Use "envisage" in a sentence

1. You must envisage realities.

2. Personally, I envisage them staying together.

3. I don't envisage working with him again.

4. What level of profit do you envisage?

5. I can't envisage her coping with this job.

6. Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.

7. It'should be quite simple; I don't envisage any difficulty.

8. S.B. was deeply reluctant to envisage a new coalition.

9. When do you envisage being able to pay me back?

10. In Christendom, many envisage an afterlife of heavenly bliss.

11. When do you envisage being able to finish the experiment?

12. I can envisage difficulties if we continue with this policy.

13. So, what kind of a world does conductive education envisage?

14. We do not envisage a general election for at least another two years.

15. Some common synonyms of Conceive are envisage, envision, fancy, imagine, realize, and think

16. I cannot envisage what the circumstances will be in twenty years' time.

17. The participating States also envisage holding future seminars on topics of mutual interest.

18. Things might be difficult for a while but I didn't envisage any radical changes.

19. Think, Conceive, imagine, fancy, realize, envisage, envision mean to form an idea of

20. We, like our growing number of thinking Ulsterfolk, envisage no future under Westminster dictatorship.

21. If she fixed her focus with enough concentration she could envisage the invisible barrier.

22. To grasp the whole picture, envisage first the trade wind, blowing from east to west.

23. Did we envisage the development of partnership as an additional responsibility for the staff involved?

24. The Commission does not envisage proposing Community rules on the notification of public acts in Member States.

25. Does it mean that the survivor will never see them again in whatever sort of afterlife they envisage?

26. It's hard to envisage the usual knighthoods for sycophantic tabloid editors, several of whom pointed out his failings.

27. The New Catholic Encyclopedia explains: “The Old Testament clearly does not envisage God’s spirit as a person . . .

28. He then helps them to begin to envisage possible ways of reacting, including mastery of negative feelings.

29. The original plan did not envisage a commercial use, he told Reuter after speaking at the conference.

30. The New Catholic Encyclopedia: “The O[ld] T[estament] clearly does not envisage God’s spirit as a person . . .

31. I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.

32. 26 He attempted to envisage and explain the incredible feat of navigation undertaken by Captain Bligh after the Mutiny.

33. It can be controversial and I envisage that fixing zone boundaries would require a procedure of public enquiry etc.

34. Does new clause 2 envisage that legal aid will be extended to representation before the special appellate system takes effect?

35. Some might even envisage getting married with the idea of not allowing their marriage to impede their service in any way.

36. If the Contracting Parties envisage abolishing checks before the compensatory measures are in place, they should notify the Executive Committee accordingly.

37. It is possible to envisage a new imaginary war between North and South, neo-Fordism and fundamentalism, modernity and monstrosity.

38. 49 synonyms for Anticipate: expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for, hope for, envisage, foresee, bank on, apprehend, foretell, think likely

39. It is the nature and function of imagination to envisage what is not yet, or is no longer, the case.

40. 25 It is possible to envisage a new imaginary war between North and South, neo-Fordism and fundamentalism, modernity and monstrosity.

41. If the Contracting Parties envisage abolishing checks before the compensatory measures are in place, they should notify the Executive Committee accordingly

42. The Committee does not feel that it is possible to Calmly envisage free movement of services at the expense of certain workers

43. That means establishing a balance: no one can envisage abandoning the prevention of, and fight against, terrorism, but individuals’ fundamental rights must be preserved.

44. Probably the word Borehole is a shortened version of “bored hole” because as soon as you envisage “bored hole” I think it becomes obvious

45. In theory, one can envisage several futures for India and Pakistan, ranging from a cold peace to active cooperation to regional economic integration.

46. Envisage assisting Afghanistan emerge as a trade, transportation and energy hub connecting Central and South Asia and enabling free and more unfettered transport and transit linkages;

47. Given that we envisage an extensive review of the European Union budget, I believe that we should consider an increase of the amounts allotted to the European Solidarity Fund.

48. By Nivå Landskapsarkitektur / Current plans for Alsike envisage the development of a new city between Uppsala and Arlanda airport, through the construction of 2,000 new dwellings and a new railway station

49. As ENVISAGE focused on studying the foundational semantics of resources and deployment architectures rather than providing a specific technology to market, its framework can be easily adapted to different technology stacks and different levels of abstraction.

50. L'année prochaine, KT envisage de franchiser ses activités VR Conjointes, tant en Corée du Sud qu'à l'étranger; SÉOUL, Corée du Sud, 30 juin 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- KT Corp

51. The forecasts will be Amendedwe envisage a sharp decline for Romanian ex- import forecasts for the UK (+70 kt) and the during the coming months to reflect the latestports to just 145 kt (-410 kt), and Bulgarian Netherlands (+55 kt).

52. Lovecraft) “And now, when Danforth and I saw the freshly glistening and reflectively iridescent black slime which clung thickly to those headless bodies and stank obscenely with that new unknown odor whose cause only a diseased fancy could envisage – clung to those bodies and sparkled less voluminously on a smooth part of Accursedly re

53. As the paper shows, this requires some 100 bev – which is beyond the power of existing particle accelerators: however the present Russian and American nuclear programs envisage 50 bev Bevatrons within a few years and at the present rate of progress in the nuclear sciences it seems possible that the existence of negamass will be proved by this

54. I venture no opinion on these matters, save to say that, for the sake of good order, it seems necessary to envisage three hypotheses (all based on the premiss that both sets of rules refer to the law of the adoptee’s nationality): (i) that the surname designated in the Kreisgericht Worbis’s supplementary decision has always been legitimate in both German and Austrian law; (ii) that, while it may have been thought legitimate at the time, subsequent case-law has revealed it not to have been so; and (iii) that it has never been legitimate from the point of view of either legal system.