Use "envisaged" in a sentence

1. Indicative list of envisaged actions

2. In addition, the following wage measures are envisaged:

3. A block time allocation for NGOs could be envisaged;

4. He envisaged an old age of loneliness and poverty.

5. The scheme cost a lot more than we had originally envisaged.

6. The development was originally envisaged as a private enterprise initiative.

7. In addition, a small increase was envisaged to account for inflation.

8. Amendment procedures could be envisaged according to procedures to be agreed upon.

9. Nachi Fujikoshi presents alternative claims along the lines envisaged by the Council .

10. The document envisaged six months of bilateral negotiations over programmes and funding.

11. Furthermore, additional A380 charges not originally envisaged could apply as well.

12. In addition, a small increase was envisaged to account for inflation

13. Applications of artificial intelligence based systems were envisaged by very few.

14. 134.80 Simplify the procedures for abortions envisaged by the penal code (Switzerland);

15. Within the revolutionary upheaval envisaged, relations between town and countryside are disrupted.

16. Different control methods are envisaged to address the different risks identified above

17. New privatization receipts are envisaged to be mainly used for debt amortization.

18. The envisaged acceleration of public investment risks jeopardising further fiscal consolidation and macroeconomic stability.

19. Inclusive schools are envisaged in the framework of the “Accessible Environment” State programme.

20. CN first envisaged the development of a new terminal at the Acheson Yard.

21. It was originally envisaged that the talks would take place in the spring.

22. Please refer to Task No. 18 for continuation of activities envisaged by this task.

23. Wocos therefore constitute ‘a class of persons envisaged in a general and abstract manner’.

24. Indirect management by international organisations is also envisaged for certain analytical and benchmarking activities.

25. It also envisaged the tying of ticket sales to other services like accommodation and travel.

26. Wocos are therefore a class of persons envisaged in a general and abstract manner’.

27. Ad hoc meetings with Member States, industry representatives, and possibly NGOs are also envisaged.

28. These actions are envisaged within the current implementation period until the end of 2020.

29. It also envisaged linking ticket sales to other services such as accommodation and travel.

30. Amounts and imputations will be adjusted depending on the results of the envisaged externalisation process.

31. The main objective and content of the envisaged act relate to the common agricultural policy.

32. 29 He envisaged combining farming and family life with military service in idyllic rural settlements.

33. He had never envisaged spending the whole of his working life in that particular job.

34. Variable geometry actions through EU contribution to national programmes, supplementary programmes etc. can be envisaged.

35. Insertion of the relevant special clause(s) in the grant agreement may here be envisaged.

36. It seems extraordinary that such sanctions could be envisaged without adequate disclosure and establishment of rights.

37. Synonyms for Augured include seen, envisaged, envisioned, imagined, pictured, visualized, anticipated, conceived, fancied and predicted

38. Initially a three level sequence of qualifications was envisaged viz junior, middle and strategic managers.

39. The main objective and content of the envisaged act relate to trade in agricultural products.

40. Ms. Tavares da Silva asked what the Government envisaged as effective mechanisms for gender mainstreaming

41. Neither high levels of endemic unemployment, nor its corollary, mass dependence on benefits was envisaged.


43. The envisaged act will be binding under international law in accordance with Article 22.2 of the Agreement.

44. Such consultations shall, where appropriate, take into account the regional and local dimension of the action envisaged.

45. 13 In the long term, it envisaged the compilation of a list of globally protected areas.

46. It is envisaged to group the factors into three, according to the general theme they address.

47. The setting up of a local payments system on-the-spot to accelerate procedures is envisaged.

48. Besides, 200 mw off-grid solar power generation capacity is also envisaged under the first phase.

49. Had the Trader worked as planned, Web Services, as currently envisaged, would be far more tractable.

50. (5) Where the envisaged date of publication is either advanced or delayed, closure dates may be adjusted accordingly.

51. 25 On this basis, the possibility can be envisaged of tracing the paths of divergent theistic routes.

52. (d) Cooperation in information technology, trade facilitation, public administration, agriculture, bio-fuels and merchant shipping is envisaged.

53. The envisaged act will be binding under international law in accordance with Article 13 of the AETR.

54. Its authors say the motorway has opened the floodgates for development on a scale planners hadn't envisaged.

55. 22 In the long term,( it envisaged the compilation of a list of globally protected areas.

56. Such consultations shall, where appropriate, take into account the regional and local dimension of the action envisaged

57. The introduction of value added tax, and property taxes are envisaged to be an essential foundation for revenue-generation

58. where relevant, data on the procedures for drinking water abstraction and treatment in the area of envisaged use.

59. The exhibition showcased large scale CNC milling of foam and rendering to create the freeform building envelopes envisaged.

60. Any additional measures for further risk reduction would result in disproportionate high costs and are therefore not envisaged.

61. We envisaged to actually achieve the goal of a 10 billion exchange of goods by the year 2010.

62. The above figures and budget lines will be adjusted if necessary in accordance with the externalisation process envisaged.

63. where relevant, data on the procedures for drinking water abstraction and treatment in the area of envisaged use

64. The Prime Minister conveyed that the total SDP outlay was envisaged to grow to USD 200M by 2020.

65. It is considered a first step to a fully fledged value based recurrent property tax envisaged for 2020.

66. (23) What actions other than those described in this Green Paper could be envisaged to reduce marine litter?

67. If such a feature is envisaged, do not skimp on the purchase of a pump of sufficient size.

68. However, no cost overrun compared to the project cost approved in October 2015 is envisaged on account of this.

69. Initially, the post had been envisaged at a lower level, but the Lords select committee pushed for this power.

70. 8 At the same time, he envisaged these innate and largely egoistic tendencies as threatening to the social order.

71. It is envisaged that a large proportion of the work of the external assessors will be judgmental in nature.

72. The introduction of value added tax, and property taxes are envisaged to be an essential foundation for revenue-generation.

73. 35 The Bundesfinanzhof considers, however, that a concept of the reference quantity as an abstract right might be envisaged.

74. 5 I envisaged a deadly tarantula creeping slowly into my bed, spreading its legs over me, about to bite!

75. Setting up working groups on different themes is a course of action that may be envisaged in the future.

76. It thus applies to objectively determined situations and produces legal effects with respect to categories of persons envisaged in the abstract.

77. UNGA Resolution 48/75L adopted by consensus in 1993 envisaged FMCT as a significant contribution to non-proliferation in all its aspects.

78. In addition, it is envisaged that, during the biennium, there will be up to three cases involving self-represented accused.

79. 27 The changes envisaged in the White Paper could lead to a personal social service system dominated by commercial suppliers.

80. Therefore, in the opinion of the Committee, it may well be possible to carry out the activities envisaged without additional resources.