Use "finite dimensional space" in a sentence

1. Dimensional phase space is Avoidedi and the Hamiltonization procedure ends with a sort of extension of Ostrogradski transformation,13 or a finite dimensional phase space is defined for perturbative solutions,4V’ 1~‘ 4 only.

2. Adjoints and Self-Adjoint Operators Finite Dimensional Case Francis J

3. We take this curved 12-dimensional space, and transform it into a flat, four-dimensional space.

4. A four-dimensional space or 4D space is a mathematical extension of the concept of three-dimensional or 3D space.

5. These are not Lie groups as they are not finite-dimensional manifolds.

6. The physical universe is finite in space and time.

7. The polyhedral surfaces discussed above are, in modern language, two-dimensional finite CW-complexes.

8. It is quite possible that space and time are finite.

9. This paper presents the development of a three - dimensional finite element model of central maxillary incisor.

10. Antennas, aerials, radiating and reflective objects, examining and characterising of two-dimensional or three dimensional space segments

11. But with three-dimensional space there's no dimension left over.

12. 13 Objective : To build a three - dimensional finite element model of temporomandibular joint and the mandible.

13. In this section we assume that V is finite-dimensional and its bilinear form is non-singular.

14. In particular, the only exceptional simple Jordan algebras are finite-dimensional Albert algebras, which have dimension 27.

15. The configuration space of a non-symmetrical object in n-dimensional space is SO(n) × Rn.

16. Construction of three - dimensional and non - liner finite element model of Ni - Ti arch wire for orthodontics.

17. For finite dimensional H, this group would be a complex general linear group and not at all Contractible

18. (In the most general cases, the domain of the Adjoint can be a much, much smaller set [even finite dimensional], so does not make much sense as an operator on the original Hilbert space.

19. In the abstract formulation of linear algebra, matrices are replaced with linear transformations of finite-dimensional vector spaces.

20. He classified the finite-dimensional simple Lie superalgebras, and found the Kac determinant formula for the Virasoro algebra.

21. In contrast, the finite-dimensional representations of semisimple Lie algebras are completely understood, after work of Élie Cartan.

22. First consider displacements in a flat three-dimensional space, which is one sort of isotropic homogeneous space.

23. The finite element method was used for the calculation of the steady-state three-dimensional (3D) flow of unconfined groundwater.

24. In chapter two, superconvergent finite volume element method based on quadratic interpolation is generalized to one dimensional parabolic problems.

25. 8 Three-dimensional finite element model of Lijiaxia Hydropower Station is established to monitor operation condition of the arch dam.

26. The Kraus representation is based on a theorem of WF Stinespring about completely positive images of finite-dimensional C*-algebras.

27. The material covered ranges from basic definitions of Lie groups to the classification of finite-dimensional representations of semisimple Lie Algebras

28. The real definition of Compactness is that a space is compact if every open cover of the space has a finite subcover

29. More recently, Kramer has become interested in cosmology and three-dimensional space forms.

30. As an application of these decompositions, we obtain two recursion formulas for computing the multiplicities of simple finite dimensional Cn modules.

31. It dutifully underscores the mosaic imagery of flat, two-dimensional space and silhouetted figures.

32. On the other hand, many infinite-dimensional objects in algebraic geometry could be interpreted as constructions with finite dimensions in analytic geometry.

33. 14 Methods A three-dimensional finite element model of the nasomaxillary complex was created, consisting of 1638 isoparametric elements and 1827 nodes.

34. Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra over K, not necessarily commutative and D(A) be the noncommutative duplicate of A.

35. The central idea is that our visible, four-dimensional universe is entirely restricted to a Brane in a higher-dimensional space, called the bulk

36. He was an Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1983 in Warsaw with talk Indecomposable representations of finite-dimensional algebras.

37. We prove that any “finite-type” component of a stability space of a triangulated category is Contractible

38. Kelvin of thermodynamic temperature unit is consists of 4 dimensional space , minus 4 dimensional time and an coefficient of 77 , its physical expression has upgraded into.

39. The closer together you space the Battens, the more dimensional and textured the installation becomes.

40. The word Configuration is sometimes used to describe a finite collection of points,, where is a Euclidean space

41. 6 In the two-dimensional interpretation, we adopt the point source finite-element method and the reciprocity principle which can lighten the calculation burden.

