Use "dynasties" in a sentence

1. Over thousands of years, these dynasties rose and fell.

2. 'Admonitions scroll', China, Six Dynasties period The British Museum Images

3. Commentaries to the Old History of the Five Dynasties, vol.

4. The pass had many different names during former Chinese dynasties.

5. At Southern Dynasties , calligrapher Wang Seng - qian also was a calligrphic theorist.

6. This fine customs was then upheld by generations throughout the ensuing dynasties .

7. Angevin anjvin [Fr.,=of Anjou], name of two medieval dynasties originating in France

8. Bestowing favor on a dubious sycophant often lead to the downfall of dynasties.

9. “Human dynasties can be replaced, and the capitals change, but Archean City remains unchanging

10. Algeria has known many empires and dynasties starting with the ancient Numidians (3rd century B.C.), Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, over a dozen different Arab and Berber dynasties, Spaniards, and Ottoman Turks

11. This system was different from the previous dynasties, which had loose alliances and federations.

12. Alids and Alid dynasties of northern Iran · See more » Almanach de Gotha

13. Angevin (ăn`jəvĭn) [Fr.,=of Anjou], name of two medieval dynasties originating in France

14. 8 Preservation hall has stone censer Dynasties, Song Dynasty stone and stone luohanjing chuang.

15. Sobekneferu, ruling six dynasties prior to Hatshepsut, also did so when she ruled Egypt.

16. Ruan Ji was an important litterateur in the and Jin Dynasties in Chinese history.

17. Tri-coloured Pottery Figurine of Lady Tang Dynasty (618-907) Tri-coloured Pottery Figurine of Foreigner Tang Dynasty (618-907) The final two dynasties of the period were the Ming (A.D. 1368–1644) and Qing Dynasties.

18. To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, Zhouqu Tibetan sphere of influence is still habitat.

19. Abbasid caliphate, second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire of the caliphate

20. The Historical Scholar and Historical Chronicler also appeared in the late of the Southern Dynasties.

21. Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties

22. The Arsonist is a mercenary ranged heavy infantry in Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

23. Create your own houses, neighborhoods, Sims, and family dynasties - then watch it all come to life!

24. We've found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order.

25. It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties.

26. A day where lives are changed, fates are decided, dynasties are born, and the clock is always ticking.

27. • With the establishment of strong dynasties, civil wars and Baronial insurrections were quelled or kept under control

28. There was no distinct break in the line of the royal family between the 17th and 18th dynasties.

29. In a treaty concluded that year between the two Kurdish dynasties, Abul-Fath declared himself a Hasanwayhid vassal.

30. Atheling definition: (in Anglo-Saxon England ) a prince of any of the royal dynasties Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

31. The capitation of the two Han dynasties was divided into three kinds of adult tax, unadult tax and quitrent.

32. Historical discussion of the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties tends to conflate the two by labelling them both as Berber and “fundamentalist.” While both dynasties did, indeed, originate in Amazigh tribes from what is now Morocco, their interpretations of Islam were far from the same

33. One of the most powerful dynasties in European history, Krupp flourished for 400 years as the premier weapons manufacturer of Germany.

34. Faience tiles, first made in the early dynasties, were used to decorate the walls of the subterranean chambers of the pyramids.

35. However, the ennoblement in Five Dynasties was the political wrestle and compromise of the northern regime and the southern stratocracy.

36. Book of Changes emphasizes that only antinomy between both parties of contradiction can accelerate the transform and affect Taos of past dynasties.

37. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties the bronze mirrors appeared in all shapes: round, rectangular, rhomboidal, octagonal, and those with a handle.

38. The pact was ostensibly motivated by a desire to eradicate political dynasties and corruption in favour of political renovation and democratic change.

39. 20 Wu's poems full of Paladin complex were evidently rare treasures in the content - inanition Parnassus of the Qi and Liang dynasties.

40. Palace conviviality was an indispensable component on the history of chinese traditional music, it had reached unprecedented brilliance in Sui and Tang dynasties.

41. Abbasid was the dynastic name generally given to the caliphs of Baghdad, the second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire

42. 27 The pact was ostensibly motivated by a desire to eradicate political dynasties and corruption in favour of political renovation and democratic change.

43. 9 The culture of supernatural being and alchemist in Qin and Han Dynasties is an important cultural integrant being pregnant with early Taoism.

44. The Greco-Bactrian kingdom refers to several dynasties and probably kingdoms of Greco-Macedonian monarchs who ruled over Bactria from 250 to 130 BCE.

45. Palace Conviviality was an indispensable component on the history of chinese traditional music, it had reached unprecedented brilliance in Sui and Tang dynasties

46. Chinois, Robert Kuo’s first foray into ceramic tile, is grounded in traditional motifs and the wood-fired pottery glazes of the Song and Tang Dynasties.

47. In the Jin-Tang Dynasties, when Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism contended, conflicted and well blent , forming a state of mingled thoughts of the three sects.

48. This indicates the Mosaic period when the conquerors of the XVIIIth and XIXth Egyptian Dynasties made Canaan for a time a province of the Egyptian empire.

49. Flying acrobats and a lone Beribboned female dancer recalled the grottos of Dunhuang painted in the Wei and Tang dynasties when camel caravans plied the Silk Road: 4

50. Although the Five Dynasties saw no extra-ordinarily famous writer or works, parallel prose with its splendent achievements in history, had not been fade away in this dynasty.

51. The Brahmins would make a king in two ways, one by establishing his genealogy and connecting him to the kings of yore from the solar or lunar dynasties.

