Use "fevers" in a sentence

1. The malaria victim fevers intermittently.

2. The fevers, the delirium, the hemorrhaging.

3. Fevers with cold sores on the lips.

4. Some people with Bile duct cancer develop fevers

5. Hence, Ague can refer to both chills and fevers.

6. Borage is much usedin France for fevers and pulmonary complaints

7. Raging fevers, her sheets spattered with crimson, drenched with sweat.

8. How did you know that honeysuckle works on fevers?

9. Avens is used to treat diarrhea, colitis, uterine bleeding, and fevers

10. Medications that are used to treat fevers are typically known as Antipyretic agents

11. Colds and fevers are some of the most common ailments in children

12. Diseases caused by Arboviruses include encephalitis, febrile diseases (sometimes with an associated rash), and hemorrhagic fevers

13. In truth, we found fevers, violent deaths, pestilential paradises where death and beauty kept Charnel-house together

14. Chills, fevers, shivering, and goosebumps are all steps that the body takes to raise its inner temperature

15. There may be feelings of fluctuating fevers and chills, sweating and Clamminess, though no fever is subjectively evident

16. Other serious diseases are typhoid and paratyphoid fever, amebic liver abscess, visceral leishmaniasis, leptospirosis and—rarely—viral hemorrhagic fevers.

17. Agues AND FEVERS 33 malaria through its full course?' In brief, the past, with respect to discrete diseases, is indistinct

18. Common conditions that Acetaminophen treats include headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, sore throat, colds, flu, and fevers.

19. Both Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol®) and ibuprofen (Advil® or Motrin®) are used to treat fevers and pain

20. Artemisinin supports the body’s immune system, aids in healthy cell repair, supports healthy aging, and helps in treating fevers.

21. Egyptian papyri reveal that the naturally occurring mineral stibnite (black Antimony sulphide) was given to patients to treat fevers and skin conditions.

22. She may contain the urge to run away But hold her down with soggy clothes and Breezeblocks Citrezene your fevers gripped me …

23. I cope with fevers, night sweats, pleurisy, loss of sleep from coughing at night, and pains in my joints, legs, and chest.

24. Fevers in adults and the Chills that go hand in hand generally resolve within a few days, note Mayo Clinic experts

25. “Most of the major fevers of man are produced by micro-organisms that are conveyed by insects,” states the Encyclopædia Britannica.

26. People take Annatto for diabetes, diarrhea, fevers, fluid retention, heartburn, malaria, and hepatitis. They also use it as an antioxidant and bowel cleanser.

27. People take Annatto for diabetes, diarrhea, fevers, fluid retention, heartburn, malaria, and hepatitis.They also use it as an antioxidant and bowel cleanser.

28. Autoantibody tests may be ordered as part of an investigation of chronic progressive arthritis type symptoms and/or unexplained fevers, fatigue, muscle weakness and rashes

29. Historically, Boneset was commonly included in medical herb gardens and used as a folk medicine for treatment of flus, fevers, colds and a variety of other maladies

30. The autumnal fevers to which our country towns are subject, in the place of those "Agues," or intermittents, so largely prevalent in the South and

31. Catalyst for all herbs, stops bleeding inside or outside body, circulation; heart, use with Lobelia for nerves, use as a stimulant, reduces fevers, inflammation, heals ulcerations, stops shock.

32. For sudden colds and acute fevers, Aconite eases symptoms in the initial phases – sniffles, sneezes and sore throats, especially if symptoms follow a cold wind or emotional stress.

33. Ascendant conjunct Aldebaran: Wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers

34. Ague, a malarial disease transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by intermittent fevers and chills, was a leading cause of chronic illness across America from the colonial period until 1900

35. Among the insect - borne diseases of man the most important are the malarial and yellow fevers , sleeping sickness , filariasis , bubonic plague , typhus , typhoid , cholera , dysentery , diarrhoea , myasis , oriental sore , sandfly fever and other tropical diseases .

36. The American Academy of Pediatrics notes: “Fevers under 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius) generally do not need to be treated unless your child is uncomfortable or has a history of febrile convulsions.

