Use "financial resources" in a sentence

1. She had no financial resources .

2. Financial resources to perform credit rating activities

3. Underpinning all IAEA’s verification activities are financial resources.

4. Disability can make extra demands on financial resources.

5. Therefore, these financial resources should come from public resources.

6. Our individual tastes vary, as do our financial resources.

7. The mortgage is a drain on our financial resources.

8. “This generation enjoys unprecedented technological, scientific and financial resources . . .

9. Usually they pool their financial resources and their business acumen.

10. Later, as Ulfa's financial resources improved, they began buying weapons.

11. 17 Our school has been reprieved from insufficient financial resources.

12. (ii) it guarantees the effective and rational allocation of financial resources;

13. To effectively manage the Agency's financial resources, ensuring accountability and transparency

14. (d) where all technically compliant tenders exceed the financial resources available;

15. Accumulation of insurance and pension financial resources, except compulsory social security

16. The region contributed financial resources to undertake the classification and inventory fieldwork.

17. We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.

18. (b) their capacities to generate and access financial resources and absorption capacities;


20. LEG Thüringen does not receive any additional financial resources for these activities.

21. All the parties involved need financial resources that are available through different channels.

22. Whereas additional financial resources are required to implement the specific measure as extended;

23. All other financial resources under this Decision shall be administered by the Commission.

24. Many libraries have found that their financial resources are stretched to the limit.

25. All other financial resources of this Agreement shall be administered by the Commission.

26. Member States must allocate financial resources to those areas hardest hit by depopulation.

27. their capacities to generate and access financial resources and on their absorption capacities;

28. Those with relatively greater financial resources should pay a higher rate of taxation.”

29. Nehemiah had financial resources, but how did he use his time in Jerusalem?

30. All other financial resources of this Agreement shall be administered by the Commission

31. • Performance is reported against targets with financial resources reported in the same document.

32. English monarchs periodically had to dicker with its wealthier subjects for financial resources.

33. We also welcome the additional financial resources allocated to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

34. The Planning Commission allocates financial resources to the States for their plans of development.

35. Neither the British Government nor the East India Company possessed such large financial resources .

36. The Government of India has allocated long-term financial resources for this major project.

37. Therefore, provision of adequate financial resources is as important as the responsibility for implementation.

38. Good governance also requires greater efficiency in the allocation of administrative and financial resources

39. All other financial resources under this multiannual financial framework shall be administered by the Commission.

40. In addition, in-kind contributions and partnerships would be sought to complement voluntary financial resources.

41. We are aware that our domestic financial resources are not sufficient to meet our needs.

42. a list of financial resources and means for training and lifelong learning at all levels;

43. The challenge, for this group, lies in finding the financial resources to import these technologies.

44. The housing sector professional skills of all actors involved as well as inadequate financial resources

45. Mobilize adequate and predictable financial resources, transfer of technologies and capacity-building at all levels;

46. Additional financial resources and the removal of legislative barriers are required to complete this process.

47. – Facing severe budget constraints, it is particularly important to allocate and spend financial resources efficiently.

48. b) Allocate for this purpose adequate human and financial resources for its effective performance; and

49. Similarly, the utilisation rate of both physical and financial resources is critical to our prospects.

50. Strengthening their human and financial resources would allow them to perform their tasks more effectively.

51. All other financial resources and instruments under the Agreement are administered by the European Commission.

52. Admittedly, not all youths have the financial resources to shop and spend as outlined here.

53. (b)the partners’ capacities to generate and access financial resources and on their absorption capacities;

54. (Luke 16:13) Thus, how can we demonstrate the right balance in using our financial resources?

55. This means that States now have greater financial resources to utilize in accordance with their requirements.

56. Investment and financial policies for the gaining of access to financial resources for commodity-based development.

57. Amount of other financial resources posted by the Clearing Member with reference to client account B

58. Concerned about the need to mobilize adequate financial resources for emergency humanitarian assistance at all levels,

59. Capacity to address this challenge effectively needs to be built. That will entail additional financial resources.

60. Why do we allow the ‘road accident epidemic,’ which plunders lives and drains our financial resources?”

61. For this, IREDA would need to mobilize financial resources to the tune of Rs.14,000 crore.

62. The Tai Maharaj case earlier ( a personal case in Poona ) had drained all his financial resources .

63. The Sahara autonomous Region will have the financial resources required for its development in all areas.

64. All agreed that greater financial resources would be required for the various suggested initiatives listed above.

65. 7) Public Debt Financial resources: ($ thousands) Planned Spending Authorities Actual Spending 35,400,000 33,869,946 33,869,946 Human resources:

66. The absorption of the financial resources available for programme implementation was well over 80 per cent.

67. In order to allow for safe decommissioning, adequate financial resources should be available when required[1].

68. Encourages the Director General to intensify UNIDO’s efforts to mobilize adequate financial resources from all sources;

69. The regularity of the receipt, custody and disposal of all financial resources administered by UN-Women;

70. Amount of other financial resources posted by the Clearing Member with reference to client account A

71. They shall take into account sudden sales of financial resources and rapid reductions in market liquidity.

72. He noted a reduction in the human and financial resources set aside for the official languages program

73. We will do more if there is global support in terms of financial resources and technology transfer.

74. Changes ensure that priorities are updated based on environmental scanning, demographic analysis and aligned with financial resources.

75. 🔊 According to the company budget, we must Allocate twelve percent of our financial resources to marketing

76. The Commission has examined the strengthening of a priori controls of potential contractors' personnel and financial resources.

77. In this context, member countries could consider accessing more financial resources from national and international financial markets.

78. Earlier implementation would also alleviate the potential funding pressures on the Fund while it accumulates financial resources.

79. A Ghana Investment Fund would soon be established to provide additional financial resources to accredited local investors

80. In addition, dwindling financial resources will make it difficult for him to campaign in the larger states.