Use "enveloped" in a sentence

1. He enveloped himself in blankets.

2. Clouds enveloped the mountain tops.

3. Darkness fell and enveloped the town.

4. Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.

5. At sunset, darkness enveloped the town.

6. Her cheap, Cloying scent enveloped him

7. The house was enveloped in smoke.

8. The peak is enveloped in clouds.

9. A feeling of despair enveloped him.

10. The porcelain vase is enveloped in cotton.

11. The graveyard looked ghostly, enveloped in mist.

12. The building was soon enveloped in flames.

13. She felt enveloped in their admiration and gratitude.

14. The opera theatre was soon enveloped in flames.

15. It follows and is enveloped in the Way.

16. The thick rumbling roar of thunder enveloped them.

17. A flame of pain and anger enveloped him.

18. A poignant effluence from the object enveloped him.

19. The river appeared as if enveloped in smog.

20. 3 Her cheap,( cloying scent enveloped him.

21. She was enveloped in a huge white towel.

22. The curtains were enveloped in a sheet of flame.

23. The area is enveloped in a pall of neglect.

24. Smoke from the burning house enveloped the whole street.

25. After adherence, the particle is enveloped by cell membrane.

26. The long cloak she was wearing enveloped her completely.

27. Then suddenly Polly found herself enveloped in Jack's arms.

28. Relations between the two groups are often enveloped in secrecy.

29. The coat was far too big it completely enveloped him.

30. Enveloped by God’s spirit, he spoke out against Judah’s apostates.

31. That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us.

32. Coronaviruses have enveloped virions that measure approximately 120 nm in diameter

33. At sunset, darkness enveloped the hunting camp in a sudden rush.

34. Non-enveloped viruses have a hard outer shell called a Capsid

35. And when I faced Mardon, Street was immediately enveloped by fog.

36. Adenoviruses are medium-sized, non-enveloped icosahedral viruses with double-stranded DNA.

37. Soft , shimmering yellows , greens , reds and blues enveloped my son and me .

38. The word 'enCapsulated' means a component is encased or enveloped by another covering

39. Non enveloped, Bacilliform particles, 30 nm in width and 90-900 nm long

40. Afucosylated IgG Characterizes enveloped viral responses and correlates with COVID-19 severity Science

41. Where once she was isolated and neglected, she now feels enveloped by love.

42. Viruses in Myoviridae are non-enveloped, with head-tail (with a neck) geometries.

43. Adenoviruses belong to the virus group that is composed of non – enveloped viruses

44. The monkey was enveloped by the musty darkness of a coarse woollen bag.

45. Enveloped viruses tend to be sensitive to heat, while Capsid-coated viruses are not

46. The viral particles are 27 to 34 nanometers in diameter and are not enveloped.

47. The invention concerns a method for producing enveloped viruses in a mildly acidic medium.

48. Synonyms for Caked include coated, covered, encrusted, layered, crusted, thick, enveloped, encased, treated and painted

49. Synonyms for Bowered include enveloped, swathed, enclosed, encompassed, wrapped, wrapt, shrouded, enfolded, enshrouded and enswathed

50. The stench of damp that enveloped her was noxious; she tried to take short breaths.

51. The resulting civil war lasted 11 years, enveloped the country, and left over 50,000 dead.

52. Instrument control components are enveloped with COM software technique and wrapper fa? ade design pattern.

53. Taiwan is currently enveloped in the cold air mass with temperatures continually dropping as expected.

54. This is from the coast of Brittany, which is being enveloped in this green, algal slime.

55. Virions not enveloped, Bacilliform (30 x 60-900 nm) or isometric (45-50 nm in diameter)

56. Each acceleration section comprises one or more magnetic inductors (9) enveloped by a conductive screening (8).

57. Almost at once I was enveloped in thick smoke and I lost all sense of direction.

58. Examples from Classical Literature The gentle stillness of a rare spring morning enveloped him with its Benison.

59. But humankind is now enveloped in an extensive variety of man-made fields at diverse energy levels.

60. It enveloped Sylvie, chilled the dampness of her forehead, calmed the fever which had brought her here.

61. Within minutes the brown patch of sky enveloped me, as a violent storm swept across the dunes.

62. Jehovah fought the judges’ battles for them, and spirit enveloped them as they performed their deeds of prowess.

63. Once vibrant and full of the sounds of people, these cities are today dead and enveloped in silence.

64. The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.

65. One night, he found himself with a few other police enveloped in the hatred of a black township uprising.

66. 22 The mild, exquisitely - flavored , snow - white flesh of the mangosteen is enveloped in a gorgeous, thick, purple rind.

67. We were immobile on the velvet cushions, my legs sticking out, jacket and skirt velvet enveloped by soft fabric.

68. A grey drizzle enveloped the city; where there were trees, sodden leaves choked the drains and made the pavements dangerous.

69. Biofilms allow these microorganisms to adhere to a solid surface and be enveloped within a protective extracellular glycocalyx-containing matrix.

70. 30 Finally, it is most desirable for landscapes to be elating, enveloped in an euphoric, buoyant, proactive and uplifting feelings.

71. Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus which is a member of the species Alphacoronavirus 1

72. When she emerged into the car park the bitter cold enveloped her insidiously; it had been so much milder in Keyhole.

73. In Basidiomycetes the spores develop on projections that grow out from microscopic cells called basidia, rather than being enveloped within cells

74. Located at Sector 42 in Gurgaon, DLF The Aralias is inspiring in design, stirring in luxury and enveloped by verdant surroundings.

75. But that human form is enveloped in glory, so that it glows like electrum, a shining alloy of silver and gold.

76. Adenoviruses are medium-sized (90–100 nm), non-enveloped, icosahedral viruses composed of a nucleocapsid and a linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome

77. Although far from her initial career path, Brittaney found herself enveloped in the legal field and has found a niche for assisting others.

78. The image of Moses enveloped in the cloud of unknowing seemed to express the kind of spirituality they were trying to create.

79. Biocidal ZF™ is a special spray-disinfectant for incubators and laminar flow hoods that protects cultures against bacteria, fungi and enveloped viruses.

80. Baculoviruses are a group of enveloped, double-stranded DNA insect viruses with Budded (BV) and occlusion-derived (ODV) virions produced during their infection cycle