37. ‘There was plAgue, too, Ague (probably a malarial infection), and various fevers.’ ‘Although he used the term Ague, true malaria cannot necessarily be inferred because Ague included any number of short-lived illnesses with chills and fever.’

38. ‘There was plAgue, too, Ague (probably a malarial infection), and various fevers.’ ‘Although he used the term Ague, true malaria cannot necessarily be inferred because Ague included any number of short-lived illnesses with chills and fever.’

39. Insistence on the safeguarding of a clean supply of water was the most effective means of forestalling the rise and dissemination of diseases such as amoebiasis, the fevers of the enteric group, cholera, bilharziasis, and spirochetal jaundice.

40. It seldom causes Chilliness, which is frequently a disturbing symptom, especially in fevers of a low type, and even, when the temperature is alarmingly high, causing the patient to dread the employment of sponging with cool or tepid water.

41. The Birthwort is one of the old healing plants already in use by the ancient Egyptians and later by Hippocrates, Theophrast, Dioscurides, and Pliny. It was an ingredient in theriac, which was used as a panacea against ulcers, fevers, and snake bites

42. Abracadabra, magic word or formula used mainly in folk medicine, as an incantation against fevers and inflammations.Several origins for the obscure word have been proposed, most of them regarding it as a derivative of an Aramaic demon-name, now unrecognizable.

43. Mars's joy in the sixth may have to do with his long connection with fevers and acute illness, but it is also true that Mars is the "lesser infortune" (Saturn is the "greater") and hence joys in the lesser house of misfortune.

44. Visphotaka (Blisterous eruption) Netra Daha (Burning sensation in eyes) Shotha (Inflammation) Kamala (Jaundice) Pandu Roga (Anmmia) Sarva Jvara (All types of fevers) Sarva Dhatu shosha (Emaciation of all tissues) Chardi (Emesis) shiroroga (Disease of the head) Amgadaha (Burning sensation all over the body) Vataroga (Disease due to Vata dosha)

45. Arbovirus Any of the hundred or so viruses transmitted by an arthropod vectors such as mosquitoes, bugs, lice, ticks and mites. The group includes viruses that cause various forms of ENCEPHALITIS, haemorrhagic fevers, YELLOW FEVER, DENGUE, Kyasanur Forest disease, Rift Valley fever and Chikungunya Forest fever.

46. CDC Bioterrorism Agents Category A ¾ Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) ¾ Botulism (Clostridium botulinum toxin) ¾ Plague (Yersinia pestis) ¾ Smallpox (variola major) ¾ Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) ¾ Viral hemorrhagic fevers (filoviruses [e.g., Ebola, Marburg] and arenaviruses [e.g., Lassa, Machupo]) Category B ¾ Brucellosis (Brucella species) ¾ Epsilon toxin of Clostridium perfringens

47. Artemisinin is an ancient Chinese herbal therapy for malarial fevers which has been recently found to have potent activity against many forms of malarial organisms, including chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.Several Artemisinin derivatives have been developed for clinical use in prevention and treatment of malaria, some of which have been linked to rare instances of acute liver …

48. WE NEED not take literally the "common Adagy Nemo sine febri moritur," even for seventeenth-century England.' Nor is it likely that Fevers put "a period to the lives of most men".2 Nevertheless, the prevalence and importance of this "sad, comfortless, truculent disease" in those times cannot be doubted

49. Artemisinin is an ancient Chinese herbal therapy for malarial fevers which has been recently found to have potent activity against many forms of malarial organisms, including chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.Several Artemisinin derivatives have been developed for clinical use in prevention and treatment of malaria, some of which have been linked to rare instances of acute liver …

50. But hold her down with soggy clothes and Breezeblocks --- (he's tying her down in the relationship, breeze blocks are like bricks) Citrezene your fever’s gripped me again --- (here he is comparing her to a drug, citrezene is a drug for fevers, "she keeps him numb") Never kisses all you ever send are fullstops, la la la la --- (she continues

51. Such manifestations, he opined, “doth not alwaies argue some extraordinary judgment of God.” 41 He even provided a medical explanation noting that “Raving and Blasphemings arise of the disease of melancholy and of frenzies, which often happen at the end of burning fevers, the choller shooting up to the braine.” 42 Perkins argued against onlookers rushing to conclusions, noting, “wee must not judge …