Use "favourably" in a sentence

1. Bending strength was also favourably affected.

2. She's favourably disposed towards new ideas.

3. She seems favourably disposed to the move.

4. 27 These figures compare favourably with last year's.

5. The book was favourably noticed in literary magazines.

6. Our road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.

7. The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta.

8. 19 Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors.

9. Management is favourably disposed to the idea of job-sharing.

10. the act of an individual or population of favourably accepting a product.

11. The CPMP considered favourably the recommendations of the ad hoc group.

12. A number of Adidas-sponsored players responded favourably to the ball.

13. Musicians have remarked very favourably on the acoustical quality of the hall.

14. 17 The imported fabric is 30% cheaper and compares favourably in quality.

15. Synonyms for Appreciatively include approvingly, positively, admiringly, favourably, favorably, complimentarily, laudatorily, flatteringly, friendlily and

16. 26 We should respond favourably to Mr. Gorbachev's proposals for a moratorium on testing.

17. Synonyms for Beneficially include right, well, favourably, advantageously, fortunately, happily, luckily, profitably, providentially and conveniently

18. Synonyms for Admiringly include approvingly, appreciatively, positively, favourably, favorably, complimentarily, laudatorily, goodly, flatteringly and

19. Synonyms for Advantageously include right, well, favourably, beneficially, fortunately, happily, luckily, profitably, providentially and conveniently

20. seal (or stamp) of Approval an indication or statement that something is accepted or regarded favourably

21. Antonyms for Annoyingly include well, marvellously, marvelously, beautifully, exceptionally, favourably, favorably, great, magnificently and nicely

22. Both our nations are favourably placed to harness the unprecedented demographic dividend accruing to us.

23. In addition, we compare ourselves favourably with others. Low self - esteem can helplessness, powerlessness and even depression.

24. Synonyms for Auspiciously include fortunately, promisingly, propitiously, favourably, favorably, opportunely, advantageously, encouragingly, goldenly and brightly

25. Synonyms for Affirmatively include approvingly, consentingly, positively, favourably, encouragingly, supportively, acquiescently, confirmatively, favorably and goodly

26. The time of analysis, precision and accuracy compare favourably with other methods for trace element analysis.

27. Industrialists reacted favourably to the measures, although many considered them too weak to improve competitiveness and cool the economy.

28. Ships producing reduced quantities of ship-generated waste should be treated more favourably in the cost recovery systems

29. This depends on the producer being positioned favourably to exploit the situation based on their competitive advantage

30. Only the really large international metropolises are able to compare favourably with Stockholm for their ’coolness’ and artistic flair.

31. Ships producing reduced quantities of ship-generated waste should be treated more favourably in the cost recovery systems.

32. His is an excellent report. I am delighted it has been favourably received by all the political groups.

33. ‘he was a very Charitably disposed person’ 2 In a way that judges others leniently or favourably, especially when undeserved

34. This simplification compares favourably with the present system which leads to numerous comparably high flows in and out of the Fund.

35. Auspicious Muhurat 2021: Five Elements Of Panchang Any task carried out when all the planets and nakshatras are favourably aligned deliver desired results

36. He is right to emphasise the general safety level of the railways, which compares favourably with all other modes of transport.

37. It also expressed willingness to favourably consider request for usage for trade purposes of an additional sea port on its western coast.

38. Auspicious Muhurat 2021: Five Elements Of Panchang Any task carried out when all the planets and nakshatras are favourably aligned deliver desired results

39. The system has been streamlined and statistics prove that the speed and quality of our decision-making compares favourably with other local authorities.

40. They mentioned their plans for a dairy project in the Shan State which is on the other border, and the Indian side has agreed to consider this proposal favourably.

41. Stock markets in the acceding countries performed, on average, favourably in # and broadly in line with stock markets in other emerging market regions, while outperforming euro area stock markets

42. Stock markets in the acceding countries performed, on average, favourably in 2003 and broadly in line with stock markets in other emerging market regions, while outperforming euro area stock markets.

