Use "epithelium" in a sentence

1. Corneal Abrasions occur on the outermost layer (epithelium) of the cornea, called the corneal epithelium

2. The Conjunctiva is made up of stratified columnar epithelium, and nonkeratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells

3. It does not stain Adenous epithelium

4. This slide shows the transition from a terminal Bronchiole, with a low cuboidal epithelium, to respiratory Bronchioles, with a squamous epithelium

5. Tumor composed of epithelium, Blastema, and stroma respectively

6. Like cuboidal epithelium, the cells in the Columnar epithelium are also modified to suit the function and structure of the organ better.

7. 321, 322 The epithelium of both the major and minor (when present) Ampullae is composed of small intestinal epithelium on the duodenal surface

8. Abietic acid also caused destruction of the alveolar epithelium

9. Epithelium is the tissue that forms the surfaces and linings of the body, and Columnar epithelium consists of one or more layers of closely packed Columnar cells

10. The pathology from the rectal bleed showed traces of nasal epithelium.

11. Due to the swelling of the epithelium defects are formed in the alveolar lining and the basement membranes of the capillaries are no longer covered with epithelium.

12. Colledge Date: January 29, 2021 Columnar epithelium lines the human stomach.

13. In the small Bronchioles, the epithelium changes to simple cuboid cells

14. The epithelium of the smaller bronchi was fragmented and partially desquamated.

15. The study of engineering corneal epithelium is a focus in ophthalmology.

16. Viscum minimum, adhesive disk, adhesive epithelium, cuticle ultrastructure, cutin cystolith, haustorium, secretion.

17. Amylase is filtered by renal tubules and resorbed (inactivated) by tubular epithelium

18. 8 Metaplasia of laryngeal respiratory epithelium has occurred here in a smoker.

19. Working through Histology slides of the transitional epithelium (urothelium) of the urinary bladder, I noticed that the dome-shaped cells at the top of the transitional epithelium are frequently Binucleate

20. Large Bronchioles are lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia while the smallest (terminal) Bronchioles have a simple columnar epithelium with cilia and Clara cells, but no goblet cells.

21. Fine structure of the intestinal epithelium of the colonial Ascidian Botryllus schlosseri.

22. The simple Columnar epithelium is a type of epithelium that is formed of a single layer of long, elongated cells mostly in areas where absorption and secretion are the main functions

23. The destructive and malignant neoplasms of chorionic epithelium often arise from hydatidiform moles.

24. The loose connective tissue between the alveolar process and the overlying lining epithelium.

25. Gastric Adenomas are neoplastic growths characterized by localized, polypoid proliferations of dysplastic epithelium

26. For example, our olfactory epithelium is pigmented, and scientists don't really know why.

27. A dog's olfactory epithelium is 20 times bigger than your puny human one.

28. In the radiated dogs the secretory crypt epithelium of the small intestine Autolyzes first and the epithelium of the villi last, while the reverse is true in the normal control small intestine.

29. The fornices and palpebral Conjunctival epithelium are rich in goblet cells, which produce mucin

30. Objective To observe the clinical features of congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium ( CHRPE ).

31. Carcinoma Oncology A malignant neoplasm of epithelial and occasionally neuroepithelial origin; Carcinomas are divided according to tissue of origin–eg, glands–adenoCA, squamous epithelium–SCC, and bladder epithelium–transitional cell Carcinoma; Carcinomas may …

32. Bedewing of the corneal epithelium may be observed in a number of pathologic processes

33. Funduscopy revealed an atrophic retinal pigment epithelium of the whole fundus with vital optic discs.

34. The Areolae lining epithelium is high collumnar, possesing long microvilli, a well-developed apical tubular

35. In fleck corneal dystrophy, the lesion only involved stroma, epithelium and endothelium levels were normal.

36. " Threshold of Biologic Responses of the Small Airway Epithelium to Low Levels of Tobacco Smoke "

37. The basement membrane of the auxiliary cell epithelium separates the acinus tips from the interacinary tissue.

38. The mucous epithelium consisted of ciliated cells, secretory cells, a few basal cells and peg cells.

39. Adventitia; The inside layer, the mucosa, is made of transitional epithelium and a wide lamina propria

40. Those scents hit your olfactory epithelium and tell your brain a lot about what you're eating.

41. EGF staining was observed on ciliated and basal bronchial epithelial cells and in the metaplastic epithelium.

42. These data confirm the hypothesis premalignant dysplasia is a reality between normal cervical epithelium andcarcinoma in situ.

43. By measuring intracellular membrane potentials and ion activities active transport mechanisms can be localized within the epithelium.

