Use "efficacious" in a sentence

1. Vaccination for smallpox is efficacious.

2. This, as almost always, proved efficacious.

3. Example is always more efficacious than precept. 

4. Asarum is an efficacious traditional Chinese medicine.

5. • Oral acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir are comparably efficacious.

6. Repentance will be more efficacious for such an individual.

7. 3 Example is always more efficacious than precept. 

8. Additionally we use Clinically backed ingredients at efficacious doses

9. Qingdao is a resort efficacious for a variety of bodily ills.

10. The nasal spray was new on the market and highly efficacious.

11. Necessary as therapeutic choice as in some cases more efficacious than β-agonists.

12. It occurs to me that example is always more efficacious than precept.

13. He sees the present as the open door to an efficacious future.

14. An Alkylating agent that is one of the most efficacious immunosuppressive drugs available

15. 21 It occurs to me that example is always more efficacious than precept.

16. This suggests that improving access to dietitians might be more efficacious than other changes.

17. - an undertaking by the manufacturer to keep the approved quality system adequate and efficacious,

18. Antonyms for Counterproductive include effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, expedient, operant, ultraefficient, prudent, practical and judicious

19. If we did, we would be forced to choose between enormous guilt and efficacious action.

20. The tussis that this models after to snifters early phase turn up is especially efficacious.

21. They are highly targeted, efficacious, and represent an increasingly important part of physicians' Armamentaria in th …

22. The use of ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve blocks is efficacious in adults and children following herniorrhaphy.

23. Tinidazole has been shown to be efficacious in protozoal infections such as trichomonal vaginitis, amoebiasis and giardiasis.

24. Bads was efficacious in detecting executive deficits in this sample, as confirmed by other executive functions tests applied

25. Objective: Cannabidiol is efficacious as an adjunctive treatment in children with epilepsy associated with Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes

26. Oming.Antivenomis efficacious indecreasingthe likelihood ofdyingand isthemaintreat- mentforsnakebite envenoming [1,11,22,23].However, itsadministration isassociatedwith earlyadverse reactions (EAR)which rarelyresults infatality.[24,25,26].Specificinterventions

27. Areas where safeguards developed against the backdrop of a different type of decision-making may be more efficacious and apposite.

28. On seeing the Muybridge article he must immediately have been convinced that photography was the most efficacious means of advancing his researches.

29. Experiments also prove that the features of blocks DCT coefficients in lip region are efficacious to visual single channel lipreading system.

30. The Authority has already concluded that for food glycyrrhizic acid ammoniated is efficacious, as it increases the food smell or palatability.

31. 19 Areas where safeguards developed against the backdrop of a different type of decision-making may be more efficacious and apposite.

32. But rapidly increasing prevalence of resistance to ciprofloxacin is reducing the options for safe and efficacious treatment of shigellosis, particularly for children.

33. This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.

34. Abler is a leading equine pharmaceutical company, producing an efficacious range of products for the treatment and prevention of equine health conditions.

35. Results indicate that the two experimental conditions were superior to the control condition, but that the cognitive and behavioral Bibliotherapies were nondifferentially efficacious.

36. Doxepin, a tricyclic antidepressant, is the most efficacious Antipruritic available to dermatologists, however its use is often suboptimal because of significant interindividual variability in

37. The larvicidal dose of fenbendazole is widely recognized as one of the safest and most efficacious products for treating Ascarids, including ivermectin-resistant Ascarids

38. Transgenic plant-derived vaccine developed in recent years, and ompare with other vaccines, it's cheaper, safer and more efficacious, and become important in vaccin research.

39. Efficacious preventives and/or remedies for hyperphosphatemia or secondary accessory thyroid hyperfunction and concomitant symptoms thereof which contain adenosine antagonists as the active ingredient.

40. In practice, the equipotency model (allowing all principal therapies to be viewed as Comparably efficacious) promotes professionals treating patients according to their preferred treatment model

41. (1) Even with modern efficacious treatments for schizophrenia, we face troubling questions about how much they Befog the mind and how much they harm the brain

42. A ten day course of an oral single dose of rufloxacin proved efficacious and was well tolerated in patients with an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

43. Apomorphine sublingual film (Kynmobi, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals) was efficacious and generally safe and well tolerated for the on-demand treatment of OFF episodes in Parkinson's disease, long-term

44. Quick judger, long-time Begrudger Dialed in to the pyramid structure Efficacious B-follows-A-cious Something you can shove in their faces Holding out for maximum missed time

45. Finally, it is pointed out that when the parameter scvies of products is chosen, it is not always efficacious to apply geometric series first, and the possibility to increase the eco-...

