Use "fining" in a sentence

1. Producers can accelerate the process by using fining agents, filtration and/or flotation.

2. 14 Therefore, it is very important to research fining of Pyrex flat glass.

3. The fining of non-Borosilicates, especially those which have a relatively high alkali content and a relatively low viscosity at 1350° C., is more or less easily accomplished, but the fining of borosilicate glasses is a more difficult matter

4. And although the audacious stunt ran the risk of fining the club for breaching FA sponsorship guidelines, the cheeky gambling shop stopped at nothing to make its point clear: stop Bastardising

5. Now, instead of just pulling over offenders and fining them, police in Gurgaon, northwestern India, are also requiring drivers to join the constables in directing traffic for a half hour or more.

6. Health Canada laboratories will continue to conduct research on the potential presence of protein-containing residues of priority allergens resulting from the use of fining agents derived from milk, egg or fish in alcoholic beverages.

7. ‘If Coaly or oily material is present in samples the DMSO may become very dark, but this does not appear to affect its effectiveness when re-used.’ ‘A repeating sequence of fining-upward sediments commonly capped by Coaly layers is indicative of fluvial sediments.’

8. ‘If Coaly or oily material is present in samples the DMSO may become very dark, but this does not appear to affect its effectiveness when re-used.’ ‘A repeating sequence of fining-upward sediments commonly capped by Coaly layers is indicative of fluvial sediments.’

9. According to their nature, administrative punishments can be grouped into three types: (i) punishments resulting in specific actions, such as revoking permits of licenses, and ordering the suspension of production and operations; (ii) punishments involving property, such as fining and confiscation of illegal property; and (iii) punishments of an admonitory nature, such as warning.

10. Is the Commission aware that in 1995 the Dutch company Vos B.V. of Alphen aan den Rijn (part of Helm AG of Hamburg) supplied glycerine contaminated with diethylene glycol (antifreeze) to Pharval in Haiti, which used it as an ingredient in Afebril, a paracetamol-based antifebrile syrup, as a result of which, in 1996, at least 60 children died of kidney dysfunction, and that legal proceedings in the Netherlands relating to this case have been concluded by fining the company without any trial taking place?