Use "even up" in a sentence

1. Maybe even freeze up.

2. Compensate definition: adjust for synonyms: equilibrate, even off, equilibrize, make up, counterbalance, even out, equilibrise, carry, even up, correct

3. Even small savings can add up.

4. Your chance to even up the score

5. The inspector stood up cautiously, Apologetically even

6. Even then, trouble will eventually boil up.

7. Do you even know what we're up against?

8. Even oncologists don't screw up for eight years.

9. Sometimes I'd even Call up at 4 a

10. Sometimes I'd even call up at 4 a.m.

11. Even dogs go crazy chained up all day!

12. Didn't you even stay up on election night?

13. The salvagers even dove up the sluggish conch.

14. We need to keep up appearances, even you.

15. We mustn't let up, even though we're winning.

16. 12 The salvagers even dove up the sluggish conch.

17. Even the most taboo subjects were up for discussion.

18. He did not even build up a nest egg.

19. She didn't even have the strength to stand up.

20. Even reading your horoscope can get up your nose.

21. I even had my hair done up in curls.

22. 3 The salvagers even dove up the sluggish conch.

23. Our government, perversely, even tried to speed it up.

24. Even from unflattering angles, you light up the screen.

25. I don't even think international laws apply up here.

26. He was well stirred up now; cheerful, even gleeful.

27. 25 When it rises up, even the mighty are frightened;

28. He's tiny, he doesn't even come up to my chest!

29. 16 Even if he piles up silver like the dust

30. (Isaiah 33:24) Even death would be swallowed up forever.

31. I'm so tired I can't even lift up my arms.

32. These screens can get kids up and moving even more.

33. They even hooked me up with this life coach dude.

34. Daddy, this person has not even zipped up his pants.

35. Sometimes life fucks you up and you don't even realize.

36. Even the gene pools in the South are drying up.

37. Even with his head start she caught up with him.

38. The information age speeds up everything , even our heart rate!

39. Even without a scalpel ( surgical knife ) you cut people up.

40. The baby can't even sit up yet, let alone walk!

41. Even your basic beach motel is putting up faux columns.

42. There's even mirrors that can pick up your pulse rate.

43. Fletcher, not even a parade can wake mommy up tonight.

44. It'll look even better at night, obviously, all lit up.

45. I even smartened myself up, becoming something of a dandy.

46. After Alyssa and Holden hook up, things get even weirder.

47. She was so sick she was even Barfing soup up.

48. After wiring up the Xmas tree lights and programming the computer, even managed the washing up!

49. She's gonna be pissed when she wakes up, maybe even violent.

50. Even when the crowd had scattered, the police didn't let up.

51. 21 And even that was well camouflaged by skilful make-up.

52. Full sta Billposter cant even show up the special of Billposter.

53. There's even mirrors today that can pick up your pulse rate.

54. Even after he started shooting up in our bathroom every morning.

55. Even with my metal plates and my fucked up nerve endings,

56. Even Beattie has hung up her curlers along with her telephone.

57. Briquettes take longer to start up, but they even burn longer

58. He knew that emotions could become heated up even among Christians

59. Have her so drugged up she can't even hold a spoon.

60. Now I see why couples break up before even getting married.

61. Reading your opponent becomes even more important in heads-up play.

62. Her adherents even set up idolatrous images in their private homes.

63. Stand up for something, even if it means standing alone sometimes.

64. Is he walking even more slowly up the hill from the station this evening, even more wearily along the lane?

65. Serial numbers are so blasted, not even acid etching could bring'em up.

66. Some even scoff at the store's efforts to spruce up its image.

67. People can even get Complacent about holding the handrail, even though we’ve all fallen going down stairs before and some of us have even fallen going up

68. The lungs can keep up with even abrupt changes in your activity.

69. Later in lactation, butterfat can go up to 10% or even higher.

70. She wouldn't give up Martin's location even to save her own life.

71. 2 Stand up for something, even if it means standing alone sometimes.

72. 100 roses, champagne, ring, and even dressing up as a delivery guy.

73. 3 He's useless at DIY. He won't even put up a shelf.

74. Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.

75. The utility company even held up my bill to recheck the reading.

76. The girl playing marbles didn't even look up as the travellers left.

77. Even preteens want to make themselves up to appear older, accentuating sex.

78. Even if House was messed up by Kutner's suicide, it wouldn't matter.

79. 9 Everything sized up, homogenized and evaluated before you even see it.

80. Bonus: Promise to do any chore, even picking up after the dog.