Use "feel well" in a sentence

1. I feel unwell/sick/terrible; I don't feel well.

2. I feel tolerably well today.

3. Anger can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss.

4. Well, right now I don't feel too agreeable.

5. Don't you feel well? his mother asked solicitously.

6. Well, makes me feel kind of all-overish.

7. Well, you feel some chest pain or indigestion.

8. They began to feel sadness as well as joy.

9. Well, I feel that these choices send mixed messages.

10. I feel like we complemented each other quite well.

11. Well, that, you know, you feel that way about me.

12. I also began to feel responsible for his well-being.

13. And if it does go well, you’ll feel even better!

14. Well, dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right?

15. I thought, " Well, that's amazing, because I don't feel disabled. "

16. That made me feel that the effort was well worth it.”

17. Post-Operative care: Most patients feel very well just after the procedure.

18. I feel groggy now because I did not sleep well last night.

19. Well, I'm sure the doctor is gonna help make her feel better.

20. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime.

21. Telephone Befriending At Staying Well we believe that no one should feel alone

22. Well, the media doesn't exist to make people like you feel comfortable, Max.

23. Ken : Well , I feel tired, I have a splitting headache and stomach ache.

24. The second night he did not feel well and suffered severely from sleepiness.

25. They have described their music as having a "retro feel" to it as well.

26. People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others.

27. Many would feel that his comment accurately sums up the global situation as well.

28. Even if you are being treated and feel well you can still infect others .

29. Diarrhoea can make you feel weak, as well as putting you off your food.

30. Well, fine, if you feel like that, maybe I will just stop showing up altogether.

31. (Proverbs 28:21) It is easy to feel close to those whom we know well.

32. There may be extenuating circumstances: Perhaps the child is overly tired or does not feel well.

33. "Anachronist" Instruments: Feel: Driving, Dark, Intense, Heavy rock sound with a harpsichord as well

34. I feel the business can well do, key's seeing you can be good to attain arduously .

35. Many teen-agers mistakenly assume that if they feel well, they can stop using these medicines.

36. And if I tell you I'm guilty, well, that doesn't make you feel much better now...

37. Chastising Sentence Examples Still, his silence made her feel like he was Chastising her as well

38. I slept so well last night that I feel as fit as a fiddle this morning.

39. Ateam treats thier employees well and make you feel more like family rather than just an employee

40. In order to enjoy real peace, we must feel safe and have a sense of well-being.

41. Well, the pamphlet says it would feel like two hot air balloons floating up into the sky.

42. I feel bound to say to the esteemed author of this book—'Well done, thou faithful friend.'"

43. 27 I know you both well and feel that your marriage will last for a long time.

44. Anxiety and guilt, as well as the fear of exposure, can make you feel sick at heart.

45. Well, won't you feel better if you sell this to rich people who making fortune from their money?

46. Condescension can put a well-honed shiv in an otherwise productive relationship, making people feel unappreciated and dissed

47. 15 Passenger: Hello,( I do not feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick.

48. And it can also make it hard for you to feel comfortable or function well in social settings.

49. Does he feel what I feel?

50. Well-trained Beatermen can tell by the mere feel of the stock how much further beating it will require

51. Such comfort as do lusty young men feel When well-Appareled April on the heel Of limping winter treads

52. With the support and guidance I have received from BOC through the Accreditation and reAccreditation processes, I feel well-equipped to help women with cancer look and feel better about themselves

53. I only breed Aussies that I feel would make excellent family members as well as amazing show prospects, for myself

54. On first entering your college library, you may well feel daunted by the sight of so many books and journals.

55. Although Basting can feel like work at times, it has to be done, and it has to be done well

56. Well, why should a writer feel guilty... becaude people are willing to pay good money for the dweat off hid brow?

57. And all of a sudden we were talking about arms control, and she said, "Well I feel we should do this."

58. Well, I think that I'm really friendly and I can really help out and make people feel welcome on the plane and...

59. It is important to use moisturizing cream day and night so that the skin should feel soft as well as looking good.

60. To feel Agitated is to feel anxious, bothered, or worried

61. People feel empowered when they feel confident and in control.

62. You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous.

63. I don't feel guilty. That doesn't mean I don't feel bad.

64. Ached definition: feel physical pain synonyms: perceive, get, sting, hurt, catch, comprehend, suffer, prick, kill, twinge antonyms: good health, be well, be full

65. Some feel Anarchism is a distinct, well-defined 19th and 20th century movement while others identify anarchist traits long before first civilisations existed.

66. Arras Park by McStain Neighborhoods Three new, well-connected home collections from the low $400s The place we call homemakes us feel connected

67. The restaurant interior makes much use of glass, leaving it with a very spacious and airy feel, as well as being very bright.

68. When we do not feel safe physically, we feel personally vulnerable.

69. Why feel angry?

70. I feel fresh.

71. I feel awesome!

72. Feel like crying.

73. Feel better, Violet.

74. l feel naked.

75. Yeah, feel nauseous.

76. I feel faint

77. Feel my calf.

78. I feel nauseous.

79. I feel great.

80. I feel alone.