Use "extermination" in a sentence

1. Extermination.

2. Ethics and Extermination.

3. Ant Control & Extermination Information

4. He is causing a complete extermination.

5. Pest extermination (for agriculture, horticulture and forestry)

6. In doing so they were saved from extermination.

7. Environment had a great effect in locusts extermination.

8. Chapter III Control and Extermination of Animal Epidemics.

9. The only way to rid yourself of them is extermination

10. He did not approve their deportation to the extermination camps in Poland.

11. All door and window is sealed for the extermination of mosquito.

12. All doors and windows are sealed for the extermination of mosquito.

13. After the extermination of the Jedi ranks, lightsabers became rare relics.

14. He will have to perform a tough game, extermination opponents hope.

15. THE choice for our people, Mr President, is between statehood and extermination.

16. KL Auschwitz was the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers

17. Many living thing species extermination or the perdition are caused by this way.

18. Auschwitz, Polish Oświęcim, also called Auschwitz-Birkenau, Nazi Germany’s largest concentration camp and extermination camp.

19. Officials there said their extermination plan was scheduled to begin later this month.

20. THE choice for our people, Mr President, is between statehood and extermination.

21. The best - known destination for dark tourism is the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz in Poland.

22. The Karen people comprising mostly of poor Christian farmers have been singled out for extermination.

23. Children of fourteen were considered " independent " for purposes of transport to the extermination camps.

24. Jefferson's suggestion to pursue the Indians to extermination fits well into the eugenistic vision.

25. It will probably resist extermination, however, since, unlike its parasite, it frequents shallow water.

26. But I will make an extermination among all the nations to which I scattered you;+

27. He was Barbarically efficient, between three and four million Jews were murdered in the extermination camps

28. The powers are far more dangerous than the angels that possessed mankind during the extermination.

29. Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species.

30. Auschwitz II (Birkenau) was the largest extermination camp (death camp) run by Nazi Germany during The Holocaust.

31. Amiral Extermination Montreal is a leading Pest Control company in Montreal, Laval, South Shore and West Island

32. Once the extermination of the Caspian tiger was almost complete, the farmers followed, clearing forests and planting crops.

33. It was the Jews cooped up inside Jerusalem that were in danger of extermination amid her “great tribulation.”

34. The extermination camps played a central role in Germany's systematic murder of over 90% of Poland's Jewish population.

35. Did the master builder of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, really not know about the Nazi extermination camps?

36. While individuals may be allowed to die, God will never allow the extermination of his people as a whole.

37. Having narrowly survived utter extermination, a despised, persecuted minority becomes the toast of Pennsylvania Avenue within a generation.

38. Tim Moore, managing director of Adelaide-based Northwest Carbon, a commercial company, proposed the extermination idea to the government.

39. They lived under constant threat of exposure and extermination at the hands of the Inquisition, which monitored Christians' piety.

40. For Almost two centuries, American gray wolves, vilified in fact as well as fiction, were the victims of vicious government extermination programs

41. Auschwitz was only one-the largest-of several Nazi extermination camps, and there's no reason to think it was the worst

42. Auschwitz was a complex of concentration camps and an extermination center at Birkenau, which was also known as Auschwitz II

43. Extermination by Nazis and Soviets during the Second World War led to the loss of six million Jews, mostly Ashkenazim

44. The Nazis began the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, and their Jewish policy changed from emigration to extermination.

45. The extermination of indigenous Siberian tribes was so complete that a relatively small population of only 180,000 are said to exist today.

46. Berrett Pest Control offers a wide range of pest control services for inspection and extermination to residential and commercial property owners in Texas, Oklahoma, and …

47. The Auschwitz concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Auschwitz) was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust.It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp with gas chambers; Auschwitz III …

48. By reason of loyalty to his covenant made with Israel, however, he would not abhor them to the point of bringing about their complete extermination.

49. But pond local police station Instructor Liu told the reporters, this extermination document is he the most flagitious case which has seen since the police 20 years.

50. By the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.”

51. This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.

52. 5 But pond local police station Instructor Liu told the reporters, this extermination document is he the most flagitious case which has seen since the police 20 years.