44. 13 Objective The retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ) is a vital tissue for the maintenance of photoreceptor function.

45. Terminal Bronchioles are lined by simple ciliated ___ or ___ epithelium which rests on smooth muscle and fibroelastic CT

46. Passing through the intercellular space, DOTC, a small molecule, was absorbed through the tracheal epithelium by diffusion.

47. Bronchogenic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the lung arising from the epithelium of the bronchus or bronchiole.

48. Ciliated cells in the epithelium of the respiratory tract (septum nasi, trachea) and oviduct of mice were investigated.

49. Only in rare instances of severe salpingitis did the tubal epithelium proliferate independent of ovarian or endometrial changes.

50. A method is presented for measuring the adhesive force between retina and pigment epithelium in rabbit eye preparations.

51. Cystic masses of the mediastinum are well-marginated round lesions that contain fluid and are lined with epithelium

52. Bronchogenic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the lung arising from the epithelium of the bronchus or bronchiole

53. Atmin gpg6 /gpg6 13.5 dpc mutant embryo (E), showing exencephaly (F) and abnormal pigmented retinal epithelium distribution (G)

54. Epithelial tissue is the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium,( more Fabricius nodes are located in the natural layer.

55. The onset of Alveolar edema may also be associated with direct pressure-induced damage to the Alveolar epithelium

56. The mucous membrane of the Abomasum is covered by prismatic epithelium and contains fundic, pyloric, and cardiac glands

57. In doing research, I found that the top cells of the transitional epithelium are 'often Binucleate and usually polyploid'.

58. In the 2nd half of the cycle, during pregnancy, during antiovulatory treatment and in postmenopausal period, the endosalpingeal epithelium of pars of uterina, isthmus, ampulla and infundibulum is characterized by proliferative quiescence (i.e. lack of mitoses, a small quantity of nuclei, a simple epithelium).

59. Most carcinomas arose from Acinary ductal complexes and only one carcinoma originated from the lining epithelium of the duct

60. The one-cell thick walls of the Alveoli are composed of two distal airway epithelium cell types (pneumocytes) [7]

61. Papillary Apocrine change is a rare condition that involves the cells lining the inside of the breast duct (epithelium)

62. CK20 is confined only to gastrointestinal epithelium and cannot be expressed in normal lymphatic tissue, blood, or bone marrow.

63. Regionalization within the glandular epithelium of Araneid silk glands has been revealed by several authors using various experimental methods

64. In all the cases of chronic gastritic, an increase of the lymphocytes of the outer epithelium has been demonstrated.

65. The main function of the transporting epithelium in the ventral tube is probably the absorption of ions and water.

66. Normal skin epithelium grew in close apposition alternating with patches of cells in loose contact with large intercellular bridges.

67. Adenocarcinoma in cats is an aggressive form of cancer that arises from epithelium and glandular tissues throughout the body

68. The outer part of the body wall underlying the shell consists of an essentially nonciliated layer, called the aboral epithelium.

69. Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFBs) are Apathogenic autochthonous bacteria in the murine small intestine that preferentially attach to Peyer's patch epithelium.

70. Cervical erosion refers to ulceration of the surface epithelium of the Cervix resulting from trauma (as in childbirth) or infection.

71. 5) Outer wall of the cochlear turn is the spiral ligament and it is lined by Avascularised epithelium (stria vascularis)

72. The blastocyst is firmly attached by its abembryonic pole to the smooth surface epithelium of the two apposed endometrial pads.

73. Adenocarcinoma of Esophagus is a malignant tumor of the epithelium with glandular differentiation, typically affecting middle-aged and older adult males.

74. The lining mucosa that covers the alveolar process. It consists of a non-keratinized lining epithelium and the subjacent alveolar submucosa.

75. The Blastocoele is enclosed by a single layer of polarised cells, the trophectoderm, which is the first epithelium formed in development

76. Electroretinography (ERG) was without pathological findings, while the electrooculography (EOG) was abnormal, reflecting a functional disturbance of the retinal pigment epithelium.

77. Chronic Carditis was associated with esophageal squamous epithelium features associated with GERD, symptoms of GERD, and the presence of intestinal metaplasia

78. Fructose and glucose levels of cornea stroma and aqueous humour were determined after abrasio of the corneal epithelium within five days.

79. The liver determines the chemical composition of bile, and this may be modified later by the gallbladder and the Biliary epithelium

80. Adenocarcinoma AdenoCA Oncology A carcinoma that arises in a secretory epithelium or mucosa; it is the malignant counterpart of an adenoma