42. There is also (in two dimensions) a combinatorial generalization of coordinatized Affine space, as developed in synthetic finite geometry .

43. Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra over K, not necessarily commutative or associative, and let D(A) be the noncommutative duplicate of A.

44. With a comprehensive reference section, algebraists and research students in this field will find this an indispensable account of the theory of finite-dimensional Algebras.

45. In number theory, the geometry of numbers studies convex bodies and integer vectors in n-dimensional space.

46. A new space marching method is presented for solving the one-dimensional nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems.

47. 16 The nonlinear stability of the space frame-composite laminate plate combined structures is studied by nonlinear finite element method.

48. In this project, I tried to extend the Biomorphs to 3D(dimensional) space by using OpenGL graphics

49. Diffusion-induced movement of a molecule or particle along all three axes within a three-dimensional space.

50. M-theory, the dominant version of string theory, holds that the universe is made up of unfathomably small slices of a 2-dimensional membrane, wriggling in 11-dimensional space.

51. In ancient Greek mathematics, "space" was a geometric abstraction of the three-dimensional reality observed in everyday life.

52. The parity-check matrix H is derived from a (0,l)-geometry which is induced by a finite inversive space.

53. 11 M-theory, the dominant version of string theory, holds that the universe is made up of unfathomably small slices of a 2-dimensional membrane, wriggling in 11-dimensional space.

54. Cartesian coordinates allow one to specify the location of a point in the plane, or in three-dimensional space

55. For 3-dimensional space lattices we need 3 or in some cases 4 Crystallographic axes that define directions within

56. Objective: To study how the depth and morphology of affected the dentinal stress distribution of the root of maxillary central incisor using three-dimensional-finite-element analysis.

57. A helix is a geometrical object in three-dimensional space which is shaped like a corkscrew or spiral staircase

58. The probability density in three-dimensional space is obtained by rotating the one shown here around the z-axis.

59. In pure mathematics, quaternions show up significantly as one of the four finite-dimensional normed division algebras over the real numbers, with applications throughout algebra and geometry.

60. Based on the force behavior of joist of large-span prestressed space frame system, space finite element analysis of prestressed beam-slab system is carried out by using ANSYS software.

61. The problem of classification of simple finite dimensional Lie Algebras over the field of complex numbers was solved by the end of the 19th century by Killing and Cartan

62. In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. This theory linked gravitation, acceleration and the four dimensional space-time.

63. Finite Solid Primitives

64. 21 rows  · The Centroid of an object in -dimensional space is the intersection of all hyperplanes that …

65. One usually visualizes such a vector simply as an arrow drawn on a plane or in a three-dimensional space.

66. Human understanding is finite.

67. Bats and we need the same kind of internal model for representing the position of objects in three-dimensional space.

68. The Accelerometer class lets you monitor the device's Accelerometer sensor, which indicates the acceleration of the device in three-dimensional space.

69. Watching something two-dimensional gradually turn into something three-dimensional.

70. The finite element idealizations of the symmetric half of the pipe joint are shown in Figure 1.1.1–2 and Figure 1.1.1–3, corresponding to the Axisymmetric and three-dimensional analyses, respectively

71. A three-dimensional model of the left acetabulum with inserted threaded cup has been generated, based on the finite element method, to calculate stress patterns in the standing phase during walking.

72. A set in a metric space is Bounded if it has a finite generalized diameter, i.e., there is an such that for all

73. The first, which follows on directly from the famous doctoral thesis by L. de Broglie, concerns waves in three-dimensional space.

74. Gently push a piece of the tube containing the intersection along the fourth dimension, out of the original three-dimensional space.

75. Incidentally, direct a little light down behind the speaker: it fills the space behind him and makes him more three-dimensional.

76. 2.1 Deterministic Finite Accepters

77. 12 Methods:The models of 3 dimensional finite element analysis (3 D FEA) of left upper permanent central incisor were designed by microtomy. Comparative studies of stress distribution were carried out.

78. A two-dimensional heat conduction equation with a time dependent aerodynamic heating condition at one surface and a radiation boundary condition at the other end is solved using finite element method.

79. Space may be finite or infinite, but because the universe is accelerating, there are parts of it we cannot see and never will see.

80. A new finite element space is studied, in which the scaling function of B-spline wavelet is consider as the shape function of tetrahedron.