Use "endured" in a sentence

1. Bearable: capable of being endured.

2. Job Endured —So Can We!

3. He “Endured to the End”

4. The company endured heavy financial losses.

5. The islanders endured centuries of exploitation.

6. She endured her illness with great fortitude.

7. They endured years of suffering and privation.

8. He endured agonies of loneliness and misery.

9. She endured the monstrous behaviour for years.

10. I'm sure you endured yours with grace.

11. It can be endured, embraced and suffered.

12. She endured her long illness with stoicism.

13. What can’t be cured must be endured

14. Job endured vicious and hateful attacks from Satan.

15. Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.

16. He recently endured a five-way heart bypass.

17. Even in the darkest ages humanity has endured.

18. Capable of being endured: Bearable pain; a Bearable schedule

19. Over the centuries Arras endured sieges, occupation and annexation

20. Paul understood the hardships endured by ill-treated Christians.

21. 5 She had endured years of intimidation and violence.

22. 3 Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.

23. The suffering you endured left no bitterness in you.

24. But it can be endured with strength from Jehovah.

25. Despite these painful difficulties, Rebecca’s faith and courage endured.

26. For the first three years he endured abject misery.

27. 4 What cannot be cured must be endured

28. They endured hours of backbreaking work in miserable conditions.

29. That affinity and warmth in the relationship has endured.

30. 3 What can’t be cured must be endured

31. 8 In his final hours, Jesus endured tremendous physical suffering.

32. My family had endured their own hardships during the ban.

33. After We Have Been Faithful and Endured to the End

34. James wrote: “Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured.

35. “We pronounce happy those who have endured.” —JAMES 5:11.

36. “Certain forms of suffering, endured well, can actually be ennobling.

37. Yet, could primitive life have endured in such an environment?

38. It is an experience I am grateful to have endured.

39. The Bible says: “We pronounce happy those who have endured.

40. He endured the pain of his wounds with great stoicism.

41. Daughters, too, are born after their parents have endured stillbirths.

42. Apparently, Beaverboard wallboard was a product that endured for many years

43. wrote the disciple James. “We pronounce happy those who have endured.

44. The disciple James wrote: “We pronounce happy those who have endured.

45. The two men endured great hardship during their trek across Antarctica.

46. En route, she endured several re-Blindfoldings, misdirections, and near submersions

47. Another land where Jehovah’s Witnesses endured decades of discrimination was Hungary.

48. 17 My friends endured tremendous danger in order to help me.

49. “Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured.” —JAMES 5:11.

50. She has endured house arrest and continual harassment by the police.

51. It is true that mankind throughout history has endured food shortages.

52. THROUGHOUT history, millions of people have endured the burden of slavery.

53. Many endured wars and devastation and lived to tell about it.

54. Rather, you endured the pain in order to reap future healthful benefits.

55. The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped and noisy apartment.

56. Many brothers endured much ridicule and abuse at their places of work.

57. James 5:11 assures us: ‘We consider happy those who have endured.

58. Top synonyms for Abided (other words for Abided) are endured, continued and persisted.

59. What have God’s loyal ones endured, and how have they regarded these trials?

60. 14:6-8) With trust in God, Caleb and Joshua endured various hardships.

61. 19 It's the same valor that endured the stinging cold of Valley Forge.

62. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron endured a lifetime of hatred

63. But in Leeds High Court, a vet denied the mink endured unnecessary suffering.

64. The priest Bogomil founded this sect in Bulgaria and endured through Medieval times

65. Nasser's 1956 triumph endured in Arab memory as a moment of cathartic liberation.

66. Bearable (1 Occurrence) Noah Webster's Dictionary (a.) Capable of being borne or endured; tolerable

67. In fact, the congressman endured open- heart surgery just a couple of years ago

68. God’s Kingdom will more than make up for all the suffering we have endured

69. In fact, the congressman endured open-heart surgery just a couple of years ago.

70. Until I emigrated to America, my family and I endured progressive ostracism and discrimination.

71. Landing safely on the rocky river shore, she endured a reprimand from a friend.

72. Diderot endured imprisonment in the Chateau of Vincennes, and was threatened with the Bastille.

73. Exactly what did John Lucas do to deserve the humiliation he endured last week?

74. Words alone cannot convey the untold misery endured by people in these refugee camps.

75. Synonyms for Coped include managed, survived, contended, dealt, endured, grappled, hacked, handled, faced and fared

76. Synonyms for Aboded include took, endured, tolerated, beared, suffered, withstood, braved, faced, stood and underwent

77. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and discomfort the Prophet Joseph must have endured.

78. “For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame.”

79. Throughout all this, the people of Baalbek endured and the temples, while impacted, remained.

80. How can I explain his silence to these people, who have endured so much?