Use "etiquette" in a sentence

1. Oh, forget the etiquette.

2. We're forgetting wedding etiquette.

3. This presented a ticklish etiquette problem.

4. Barbarians aren't known for their etiquette

5. Courtliness or courtesy stand for courtly etiquette

6. Information on Biking safety and trail etiquette

7. He was preoccupied with chagrin and etiquette.

8. Etiquette, conversation, history and terms of address.

9. At such moments, scientific etiquette demands modesty.

10. What's the correct etiquette when addressing a judge?

11. Corkage Fee Etiquette: What Your Guests Should Know

12. Courtliness or courtesy stand for courtly etiquette

13. But because of that... thing called etiquette.

14. Civilities: Steven Petrow on LGBT and straight etiquette May 06, 2014 Columnist Steven Petrow takes your questions about LGBT and straight etiquette

15. lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette.

16. In Korea and Japan, ethic and etiquette have been under the influence of the Confucian viewpoints such as humanity, justice and etiquette, etc

17. 13 Manners as governed by etiquette, decorum, or custom.

18. A girl should know her etiquette Alas, alack

19. He is an expert on matters of etiquette.

20. Etiquette was considered very important in Victorian England.

21. Amenity is defined as a good sense of etiquette

22. Girls practiced proper behavior, or etiquette, at tea parties.

23. (b) What motivates the current interest in manners and etiquette?

24. Flinty Miss Manners does not recognize any holidays from etiquette.

25. The rules of etiquette are not so strict nowadays.

26. Etiquette requires that the bride's father makes a speech.

27. 🔊 The etiquette professor teaches a class on Comportment

28. The station etiquette of the suburban commuter was quite distinctive.

29. Introducing Steven Petrow’s ‘Civilities,’ an advice column on LGBT/straight etiquette

30. Rules of etiquette notwithstanding, yawning actually serves quite a useful purpose.

31. 10 The loosest woman is a stickler for etiquette and elocution.

32. etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.

33. She knew how to address bishops according to the rules of etiquette.

34. The etiquette of A gentleman isn't complicated, but it is important

35. He showed his contempt for social etiquette by not wearing a tie.

36. Well, here's some simple, traditional etiquette tips on how to set a table.

37. She's a real stickler for etiquette, so you'd better ask her advice.

38. The word “etiquette” comes from a French root meaning ticket or label.

39. He refused to bow to the Queen, in deliberate breach of etiquette.

40. When it comes to racing etiquette and forthright language, Mario has few equals.

41. 5 She's a real stickler for etiquette,( so you'd better ask her advice.

42. This was such a great breach of etiquette, he hardly knew what to do.

43. The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette, which may seem artificial to foreigners.

44. You conduct Contravenes the rules of etiquette! 你 的 行为 不合

45. 18 He refused to bow to the Queen, in deliberate breach of etiquette.

46. After dinner the etiquette was very stiff, and we stood for two hours.

47. The development of Conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization

48. The Senate has a long and courtly tradition of etiquette and member privilege.

49. Prior to sharing her young mistress's lessons, she received instruction in deportment and etiquette.

50. Synonyms for Convenances include propriety, decorum, etiquette, protocol, ceremony, civilities, conventionalities, decency, form and formalities

51. Bridezilla: True Tales From Etiquette Hell! is truly a one-of-a-kind book

52. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème etiquette Confiture, étiquettes, Confiture.

53. Read on for advice on how to solve some common pregnant Bridesmaid etiquette dilemmas.

54. 22 It was not etiquette to enquire where clients went, so Theodora had asked no questions.

55. By learning Western etiquette, Siam can understand Western culture as an important aspect and derive inspiration.

56. As in Chinese etiquette, the hostess tries to keep eating as long as the slowest guest.

57. Ceremonious (comparative more Ceremonious, superlative most Ceremonious) Fond of ceremony, ritual or strict etiquette; punctilious

58. Other articles where The Courtier is discussed: Giovanni Della Casa: …etiquette manual, Baldassare Castiglione’s Il cortegiano (“The Courtier”), in being more concerned with the details of correct behaviour in polite society than with courtly etiquette

59. What does Ceremonious mean? Strictly observant of or devoted to ceremony, ritual, or etiquette; punctilious

60. Belated sympathy card etiquette rules can vary depending on the specifics of a given situation

61. 27 George Bush's three-year-old grandchild, Marshal, has been enrolled in an etiquette class, Petite Protocol.

62. The tennis etiquette is, both the players have to come to the net and shake hands.

63. For scalpels and Bistouries, 19th-century surgical etiquette strictly dictated the manner in which they should be held

64. I watched him in disbelief for my master was usually keen to observe the finest etiquette at table.

65. Etiquette requires more or less continuous competition among diners to keep one another's tea-cups topped up.

66. In addition to the officially printed rules, golfers also abide by a set of guidelines called golf etiquette.

67. He taught his players courses in etiquette, instructed them on how to properly use a fork and knife.

68. Learn about Croatia's nude Beaches: Where are the nude Beaches? Who goes to the nude Beaches? Nude beach etiquette

69. THE LADIES' BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS FLORENCE HARTLEY Something had happened to disappoint and Annoy …

70. An argument over a lost ball ended in a clear breach of etiquette - a club across the back.

71. A Cultured person is also called refined, genteel, civilized, and cultivated. Cultured people have good manners and etiquette

72. 30 The art-historical etiquette for describing the nude is to use the pronoun it rather than her.

73. Read up on the towel techniques and Korean Bathhouse etiquette to experience your first-time jjimjilbang visit like a local

74. Bar Etiquette: Why Do People Tap Their Drink on the Bar after Clinking Glasses? Facebook Twitter Email a Friend

75. Europeans brought English fashion etiquette to New Zealand, and until the 1950s most people dressed up for social occasions.

76. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème etiquette Confiture, étiquettes Confitures gratuites, étiquettes de pot.

77. Etiquette in the Buddha-Altar Hall Keep the clothes for wiping the altar separate from that for wiping the Buddha.

78. Gratitude is more than a mere display of good manners or a form of etiquette; it stems from the heart.

79. Villeroy instructed the young King in court etiquette, taught him how to review a regiment, and how to receive royal visitors.

80. Whether you’re a defendant, a potential juror, or a college student researching a class assignment, proper Courtroom etiquette is required.