Use "eternal life" in a sentence

1. * See also Eternal Life

2. Heir of Eternal Life

3. 8 God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.

4. You know the benefit of eternal life?

5. The Life Eternal but a baseless dream?

6. Don’t put your eternal life at risk.

7. May God lead you into the eternal life.

8. And one was a spell for eternal life.

9. Eternal life means more than simply being immortal.

10. 3. (a) Why do humans long for eternal life?

11. Abele, 76, entered eternal life on Monday, December 9, 2019

12. Such transformation leads to the blessing of eternal life.44

13. What should we be willing to give for eternal life?

14. Androids are said to have unlimited energy and eternal life

15. Only Jehovah can grant humans the gift of life eternal.

16. She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.

17. The infinite and eternal Creator of light and life knows you!

18. The great eternal truths and principles of life antedate all religions.

19. God promises eternal life to the faithful -- that is a Commitment.

20. Fourth, that the greatest gift of God is eternal life.15

21. The apostle Paul keenly longed for the reward of eternal life.

22. Her influence changed the direction of my life for eternal good.

23. It brings to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

24. This acceptance of God’s Word will qualify you for eternal life.—Eph.

25. It is life eternal in the presence of our Father in Heaven.

26. Blessings are also set before those in line for eternal earthly life.

27. They were once perfect, with the prospect of eternal life before them.

28. Notice also that if Adam and Eve had become children of God by choosing Eternal Life—the Uncreated Life of God in the Eternal Son—they could not have transmitted this Life to their children.

29. Desire for eternal life and Contemptus mundi are complementary virtues for St

30. The scriptures testify of God and contain the words of eternal life.

31. Leaders encouraged me to attend the temple, which helped me envision eternal life.

32. But it is eternal life under a righteous administration that God has promised.

33. Others hope for eternal life after death, or for health, riches, and success.

34. Jehovah’s provisions for eternal life are like a refreshing river among fruitful trees

35. Those accepting the ransom sacrifice of Christ will receive eternal life on earth.

36. Matthew Catholic Church Columbarium is a witness to this faith community’s respect for life and belief in eternal life

37. But not yet are they adjudged worthy of eternal life on the Paradisaic earth.

38. God gives the gospel to make contrite sinners confident of salvation and eternal life.

39. Both men and women need righteous desires that will lead them to eternal life.

40. When we think of eternal life, what is the picture that comes to mind?

41. Buttling, 86 of Albany, entered eternal life on July 20, 2019, surrounded by his family

42. Michael D. Balister Born to Eternal Life April 20, 2021 at the age of 84

43. 17, 18. (a) To succeed in our race for eternal life, what must we do?

44. Perhaps it's better for one to die alone than, to live life in eternal purgatory.

45. She spoke to Frankl who guided her to what is eternal and evanescent in life.

46. Indeed, on our advancement depends the greatest blessing of all, eternal life in God’s new world.

47. Enduring to the end is a hallmark of true discipleship and is essential to eternal life.

48. Finding Contentment in life is the key to happiness which brings us internal, and eternal, peace

49. How can accepting and living the truths Aaron taught lead a person to receive eternal life?

50. Share principles that help those you love to press forward along the path to eternal life.

51. God set before Adam the opportunity for eternal life on earth in the Paradise of Eden.

52. And if we don't eat his flesh or drink his blood...... we won't inherit eternal life.

53. Thus, you will have peace of mind and happiness in this life, and you will inherit eternal life in the world to come.

54. Eternal glory.

55. Only God can do away with their soul, or life, in Gehenna, symbolizing eternal destruction. —Luke 12:5.

56. In the sermon recorded in Moroni 7, Mormon identified three divine principles that are necessary for eternal life.

57. Because she refused, she was dragged into the forest and shot, her assured hope of eternal life intact!

58. “And I now give unto you a commandment ... to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life.

59. According to it, Gilgamesh visited his ancestor Utnapishtim, who had been granted eternal life after surviving the Flood.

60. Quickly search 2 Nephi 31:17–18, and review how someone gets started on the path to eternal life.

61. We commend these souls to thy keeping in the sure and certain knowledge of the resurrection and eternal life.

62. Eternal rejoicing approaches,

63. Foundational doctrine of eternal [Aionial] judg-ment for the doctrine of eternal damnation

64. (2 Timothy 4:7, 8) We are in this race of endurance to gain the prize of eternal life.

65. It is only through Jesus Christ, and the miracle of His infinite Atonement, that we can receive eternal life.

66. “There came one running ... and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

67. He's an eternal optimist .

68. THE vast majority of believers in the world’s religions cherish the prospect of eternal life in one form or another.

69. She's an eternal optimist .

70. The 192-page, hardbound book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life discusses this matter in the chapter “Who Is God?”

71. Accept that you are “free according to the flesh” and “free to choose liberty and eternal life” (2 Nephi 2:27).

72. Jehovah is the only one who can actually change the process of aging and death and grant us eternal life.

73. That it's an elusive substance that could turn base metals into gold and can provide the key to eternal life.

74. Tit. 2 In the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised before the times of the ages.

75. Eternal, unchanged, evermore.1

76. Hayyei `Olam (Eternal Life) - a moralistic and admonitory text by R. Jonah Gerondi, a prominent Spanish sage of the XIIIth century.

77. Our eternal life is comprised of three phases: one, our premortal existence; two, our mortal existence; and three, our postmortal existence.

78. Bolos GuleryuzBolos "Paul" Guleryuz age 67 of Samandag, Turkey, entered eternal life peacefully at his home in Shelton, CT

79. Agency Is an Eternal Principle

80. My eternal purpose has decreed.