43. Since organ vitality can be favourably influenced in preservation by lowering the energy requirements and maintaining aerobiosis, the idea suggested itself to try and bridge the ischaemia of extracorporally preserved kidneys by persufflation with oxygen.

44. In that spirit and commitment, Bangladesh responded favourably to the request made by the United States for over flight and refueling facilities and the use of Bangladeshi airfields and seaports for possible multinational action to combat terrorism

45. ‘The Bibliopoles of Conduit Street have been eminently happy in the selection of such a biographer to open their undertaking; and the popularity of this volume must be such as favourably to attract the attention of the public.’

46. On the other hand, Allied aircraft pilots assessed the aerodynamic properties and performance of the aircraft much less favourably and were generally at a loss as to how their German counterparts were able to achieve the phenomenal number of successes.

47. Both Nathan Lawrence from Red Bull and Richie Shoemaker from Eurogamer compared the game favourably with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, with both being hopeful that Siege can dethrone Global Offensive's status as the most successful competitive esports first-person shooter in the future.

48. Bigamist, card sharp, prison escapee and faker of his own death are just some of the epithets attached to Nat Clifford, who was more favourably remembered as an acrobat, music-hall entertainer, writer and silent-movie actor until his death in 1948.

49. In addition the EFTA Surveillance Authority is also aware that a market economy investor's attitude is generally more favourably disposed towards calls for extra finance when the enterprise or group requiring the extra finance has a good record of providing adequate returns by way of dividends or capital accumulation on past investments.

50. ‘‘They are in the market,’ grumbled one Bibliopole, as agents for wealthy clients pushed prices to new highs.’ ‘The Bibliopoles of Conduit Street have been eminently happy in the selection of such a biographer to open their undertaking; and the popularity of this volume must be such as favourably to attract the attention of the public.’

51. Allowancing Sentence Examples The repast gave them new life and spirits, and from that hour the tide of their affairs seemed to flow more favourably, as shortly afterwards they caught a molly hawk, which they carefully put away in the boats locker along with the water, which david was very particular in Allowancing out, giving jonathan and

52. According to a different procedure the prefabricated reinforced concrete element, especially pipe (1) is placed with its front side on a favourably ring-shaped seal (2) situated on a horizontal production plane; in the unit a pipe- shaped plastic shell (5) with barbs (8) protruding from it is placed facing the internal surface of the unit, at a given distance (k) from it; the gap (7) between the shell (5) and the reinforced concrete unit is sealed with a favourably ring-shaped clamp (6) also fixing the shell (5); and the gap (7) is filled with cemented afterhardening material through one or more injection pipes (4) taken through the opening(s) made in the wall of the reinforced concrete unit at the bottom.

53. Droll Yankees, defiantly nae aulder I calefacient hopelessly dream myself to discount prices quartos wild bird feeders, because my Backyard Bird was smart card payment system licenseed as it were with a gir of Thistle Feeder and preventive, and, therefore, to eclat favourably or contusioned Arterying outcaste but of the swag to ravage my harvest, was a bisection I could not camouflage.I should

54. 5. The rate of digestion of exogenously supplied proteins byZ. sociatus compares favourably with that of sea anemones and corals. Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular, the latter process taking place after particle phagocytosis in the “digestive-excretory” cells of the mesenteries proximal to the filament. 6. Z. sociatus can absorb dissolved amino acids and sugars from very low concentrations (10−6–10−7M), and may incorporate such metabolites particularly into reproductive tissue. 7.

55. The procedure aimed at manufacturing such units is characterised by that a plastic plate is fitted at a given distance from the surface of the hardened reinforced concrete unit, especially prefabricated reinforced concrete unit, such as a pipe or tank, to be provided with a plastic layer, in a way that its protruding barbs extend into the gap between the unit and the plastic plate, and then the gap is filled favourably by injecting cemented afterhardening material into it.