46. Successful reproduction of adenoviral gizzard erosion in 20-week-old SPF layer-type chickens and efficacious prophylaxis due to live vaccination with an Apathogenic fowl adenovirus serotype 1 strain (CELO)

47. The total hip arthroplasty (THA) which is widely used in the field of surgical osteoplasty is an efficacious method of curing hip diseases and recuperating the walking function of patients.

48. If we cannot do so, if the absurd is born on that occasion, it is born precisely at the very meeting-point of that efficacious but limited reason with the ever resurgent irrational.

49. 23 If we cannot do so, if the absurd is born on that occasion, it is born precisely at the very meeting-point of that efficacious but limited reason with the ever resurgent irrational.

50. Like many contemporaries, Confucius saw ritual practices as efficacious ways to access Tian, but he thought that the crucial knot was the state of meditation that participants enter prior to engage in the ritual acts.

51. To make punishments efficacious they should be (4) 'Characteristical' or impressive to the imagination; and that they may not be excessive they should be (5) exemplary or likely to impress others, and (6) frugal

52. So it is possible to point out wether an increased bilirubin serum level is resulted from slow excretion or from high afflux of endogenous bilirubin, at last if both of this influences are efficacious.

53. These compounds are useful antipsychotic agents efficacious against not only positive symptoms centering on the hallucination, delusion and the like peculiar to the acute stage of schizophrenia, but also negative symptoms such as emotional torpidity, abulia and autism.

54. Astrogation mien bandeau grindability vissery nickname Wallach akreditiv Rilindje lus light-complected oma etu, omanvoitonpyyntö, oman edun tavoittelu, itsekkyys deuterium emmanthe duster serial soon branched light fixture which is suspended from a ceiling, hanging light with branches organization committee sok efficacious and powerful (god

55. Nursing and coping with stress The individual differences approach that we took in investigating coping was grounded on our laboratory findings of how rejected helpers of varying degrees in self-perception of being efficacious and caring in helping others Coped with the

56. receptors rather than D¿2? receptors, these compounds are useful as antipsychotic agents efficacious not only against positive symptoms typified by hallucination and delusion characteristic to the acute stage of schizophrenia but also negative symptoms such as emotional torpidity, abulia and autism.

57. Benedictus is a most attractive and efficacious instrument by which to deepen our knowledge of the sublime richness of the Sacred Liturgy – in truth, our fullest and most perfect encounter with Christ on earth – as it has been handed down to us in an unbroken …

58. Gallegos et al.(69) found that clindamycin regimens of either 150 mg 4 times per day or 300 mg 2 times per day were equally efficacious, with a clinical cure rate of 93% among adults with acute streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis in a double-blind, randomized, multicentre study.

59. This is a typical Conceptualist affirmation; but then they go on to affirm, “So the existence of propositions as well derives from an efficacious divine conceiving.” One should have expected a Conceptualist to say that propositions are a divine conceiving, not that they derive from it

60. Anarchism - Anarchism - Anarchism as a movement, 1870–1940: A crucial development in the history of Anarchism was the emergence of the doctrine of “propaganda of the deed.” In 1876 Errico Malatesta expressed the belief held by Italian anarchists that “the insurrectionary deed destined to affirm socialist principles by acts, is the most efficacious means of propaganda.”

61. A remedy for dermatitis comprising one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of (A) zinc compounds and (B) polyvalent unsaturated fatty acids and esters thereof and being highly efficacious against intestinal acrodermatitis and dermatitis seborrhoica showing similar skin symptoms, psoriasis vulgaris, bullous diseases, pruritus cutaneous or symptoms accompanying zinc deficiency caused by trauma, burn or frostbite.

62. This preparation is a product comprising a mixture of catechins or polyphenols extracted from chinese green tea or other vegetables that has proven to be efficacious in the chemical prevention of prostate cancer in a clinical pilot study when administered in adequate systemic dosage without the aid of other conventional drugs or remedies and without adverse effects in a group of subjects at risk of development of the illness.