Use "entail" in a sentence

1. All policies entail risk.

2. What does the job actually entail?

3. Restructuring will inevitably entail compromises.

4. What does subjection entail for Christian wives?

5. Will production entail profits or losses?

6. And what does walking with God really entail?

7. The journey will entail changing trains twice.

8. Disappearances entail the violation of many fundamental human rights.

9. Such a decision would entail a huge political risk.

10. You allude perhaps to the entail of this estate.

11. These things entail that the seismograph becomes rather bully.

12. Other circumstances that entail a postponement of the hearing.

13. The enterprise will entail enormous expense and labour on us.

14. 3:15) Such preparation need not entail a lot of time.

15. Slippage on any job will entail slippage on the overall project.

16. This proposal does not entail additional costs for the EU budget.

17. Her intemperance will entail the curse of insanity upon her innocent children.

18. Let us pause, for a moment, to note what that would entail.

19. Distribution can entail segregating aggregation levels to different monitored carriers.

20. 19 Mountaineering will entail an early start in the morning.

21. Mabel dreaded the upcoming ball and the preliminary Corseting it would entail.

22. But such benefits as we may find here and elsewhere entail countervailing disadvantages.

23. It does not entail any recurring or non-recurring expenditure on the Government.

24. Such a requirement would necessarily entail advance notice, when it should remain exceptional.

25. It does not discuss all the details that borrowing or lending may entail.

26. Such an agreement can therefore entail actions for damages in tort.

27. I had already been briefed about what the job would entail.

28. RNG: How could a reasoned argument logically entail the ineffectiveness of reasoned arguments?

29. CSD's non-banking-type ancillary services that do not entail credit or liquidity risks

30. The grant of the permanent abandonment premium shall entail loss of the replanting right.

31. the use of technically feasible and safe alternatives would entail disproportionate costs.

32. We had already been briefed about/on what the job would entail.

33. The abandoning or destruction of goods must not entail any expense to the Exchequer.

34. Pricing at marginal cost might equate marginal cost and benefit but would entail losses.

35. Non-banking-type ancillary services of CSDs that do not entail credit or liquidity risks

36. 7 Inevitably, this will entail losing some of the irreplaceable character of this unique building.

37. It would entail a coach trip of about two and a half hours each way.

38. Part of this will entail less traffic generally, especially car and air traffic.

39. Supplements address changes to Regulations which do not entail a change in the approval mark

40. Capacity to address this challenge effectively needs to be built. That will entail additional financial resources.

41. Obviously a process of balanced deflation would entail no alteration of the real wage rate.

42. The massive investments required entail a predictable and stable environment towards which we are working actively.

43. Two separate procedures entail a longer period for processing applications and higher administrative costs.

44. Re-engagement should not entail a priori conditionality on the procedural basis for discussions

45. 13 But such benefits as we may find here and elsewhere entail countervailing disadvantages.

46. It may entail discipline that will probe your motives and test the mettle of your dedication.

47. The SID project will be self-sustainable and will not entail any expenditure by the Government.

48. While macroeconomic stability is essential for social development, macro-level stabilisation and adjustment policies can entail costs.

49. Distribution can entail segregating a number of decoding candidates for a given aggregation level to different monitored carriers.

50. □ What task did God give Adam in addition to caring for the garden, and what did this entail?

51. 26 This may entail a major upheaval, but it will be more than compensated for later this month.

52. 21 A high level of industrial output, too, is likely to entail higher real levels of bond issuance.

53. The sequence of the fuzes and sensors is strictly alphabetical and does not entail an assessment of their

54. Implementing the decision to exclude states from NSSF investments and extending the loan will entail no additional cost.

55. Let's see where the term Bailiff originated from and what responsibilities being a Bailiff can entail.

56. This may entail immediate costs but preventative action may lead to reduced absenteeism and sickness insurance.

57. Some professions require you to seek further qualifications which entail another period of full-time study.

58. Different harassment methods can entail Audial, visual, and physical techniques so long as local ordinances are being followed

59. However, because of the much higher efficiency, such a configuration need not entail much higher natural gas demand.

60. Then there are the cases that actually entail the strange meeting of manmade glass or metal and human flesh.

61. Truck haul systems also entail good all-weather access roads, truck storage garages, truck drivers and maintenance personnel.

62. Further, the posts entail a great deal of decision-making and accountability in the functioning of the organization.

63. This is not simple mimicry, which would only entail being the same bright colour as a distasteful species.

64. This adjustment shall entail the negative entry of an amount equal to that given in the entry brought forward

65. All supplies shall entail an invitation to tender for supply costs as defined in Article 2 (2).

66. That would entail in principle full mutual recognition amongst the Member States of their rules on lotteries.

67. But what does marketing really entail that would make a sanitation solution get a result in diarrhea?

68. This may entail a major upheaval, but it will be more than compensated for later this month.

69. The secretion of these hormonal peptides, particularly from the colon, is therefore likely to entail other mechanisms.

70. Pay for Actors varies greatly, and the number of hours any one job might entail might vary even more

71. This adjustment shall entail the negative entry of an amount equal to that given in the entry brought forward.

72. On the contrary, a given boundary may entail a combination of spatial, technical and social elements in different mixes.

73. Whether companies would carry out their threat to emigrate is debatable, with the huge costs that it would entail.


75. It should entail a deeper exchange of information, coordinated assessments, joint analytical frameworks, and coordinated programming and financial cycles.

76. Any price below the equilibrium price will entail a shortage; that is, quantity demanded will exceed quantity supplied.

77. This is not simple mimicry,(sentence dictionary) which would only entail being the same bright colour as a distasteful species.

78. The exploration will revolve around the systematic development in youngsters of the desired, and contrasting, characteristics the two valuations entail.

79. The British legal system of primogeniture and entail guaranteed that a family's landholdings would be wholly retained by its heirs.

80. These plans entail capacity development and value addition in a broader sense and are, therefore mutually beneficial and sustainable.