Use "equitable" in a sentence

1. Equitable Financial, Equitable Advisors, and Equitable Network are affiliated companies and do not provide tax or legal advice

2. The beneficiaries will acquire an equitable interest and, therefore, an equitable lease.

3. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN)

4. • Equitable Access to Quality Basic Services,

5. More accessible, equitable and managed asylum systems (debate

6. Each person must have an equitable share.

7. The others exist only as equitable interests.

8. Representation schemes once fair and equitable become archaic and outdated.

9. If that works, can't Equitable go back to normal?

10. d ) Equitable access and free flow of information is ensured.

11. The result of the apportionment of property and debts must be equitable.

12. Arch is committed to providing accessible and equitable support to everyone.

13. The maps will inform appropriate and equitable funding decisions and allocations.

14. Equitable access prevents sending market signals and deters value-added activities.

15. • 2005 - $21,600 Measures to Address Equitable Access to Post-Secondary Education:

16. We sought a fair and equitable access to markets and resources.

17. Equitable Accumulator Series 500 Plaza Dr, 6th Fl Secaucus, NJ 07094

18. In each case two ingredients lead to more equitable educational experiences.

19. Policy Statement: All citizens will have equitable access to affordable and secure ICT.

20. This helps identify market openness and attempts to provide equitable market access.

21. The Bumble platform enables people to connect and build equitable and healthy relationships

22. It left the old equitable assignment untouched, and it may be used still.

23. The Assessor's Office performs accurate and equitable assessment functions to serve the public.

24. Morgan was the appointed Actuary of the Society for Equitable Assurances in 17

25. The CWB provides equitable market access for all producers of CWB grains across western Canada.

26. Open Access vs Equitable Access Appropriate economic models for open access are crucial

27. Vietnam’s basic education system is globally recognized for producing high quality, equitable learning outcomes.

28. Improved donor coordination is thus an absolute prerequisite of a more equitable humanitarian assistance system

29. The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.

30. This principle of not Approbating and reprobating is also known as the equitable doctrine of election.

31. Provision of analysis and advice as well as reporting (quarterly) on equitable service delivery

32. Enhanced, equitable and predictable market access for commodities of key importance to developing countries;

33. But you see , the provision of facilities are also not equal - it is not equitable .

34. Civil court can provide for legal remedies, such as monetary damages, and equitable remedies, including injunctions

35. • Because the provision of Compensatory educational services is an equitable remedy, PEAs are encouraged to be

36. Afric develops new and more equitable practices and approaches appropriate for the developing and emerging world

37. They renewed the commitment of both countries for achieving an equitable, comprehensive and high-quality agreement.

38. Improved donor coordination is thus an absolute prerequisite of a more equitable humanitarian assistance system.

39. Any decision by a supervisory authority to adjust the equitable price shall be substantiated and made public.’

40. Equitable division of marital property, an award of Alimonyto Wife, attorney’s fees, and court costs

41. Democracy and security constitute the sine qua non condition for effective, sustained and equitable development

42. Our reader was invited to make his annual contribution to his Equitable Life pension plan.

43. The Assessor continues to engage in best practices to assure our values are accurate, equitable and transparent

44. In this perspective, a fair and equitable use of intellectual and industrial property rights is absolutely necessary.

45. But he ended up making “equitable terms” of peace with Ptolemy V, the king of the south.

46. The ad hoc working group shall convene Parties’ representatives appointed with due attention to equitable geographical representation.

47. The preferential and equitable treatment in the allocation or control of Bottomries of commercial shipping vessels

48. The speaker, calm and equable, claimed that he would campaign for equitable treatment of all citizens.

49. 14. India is prepared to work actively and constructively for an ambitious, equitable and effective outcome from Copenhagen.

50. We appreciate the UNAOC’s role in advancing better inter-cultural relations thus creating an environment for equitable development.

51. (a) operators, and in particular any SMEs covered by the Community scheme, have full, fair and equitable access;

52. For example your own columns continually describe Equitable as if it is bankrupt, in trouble, or in crisis.

53. The key issue in negotiations on climate change is burden sharing which has to be equitable.

54. It provides a reasonably equitable and comprehensive service to the whole population at remarkably small cost.

55. OUR MISSION To provide a national Cadastral survey management system in support of an equitable and sustainable

56. Our Mission is to steward Burlington’s infrastructure and environment by delivering efficient, effective, and equitable public services.

57. A corresponding one in the anglo-american law system is interlocutory injunction which originated from equitable law.

58. - fundamental aspects of civil and administrative procedure: fair and equitable procedures, rules applicable to the production of evidence;

59. Other concepts could be taken into account as well, for example, “sustainable development”, “equitable utilization” and “differentiated treatment”.

60. Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.

61. Enhancing development required more equitable trade and simultaneous advances in foreign financial flows and access to markets.

62. Member States shall contribute an equitable effort towards the objective of inspecting all eligible ships calling at EU ports.

63. It simply states that present proposals are unacceptable because they do not retain a fair and equitable trading system.

64. To ensure equitable distribution of the vaccine, Asante’s vaccine prioritization team is balancing the risk levels for

65. In this perspective, a fair and equitable use of intellectual and industrial property rights is absolutely necessary

66. The universal social protection matrix strengthened to ensure equitable access to care and health services and housing.

67. The plaintiff agreed to lease a property to Lunnis, who assigned this equitable lease by way of mortgage.

68. The Human Resources Compensation team is committed to ensuring fair and equitable Compensation practices and maintaining competitive salaries

69. Equitable cost recovery systems are of major importance as full liberalisation of the road haulage market is achieved.

70. We reaffirm the need to provide access to effective and equitable primary health-care systems in all communities.

71. Creating transparent and equitable land acquisition and compensation are key priorities for the revision of the Land Law.

72. Now, Vietnam’s goal—as written into the Constitution—is “a prosperous people and a strong, democratic, equitable, and civilized country.”

73. We have to find ways of providing an equitable supply of food that does not depend upon crude market forces.

74. Ramsey County is guided by a comprehensive economic development strategy, centered on equitable growth and strengthening economic Competitiveness

75. The Commission believes it ensured an equitable allocation of the ERF budget appropriations from # to # despite statistical constraints

76. The proposed new supply chains involving Africa and some of these new partners could provide more equitable alternatives

77. One might imagine, for instance, that it has turned equitable estates and rights into legal estates and rights.

78. The defendants' conduct was not unconscionable, nor an interference with any legal or equitable right of the plaintiffs.

79. A Common Law right was practically, though not theoretically, nullified by the existence of a countervailing equitable right.

80. But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.