52. The legend of "big catalpa spirit' of Qin was widely Broadcasted since Qinji of the War ring States to Odd Records of the Six Dynasties" 30

53. Cultivation area of litchi chinensis was extended during Ming and Qing Dynasties. Especially the cultivation of Gualv litchi made Tsengcheng litchi chinensis much more famous than ever.

54. Bastet, the form of the name that is most commonly adopted by Egyptologists today because of its use in later dynasties, is a modern convention offering one possible reconstruction

55. Since Confucius initiated Confucianism, though it has gone through changes of past dynasties, it has been the mainstream of Chinese ideology, politics and culture all through the ages

56. The intervening minor and subordinate dynasties , wedged among the three imperial powers as buffer states , also took part in the activity and contributed to this movement in their respective regions .

57. Archaising sculptures of the 25th and 26th Dynasties are sometimes such successful imitations of earlier works that dating would be difficult were it not for the inscriptions, which provide essential clues

58. It could also embody the historic process that the thearchy of emperor was on the wane and the folk religion gained in strength in the Pre-Qin, Qin and Han Dynasties.

59. 6 The judging standards of polysyllabic words of The History of Southern Dynasties include meaning, grammar, meaning of context,[] figure of speech and the appearing frequency of this word.

60. The Besht’s great student, Rabbi Dovber, the Maggid of Mezritch, continued his legacy and passed it on to his many students, who became the founders of each of their respective Chassidic dynasties

61. The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, lies in the city center of Beijing, and was once the Chinese imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 - 1911)

62. Over and over again in Muhammadan history, dynasties have come to grief because the sons of a sultan by different mothers could not agree, and in the resulting civil war universal ruin resulted .

63. The seals of several Chola copper coins show the tiger, the Pandyan emblem fish and the Chera emblem bow, indicating that the Cholas had achieved political supremacy over the latter two dynasties.

64. Since Southern-Northern Dynasties, the Diabolism has become synonymous for some heretic Taoists. Hand in hand with the development of Taoism, it still exists in the minds of a lot of people.

65. Nabis executed the last descendants of the two Spartan royal dynasties; and the ancient sources, especially Polybius and Livy, depict him as a bloodthirsty ruler who held power through armed force and shocking brutality.

66. For example, the term Archaising is appropriate for the 25 th and 26 th dynasties, which take inspiration from the pinnacles of Egyptian craftsmanship (the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom).

67. Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties Reworked Armorica to a more historical setup Reworked the vassals of Soissons to fit the old Roman provincial setup

68. • Despite the similarity of faith (both Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasty shared Muslim faith), there were many differences in the two dynasties that were to lay the foundation of the future of Islam in the world

69. European leaders acted like a “generation of sleepwalkers that stumbled unawares over the ledge of doom during that halcyon summer of 1914,” explains the work The Fall of the Dynasties —The Collapse of the Old Order 1905-1922.

70. She renounces her fair facade with resolution and enthralls the world whilst clad in white, Bestirring nations and dynasties with the flip of a hand.He is an invincible war god and never shows mercy in his slaughter

71. Although Berbers ruled the region until the 16th century (under such powerful dynasties as the Almoravids, the Almohads, Hafsids, etc.), the arrival of these tribes eventually helped Arabize much of it ethnically, in addition to the linguistic and political impact on …

72. Buyides (incidemment et apres avoir precise qu'Abfi'l-Hasan Haitham en parlait moins que des dynasties de l'Iran oriental), aux relations entre Mahmid de Ghazna et les Seljukides, enfin aux lointaines origines des Ghfirides au VIXIe siecle (traduction Raver-ty, p

73. This is the first book in English to provide a comprehensive account of the rise and fall of the Almoravids and the Almohads, the two most important Berber dynasties of the medieval Islamic west, an area that encompassed southern Spain and Portugal, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

74. God's Wife of Amun (Egyptian: ḥm.t nṯr n ỉmn) was the highest-ranking priestess of the Amun cult, an important religious institution in ancient Egypt.The cult was centered in Thebes in Upper Egypt during the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth dynasties (circa 740–525 BC)

75. Although it is impossible to unite the three Frankish royal dynasties in a single agnatic line, the multiple entanglements between the three proven pedigree families, particularly between Robertians and Carolingians, and historical continuity prompted to designate them together with the term House of France.

76. The Alids are the dynasties descended from Ali ibn Abi Talib, son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (see Family tree of Muhammad and Family tree of Husayn ibn Ali).Shia Muslims consider him the First Imam appointed by Muhammad and the first rightful caliph.

77. - Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties - Reworked Armorica to a more historical setup - Reworked the vassals of Soissons to fit the old Roman provincial setup - Tweaked the governments in East Africa - Added 6 Monophysite provinces in

78. The Eternal Feast: Banqueting in Chinese Art from the 10th to the 14th Century brings to life the art of the feast during three transformative Chinese dynasties, the Song, Liao, and Yuan, which together enjoyed a thriving economy, cultural flourishing, and the intermingling of foreign and native traditions

79. C.E. Bosworth in, The New Islamic Dynasties, states: As to the religious affiliations of the Qara Qoyunlu, although some of the later member of the family had Shi'i-type names and there were occasional Shi'i coin legends, there seems no strong evidence for definite Shi'i sympathies among many Turkmen elements of the time.

80. Algerian Film & Theater Personalities Algerian Intellectuals & Academics Algerian Leaders Algerian Sportspersons Algerian Writers Algeria, the largest country in Africa and the Arab world boasts of a rich cultural heritage as it has known many empires and dynasties in the ancient times, and was once a part of the French colonial empire.