Use "excitement" in a sentence

1. Childlike delight/wonder/excitement The sight filled her with Childlike excitement.

2. Causerie cheer, shout in excitement or encouragement, shout of excitement or encouragement, hooray, interj

3. We start with excitement.

4. The excitement fevered him.

5. Gentlemen, what is the excitement?

6. His eyes kindled with excitement.

7. Her eyes kindled with excitement.

8. Excitement made her voice hoarse.

9. Foreboding mingled with his excitement.

10. So what's caused this excitement?

11. She's always hankering after excitement.

12. Excitement about a big trip?

13. His heart bounded with excitement.

14. We were trembling with excitement.

15. 9 The auditorium pulsed with excitement.

16. His face flushed red with excitement.

17. Robin's heart was pounding with excitement.

18. She was still tingling with excitement.

19. The children were tingling with excitement.

20. 3 She was voluble with excitement.

21. Excitement was shining in her eyes.

22. The children are giddy with excitement.

23. Excitement grew to a fever pitch.

24. The children's eyes rounded with excitement.

25. She came in bubbling with excitement.

26. These excursions were full of excitement.

27. WHAT was all the excitement about?

28. Jed's face was alight with excitement.

29. The excitement made her heart thump.

30. 9 Doyle's excitement was almost palpable.

31. He felt a shiver of excitement.

32. We held our breath in excitement.

33. 13 Her pulse raced with excitement.

34. Carnivals are about excitement and festivity.

35. She felt a flutter of excitement.

36. 6 His excitement animated us all.

37. Her heart was pounding with excitement.

38. His head was whirling with excitement.

39. My heart was thumping ( with excitement ).

40. Tremble Convulsively, as from fear or excitement

41. Brouhaha: great excitement or concern about something

42. Tense or highly charged: Adrenalized with excitement

43. Get a little excitement in your life.

44. I felt a sudden tingle of excitement.

45. No excitement here – and that's a shame.

46. Lack of excitement was throwing him off.

47. Club leaders expressed excitement about his signing.

48. Hamilton, with a speed Betokening great excitement

49. Tense or highly charged: Adrenalized with excitement

50. The news caused great excitement among scientists.

51. The Children were all agape with excitement.

52. It was a moment of unutterable excitement.

53. The sight filled her with childlike excitement.

54. Her arrival caused a flurry of excitement.

55. His face was all aglow with excitement.

56. Abubble with activity and excitement last week.’

57. Abubble with activity and excitement last week.’

58. Enough excitement for two weeks at least.

59. Abraham came to Sarah brimming with excitement.

60. We watched, our mouths agape in excitement.

61. She laughed, her eyes alight with excitement.

62. The children's eyes were alight with excitement.

63. The star arrived amidst scenes of excitement.

64. The thought made her prickle with excitement.

65. It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.

66. Shiona felt a tiny tremor of excitement.

67. He experienced that familiar surge of excitement.

68. The element of risk just adds excitement.

69. There may be marked nervous excitement and prostration.

70. She came to the phone bubbling with excitement.

71. If you want excitement, you should try parachuting.

72. Agog: Full of keen anticipation or excitement; eager

73. Excitement has been at fever pitch for days.

74. That set the whole town agog with excitement.

75. He was momentarily unable to speak with excitement.

76. There were squeals of excitement from the children.

77. The children were fit to burst with excitement.

78. His excitement and dedication were transparent and touching.

79. He couldn't suppress the excitement in his voice.

80. Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage.