Use "eat up" in a sentence

1. Eat up your greens.

2. Eat up, little homey.

3. Shut up and eat.

4. 17 Eat up your greens.

5. Now cheer up and eat!

6. 15 Eat up your lunch.

7. The press'll eat this up.

8. 19 Come on,children,eat up!

9. Put up or shut up. You eat with that mouth?

10. 6 Come on. Eat up your potatoes.

11. 7 Big cars just eat up money.

12. 2 Come on,my boy,eat up!

13. 10 Come on,( eat up your lunch.

14. The great fish eat up the small. 

15. The family values crowd would eat that up.

16. Then the friendly gods eat up my sacrifice

17. 5 Eat up! You'll be late for school.

18. Eat up your greens?there's a good boy.

19. If I eat it, my stomach bloats up.

20. Foxes dig up dead animals and eat them.

21. I can't eat any more.I'm up to here.

22. GG(A): You eat with that mouth? Put up or shut up!

23. 9 Eat up your broccoli. It's good for you.

24. 8 Eat up your greens?there's a good boy.

25. 22 I could eat you up;you're so cute.

26. 1 The great fish eat up the small. 

27. 11 Come on, eat up, there's a good girl.

28. Eat up your fish and don't be so finicky.

29. Eat up the fried cake before it gets cold.

30. 3 Eat up! We've got to go out soon.

31. Either you clean up the dirt and eat the cake, or don't eat it and throw it away.

32. Your own spirit, as a fire, will eat you up.

33. 14 The children had to eat up all their food.

34. 4 Be a good boy and eat up your vegetables.

35. 13 Eat up the fried cake before it gets cold.

36. Unfortunately, what is farmed ends up as what we eat.

37. 20 Non-energy saving light bulbs just eat up electricity.

38. I cut it up nicely so it's easy to eat!

39. I said we'd just eat up the odds and ends.

40. 8 For the amoth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool.

41. 12 Eat up your fish and don't be so finicky.

42. Eat up your spaghetti and do not be so finicky!

43. Steamed lamb bubble up not only delicious to eat and nutritious.

44. English words for Comerse include eat up, devour and dispose of

45. Mash the fruit up so that the baby can eat it.

46. Shall we eat out or stay in? It's up to you.

47. More people want to eat meat and the two don't square up.

48. Everyone attend to not up so many, with avidity eat right away.

49. 16 It was greedy of them to eat up all the candy.

50. I'm hungry, so I figure we can eat whoever brings them up.

51. A seahorse can eat up to 3000 brine fish a single day.

52. 23 Come on, boys -- eat up your supper and get to bed.

53. Would you eat a piece of candy picked up from the gutter?

54. The "Capra Ibex" is vegetarian and can eat up to 20 kg.

55. 14 I don't eat breakfast but I make up for it at lunch.

56. They can eat them, because they are so good and drink them up.

57. If a kebab comes along, pull out the stick and eat it up.

58. 18 I can't afford the vacation, for it would eat up my savings.

59. Then, after that, he hung the man up for the birds to eat!

60. The angel gently woke Elijah with a touch and said: “Rise up, eat.”

61. I figured, why eat when I was going to puke it up again?

62. That salmon was very expensive so make sure you eat up every bit.

63. We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune.

64. Man and a Satyr having struck up an acquaintance, sat down together to eat.

65. We had to eat out every night - it ended up costing us a fortune.

66. 24 That salmon was very expensive so make sure you eat up every bit.

67. They will eat up what escaped the hail and was left for you, and they will eat all your trees that are growing in the field.

68. Aardvarks can eat up to 60 thousand termites a day! Aardvarks are good swimmers.

69. An adult blue whale can eat up to 40 million krill in a day.

70. 22 Then they will sit straight and eat up all their nourishing gilt-edged stock.

71. I'm cleaning up these streets so good, you'll be able to eat off of them.

72. And they will tear you apart and eat you up all while you're still alive.

73. Now I'm gonna have to pick that risotto up off the ground to eat it.

74. We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.

75. Other kinds produce antibodies against viruses, detoxify foreign substances, or literally eat up and digest bacteria.”

76. The food of boil mix up , ground Sunday run is deferent like beardless another appearance, the efficiency that clears after have dinner and equipment eat, eat rises greatly.

77. Live not to eat, but eat to live. 

78. Look, feel, eat Better! Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to give up foods you love, just enjoy them prepared in a Better way! Look, feel, eat Better! order

79. 30 We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.

80. Eat to live, but not live to eat.