Use "explosive" in a sentence

1. Plastic explosive.

2. plastic explosive.

3. Manufacturing - Amatols (explosive) Birmingham, AL Manufacturing - Amatols (explosive) Business Directory

4. C4 plastic explosive is a very common and destructive explosive type.

5. The explosive composition of this example was an extrudable gelatinous explosive.

6. Explosive Growth —Why?

7. Fog signals, non-explosive

8. And it's plastic explosive.

9. Dynamite is an explosive.

10. Amatols (Explosive) (6) Black Powder (Explosive) (8) Detonators and Detonating Caps (9) Detonators, High Explosives (5) Dynamite (9) Emulsions (Explosive) (2) Explosive Cartridges for Concussion Forming of Metal (2) Explosives Manufacturers (243)

11. Hydrogen is highly explosive.

12. Countering Improvised Explosive Devices

13. This is quite explosive, Jane.

14. 6 Hydrogen is highly explosive.

15. Plastic explosive and peanut butter!

16. The term excludes the following articles which are listed separately: all ammunition; cartridges, signal; cutters, cable, explosive; fireworks; flares, aerial; flares, surface; release devices, explosive; rivets, explosive; signal devices, hand; signals, distress; signals, railway track, explosive; signals, smoke.

17. Explosive Updates to Crackdown 3

18. Explosive : hexogen/wax 95/5 or tetryl or similar secondary explosive, with or without added graphite.

19. Acetylides are typically unstable or explosive.

20. 11 A gas pipe was explosive.

21. Race is a highly explosive issue.

22. The bomb and other explosive exploded.

23. 17 After the explosive is being found by the explosive removing robot, it is necessary to let the explosive be carried to the exploder disposal pot to carry out detonation.

24. The political situation is potentially explosive.

25. 14 Certain gases are highly explosive.

26. Manufacturing - Amatols (explosive) Nelson Brothers, Inc

27. Aerial deployment of an explosive array

28. 23 She has an explosive temper.

29. 21 They have primed the explosive device.

30. 19 The event took an explosive turn.

31. Belly laughs: an explosive sound that is …

32. Explosive pressure release valves for safety purposes

33. 24 The political situation is potentially explosive.

34. 20 He's inherited his father's explosive temper.

35. Semtex is not the only plastic explosive.

36. 15 Race is a highly explosive issue.

37. 22 Race relations are an explosive issue.

38. 3 Race is a highly explosive issue.

39. 15 Explosive when mixed with combustible material.

40. 2 They have primed the explosive device.

41. Abied stands for Airborne Improvised Explosive Device

42. Looks like high-explosive pajamas to me.

43. 5 The bomb and other explosive exploded.

44. Explosive decompression has evacuated the time pirates.

45. Kalabi had explosive residue on his keyboard.

46. We found traces of explosive there, too.

47. 14 Capital punishment is an explosive issue.

48. 26 Politics can be an explosive subject.

49. 15 Capital punishment is an explosive issue.

50. Mostly , this explosive growth has occurred democratically.

51. Most of them are inflammable, explosive and poisonous.

52. He's like a superhero with explosive Bunghole powers!

53. 12 He's good at defusing potentially explosive situations.

54. Warn them that the Centipede serum's highly explosive.

55. There was an explosive clap of thunder overhead.

56. Crack: to break suddenly with an explosive sound.

57. You or explosive residue on a terrorist's computer?

58. The bomb contained almost 400 kg of explosive.

59. 10 Hewas killed by an improvised explosive device.

60. It can form an explosive mixture with air.

61. Blooey, interjection representing an explosive sound (of imitative origin)

62. We' ve put an explosive charge in your head

63. An explosive salt of fulminic acid fulminate of mercury.

64. It is flammable, explosive, toxic and anesthetize nerve centres.

65. Chortled: to show mirth with an explosive vocal sound.

66. 3 synonyms for Burster: bursting charge, explosive charge, charge

67. Thompson must have read the explosive Nixon transcripts wistfully.

68. 16 He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.

69. Explosive shells torn into the walls of the embassy.

70. • Harris is a Belligerent man with an explosive temper.

71. Some form of underwater explosive, tethered to the seabed.

72. When mixed with wax, it makes a plastic explosive.

73. They used plastic explosive to blow up the bridge.

74. Chuckled: to show mirth with an explosive vocal sound.

75. How can you control your anger in explosive situations?

76. The explosive was laced with some sort of accelerant.

77. She was of the sex born mutable and explosive.

78. 17 There was an explosive clap of thunder overhead.

79. 6 The wheel could have controlled an explosive device.

80. Chortling: to show mirth with an explosive vocal sound.