Use "elijah" in a sentence

1. We're vampires, Elijah.

2. Elijah Busier, San Diego, California

3. The Spirit and Work of Elijah

4. He will send Elijah the prophet.”

5. Elijah proposes a fire test.

6. Elijah humbly appointed Elisha as his successor

7. When Elijah was depressed, Jehovah kindly comforted him

8. No longer afraid, Elijah returned to his assignment.

9. The woman obeyed Elijah (pretend to knead bread).

10. Finally, Elijah heard a calm, low voice.

11. Elijah hid in a cave in Horeb all by himself.

12. Then, two figures, identified as “Moses and Elijah,” appear.

13. Elijah went on to pronounce God’s sentence on Ahab.

14. ELIJAH ran through the rain as the darkness deepened.

15. Second, Jehovah comforted Elijah with “a calm, low voice.”

16. The ancient prophet Malachi foretold the coming of Elijah.

17. ELIJAH longed to be alone with his heavenly Father.

18. 5. (a) How were Hannah, Elijah, and Paul rewarded?

19. Introduction to Section 8 —From Solomon to Elijah

20. 20, 21. (a) Describe what Elijah witnessed from the mouth of the cave on Mount Horeb. (b) What did Jehovah’s displays of power teach Elijah?

21. Add Moses and Elijah to the list on the board.

22. Elijah could not bear to see this tragedy thus compounded.

23. Elijah said that they were “limping upon two different opinions.”

24. He receives a notice of death from the prophet Elijah.

25. Elisha desired to serve with Elijah as long as possible

26. Initially, God commanded ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat.

27. Immediately, Elijah went to do what Jehovah had told him.

28. However, Elisha was not the only spiritual son of Elijah.

29. He sent the prophet Elijah to give Ahab a message.

30. Elijah eagerly sought evidence that Jehovah was about to act

31. What did Elijah mean by the expression “limping upon two different opinions”?

32. Elijah Macy cuts into his profits, he responds by eliminating the competition.

33. THE ELIJAH CHURCH IS A ConfrontationAL CHURCH INTRO: This is part of a series using the life of Elijah as a picture of the last day Church.

34. □ Why is it possible for us to be faithful like Elijah?

35. Now, while Elijah was in the cave, Jehovah spoke to him.

36. There, sitting under a broom tree, Elijah lamented: “It is enough!

37. What happened to Elijah as he “went ascending in the windstorm”?

38. In the Old Testament, Elijah contended with the priests of Baal.

39. In deep distress, Elijah poured out his heart to Jehovah

40. Elijah resurrected a widow’s son. —1 Kings 17:17-24

41. Later, Jehovah quietly spoke to him, asking: “What is your business here, Elijah?”

42. Elijah said: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

43. A severely distressed Elijah “began to ask that his soul might die.”

44. Westward you can see Mount Carmel, where Elijah held the fire test.

45. This is all the physical evidence from the Elijah Macy murder scene.

46. Parents of Elijah Blue Allman were celebrities, Cher and Gregg Allman

47. “Call at the top of your voice,” Elijah urged those charlatans.

48. The Elijah-Elisha saga made a further deep impression on me.

49. 10 What did Elijah mean by the expression “limping upon two different opinions”?

50. Are you confronted with opponents, as was Elijah? —1 Kings 18:36, 37.

51. He is also the prophet Elijah, as foretold at Malachi 4:5, 6.

52. Elijah Fordham leaped from his bed like a man raised from the dead.

53. Christians and Jews the world over accept the Old Testament account of Elijah.

54. Thus fortified, Elijah undertook his next prophetic assignment. —1 Kings 19:5-18.

55. “Elijah was a man with feelings like ours,” wrote the disciple James.

56. We read of King David, the prophet Elijah, and the apostle Paul.

57. Thus, they will be helped to endure, as Elijah was.—2 Corinthians 4:7, 8.

58. Haven't you had your fill of telling me all the ways I've disappointed you, Elijah?

59. He miraculously provided food for the woman, her son, and Elijah during the drought.

60. 12 Who, then, do Moses and Elijah foreshadow in the context of the transfiguration?

61. Lu 4:25 —How long did the drought last in the days of Elijah?

62. (Numbers 11:15) Fleeing from his enemies, the prophet Elijah exclaimed: “It is enough!

63. Jesus Christ quotes Malachi’s prophecy that Elijah would return prior to the Second Coming

64. (b) How have anointed Christians demonstrated the spirit of Moses and Elijah since 1914?

65. Well into the afternoon, Elijah finally said to all the people: “Approach me.”

66. The angel gently woke Elijah with a touch and said: “Rise up, eat.”

67. Scripture records that Elijah the prophet stood before Joseph and Oliver and said:

68. (1 Kings 19:13-18) Like Elijah, we may be hounded by enemies of true worship.

69. The coming of Elijah was a necessary preparation for the Second Coming of the Savior.

70. Elijah brings the boy down to his mother and says: “See, your son is alive.”

71. Then Elijah addressed the crowd: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

72. Some scholars suggest that Elijah may have alluded to the ritual dance of Baal worshipers.

73. Yet, in those few lines, Elijah three times addressed God by his personal name, Jehovah.

74. As discouraged as Elijah was, he traveled to Mount Horeb to receive instruction from Jehovah.

75. Right before Elisha’s startled eyes, Elijah was swept up in a windstorm—miraculously transferred to another place.

76. What he saw when Elijah ascended in the windstorm undoubtedly made a very great impression on Elisha.

77. 1 As they draw near Elijah detains them and asks if they intend to board the ship.

78. Many Bidets is Family Owned and Operated by Daniel, Nicole, Elijah, and Benjamin Johnson

79. He struck the waters, saying: “Where is Jehovah the God of Elijah, even He?”

80. 2:11 —What were “the heavens” to which “Elijah went ascending in the windstorm”?