53. 14 This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.

54. During the Battle of Marseilles, the French police checked the identity documents of 40,000 people, and the operation succeeded in sending 2,000 Marseillese people in the death trains, leading to the extermination camps.

55. In addition, support could be provided for tasks and building projects, including water purification, insect extermination, road and bridge repairs along main and secondary supply routes, ablution facilities and landscaping, among others.

56. She would place a band with the Star of David on her arm, walk through gates of the Ghetto, and thus would begin her fight with the most powerful extermination machine in human history.

57. Ratko Mladić, commander of the Bosnian Serb Army, was indicted for genocide, extermination, murder, deportation, inhumane acts, and other crimes against Bosnian civilians, most notably for his role in the siege of Sarajevo and commanding the Srebrenica massacre

58. Blasphemic Cruelty is the music of merciless hateful extermination and the sound of nuclear nightmares! The debut album is the aural pestilence to bring you to your death and ensure your eternal doom in a miserable hell

59. Auschwitz Birkenau was the principal and most notorious of the six concentration and extermination camps established by Nazi Germany to implement its Final Solution policy which had as its aim the mass murder of the Jewish people in Europe.

60. 17 Therefore, Isaiah cautions: “Do not show yourselves scoffers, in order that your bands may not grow strong, for there is an extermination, even something decided upon, that I have heard of from the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, for all the land.”

61. Allegoric or Metaphoric Representations; Concentration and Extermination Camps; Deniers and Denial; Germany, Hitler and the Growth of Nazism; European Jewry Before the Holocaust; Escape; The Ghettos; Hiding; Righteous Gentiles; Rescue; Resistance; Liberation; Nazi War Crimes and Judgement; Other Victims of Nazi Persecution; Perpetrators

62. A new phase in the development of international law is thus being adumbrated which tempts to reconcile in law a supreme political imperative (the full independence of the nation-state) with a moral requirement (the desire to save thousands of human beings threatened with extermination).

63. ‘Biocide is the ultimate of all human moral violations because it is the destruction of all life on Earth.’ ‘We now have concrete proof of ecocide (the destruction of the ecosystem), Biocide (the extermination of many kinds of life form), and geocide (damage to the earth's atmosphere).’ ‘Biocide…

64. In fact, though, Christendom should heed Isaiah’s counsel: “Do not show yourselves scoffers, in order that your bands may not grow strong, for there is an extermination, even something decided upon, that I have heard of from the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, for all the land.” —Isaiah 28:22; 2 Peter 3:3, 4.

65. Sea otters have been hunted extensively for their luxurious fur – the densest of all mammals with up to 394,000 hairs per square centimeter or up to 1,000,000 hairs per inch. From 1741 onwards, over-hunting reduced sea otter populations to the point of extermination in many parts of their historic range.

66. Plane crashes, Ambushings and mysterious disappearances of technicians, deGramont said "the struggle centers on the German scientists who work for Egypt against Israel, and in the background hovers the specter of Hitler's 'final solution of the Jewish prob-lem'." Israel feels that Egypt is pre-paring the extermination of Jews, said deGramont

67. Question: "Why did God command the extermination / genocide of the Canaanites, women and children included?" Answer: In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, “This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt

68. The report by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights stated that "A new phase in the development of international law is thus being adumbrated which attempts to reconcile in law a supreme political imperative (the full independence of the nation state) with a moral requirement (the desire to save thousands of human beings threatened with extermination)".

69. In view of all this, it is little wonder that one author acidly said: “If the present condition of international hatred, mass murder, violated treaties, forgotten honor, and civilian extermination in the holy name of war are the best that evolution can accomplish, we should hand the whole mess back to the monkeys and ask them to stir up another batch!”

70. Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss (also Höß, Hoeß or Hoess; 25 November 1901 – 16 April 1947) was a German SS officer during the Nazi era who, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, was convicted for war crimes.Höss was the longest-serving commandant of Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp (from 4 May 1940 to November 1943, and again from 8 May 1944 to 18 January 1945).