Use "every time that" in a sentence

1. Every time that noose would come out, dad would be up on his feet.

2. For example, if your threshold is £50, you'll be charged every time that your costs reach £50.

3. 23 If I cried for every time that i thought about you i would end up drowning.

4. We have learnt to return to the peace table every time that we have suffered a war.

5. 28 If I cried for every time that i thought about you i would end up drowning.

6. 30 If I cried for every time that i thought about you i would end up drowning.

7. Your Home page gives you a quick performance summary every time that you sign in to your account.

8. Jill: I eat something different every time. That is one of the advantages of the diverse food court.

9. Every time that you use the brakes you are wasting gasoline; so slow down when a stop is coming up.

10. I’ve always purchased from Bel and have the most outstanding experience every time that I purchase thanks to great customer service and very professional

11. The historical learning curves for many renewable technologies teach us that costs per unit power fall approximately # per cent every time that accumulated production doubles

12. The historical learning curves for many renewable technologies teach us that costs per unit power fall approximately 20 per cent every time that accumulated production doubles.

13. Similarly He took the cup when supper was over, and said: ‘This cup is the new covenant, sealed by my blood; every time that you drink it, do it as my memorial.’” —An Expanded Paraphrase of the Epistles of Paul, by F.