol the perimeter.

22. Once upon a time a man could hang for setting fire to a hayrick!

23. Girion, the Lord of the City... rallied his bowmen... to fire upon the beast.

24. The second , research the acting means of presentiment system, this part is consist of spy and patrol signal fire transferring and recovery per se.

25. April Bowlby, Actress: Doom Patrol

26. " Yellow Sea Patrol Forward Base "

27. Sitting on the grass, Bogarting a joint, being an herb hog — those behaviors were all frowned upon.

28. The act which the Joint Committee is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

29. But while their charges hang fire for three or four years, the company has made its joint.

30. The act which the Joint Council is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

31. The policeman was on patrol.

32. Barracks Level 1: Unlocks patrol missions

33. The guards hardly ever patrol it.

34. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire It'sat upon each of them.

35. When the order came to open fire, the officers aboard the fisheries patrol vessel were so taken aback, they asked that the command be repeated

36. 'Bombproof' the Mounted Patrol Way

37. Highway patrol officers closed the road.

38. Other Bombardiers though look upon them with disdain and have only contempt for this 'tamed fire'

39. The patrol was waylaid by bandits.

40. Upon formal acceptance of the agreement, the Little Brook Volunteer Fire Department will fund the balance.

41. He will rain down upon the wicked ones traps, fire and sulphur and a scorching wind . . .

42. Upon seeing any players, Afrits will fire a scorchfireball charge at the player, inflicting the player

43. To achieve that goal, I call upon all parties to agree to an immediate cease-fire.

44. He failed to return from a patrol.

45. * Supply of an Offshore Patrol Vessel

46. The police have one patrol boat.

47. They attacked two soldiers on patrol.

48. Police patrol the streets at night.

49. The army regularly patrol the border.

50. Guard group is to patrol that time.

51. Three reconnaissance aircraft are permanently on patrol.

52. They made hourly patrol of the area.

53. 17 Outside I could hear rain falling upon the fire-escape and bouncing back against the window.

54. Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades.

55. The army regularly patrol along the border.

56. He ran headlong into an enemy patrol.

57. Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol.

58. Two Dremora Caitiffs patrol the main chamber

59. They were detailed to patrol the border.

60. Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.

61. Leviticus 1:17 - And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it Asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

62. From 27 January to 18 February, she served on patrol and gave fire support, bombarding enemy troops in the foothills and destroying a strong point in a cave.

63. Constables are on call and may be called upon to patrol or “hang out” in certain hot spots to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement, Oaks said.

64. FIRE-RATED EDGES & Astragals: Metal Edges and Astragals up to 108” are Fire-Rated up to 90 minutes by Intertek Warnock Hersey, however only marked upon request

65. The rebel musketry fire was pouring... upon our men, who were closing together and rallying under the attack.

66. We need a constant patrol along the walls.

67. The patrol had covered 200 miles without incident.

68. We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol.

69. Our forward patrol has/have spotted the enemy.

70. History reports: “Then Jehovah made it rain sulphur and fire from Jehovah, from the heavens,” upon those cities.

71. The Confederates opened heavy fire upon the advancing Union troops that included four ten pound Parrott rifled cannons.

72. Patrol the market and the lower town.

73. 27 It does not exist where one of the parent companies may alone decide upon a joint venture company's commercial activities.

74. While on patrol duty in a fire-support area near Toulon, the destroyer blockaded enemy merchant ships in San Remo harbor and fired on supply buildings in the vicinity.

75. Lobby's protected by five guards on rotating patrol.

76. The patrol have reported that all is quiet.

77. The Ankle joint is both a synovial joint and a hinge joint

78. Casey Brinke is a character from Doom Patrol, Vol

79. Near the island in early December 2002, in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq, an Iraqi ship opened fire on two Kuwaiti coastguard patrol boats, causing them to collide.

80. I settled happily before the blazing fire, musing upon the stupidity of salmon fishing and certain of my friends.